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There are 2390 total results for your Two search. I have created 24 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
dìng xìng èr shèng
    ding4 xing4 er4 sheng4
ting hsing erh sheng
 jōshō nijō
the two vehicles of fixed nature


see styles
 jitsuryokuhakuchuu / jitsuryokuhakuchu
(yoji) (the two persons' sides) being evenly matched in ability


see styles
(1) meeting; gathering; (2) village assembly; (3) (sumo) two wrestlers approaching each other


see styles
(person) Hanshan and Shi De (two Tang-era Chinese monks, often the subjects of works of art)


see styles
 taisenseiseki / taisenseseki
win-loss records (between two participants)



see styles
duì kǒu xiàng shēng
    dui4 kou3 xiang4 sheng1
tui k`ou hsiang sheng
    tui kou hsiang sheng
comic crosstalk; formalized comic dialogue between two stand-up comics: funny man 逗哏[dou4 gen2] and straight man 捧哏[peng3 gen2]


see styles
xiǎo shèng èr bù
    xiao3 sheng4 er4 bu4
hsiao sheng erh pu
 shōjō nibu
The 上座部 Sthaviravādin, School of Presbyters, and 大衆部 Sarvāstivādin, q.v.


see styles
clave-like folk instrument; two bamboo pieces beaten together


see styles
zuǒ yòu gōu quán
    zuo3 you4 gou1 quan2
tso yu kou ch`üan
    tso yu kou chüan
left hook and right hook (boxing); the old one-two


see styles
carrying upon two persons' shoulders



see styles
yǐ lí yù zhě
    yi3 li2 yu4 zhe3
i li yü che
 i riyoku sha
Those who have abandoned the desire-realm; divided into two classes, 異生 ordinary people who have left desire, but will be born into the six gati; 聖者 the saints, who will not be reborn into the desire-realm; e. g. non-Buddhists and Buddhists.


see styles
 choubagoushi / chobagoshi
short two or three-fold lattice around the front desk of a store



see styles
cháng guāng yī xún
    chang2 guang1 yi1 xun2
ch`ang kuang i hsün
    chang kuang i hsün
 jōkō ichijin
an aura that is always shining two arms-length


see styles
cutting straight down; cleaving (a person) in two


see styles
shì chā mó nà
    shi4 cha1 mo2 na4
shih ch`a mo na
    shih cha mo na
probationary nun (undergoing a two-year probationary period before receiving ordainment) (san: siksamana)
(Skt. śikṣamāṇā)



see styles
cǎi hóng xíng dòng
    cai3 hong2 xing2 dong4
ts`ai hung hsing tung
    tsai hung hsing tung
the two mass scuttling operations carried out by the German navy: the scuttling of the German fleet at Scapa Flow in 1919 and Operation Regenbogen, the scuttling of U-boats in 1945


see styles
bǐ cǐ bǐ cǐ
    bi3 ci3 bi3 ci3
pi tz`u pi tz`u
    pi tzu pi tzu
you and me both; that makes two of us



see styles
fù yǒu èr zhǒng
    fu4 you3 er4 zhong3
fu yu erh chung
 fukuu nishu
there are two further types...


see styles
two-handed head twist down


see styles
xīn xīn xiāng yìn
    xin1 xin1 xiang1 yin4
hsin hsin hsiang yin
two hearts beat as one (idiom); a kindred spirit



see styles
xīn wú èr yòng
    xin1 wu2 er4 yong4
hsin wu erh yung
one cannot concentrate on two things at the same time



see styles
xīn shēng miè mén
    xin1 sheng1 mie4 men2
hsin sheng mieh men
 shin shōmetsu mon
The two gates of mind, creation and destruction, or beginning and end.



see styles
wǒ fǎ èr zhí
    wo3 fa3 er4 zhi2
wo fa erh chih
 gahō nishū
the two attachments to self and phenomena



see styles
zhǐ fù wéi hūn
    zhi3 fu4 wei2 hun1
chih fu wei hun
to propose the future marriage of two unborn babies on condition that one turns out to be a boy, and the other, a girl (idiom)


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) to divide in two; to divide in half; (2) to apportion; to divide among; to portion out; to allot; to assign


see styles
(noun/participle) holding two or more positions concurrently


see styles
(Godan verb with "tsu" ending) (See 掛持ち,兼任・2) to hold two or more positions concurrently



see styles
tí wèi bō lì
    ti2 wei4 bo1 li4
t`i wei po li
    ti wei po li
 Daii hari
Trapusa and Bhallika, the two merchants who offered Śākyamuni barley and honey after his enlightenment.



see styles
jiào guān èr mén
    jiao4 guan1 er4 men2
chiao kuan erh men
 kyōkan nimon
two approaches of doctrinal and meditative


see styles
word created by retaining the first syllable (or two) of a word and suffixing it with the word "moji"



see styles
duàn cháng èr jiàn
    duan4 chang2 er4 jian4
tuan ch`ang erh chien
    tuan chang erh chien
 danjō niken
two views of nihilism and eternalism



see styles
qí gǔ xiāng dāng
    qi2 gu3 xiang1 dang1
ch`i ku hsiang tang
    chi ku hsiang tang
lit. two armies have equivalent banners and drums (idiom); fig. evenly matched; roughly comparable (opponents)


see styles
 myoumyougonichi / myomyogonichi
(n-adv,n-t) in three days' time; two days after tomorrow


see styles
 myoumyougonichi / myomyogonichi
(n-adv,n-t) in three days' time; two days after tomorrow



see styles
yuè dēng sān mèi
    yue4 deng1 san1 mei4
yüeh teng san mei
 gattō zanmai
candra-dīpa-samādhi, the samādhi said to have been given to 月光童子 by Buddha, the sutra of which is in two translations.



see styles
yǒu èr zhǒng shū
    you3 er4 zhong3 shu1
yu erh chung shu
 un ishu shu
have two kinds of distinctions



see styles
yǒu wú èr jiàn
    you3 wu2 er4 jian4
yu wu erh chien
 umu niken
bhāvābhāva. Existence or nonexistence, being or non-being; these two opposite views, opinions, or theories are the basis of all erroneous views, etc.



see styles
yǒu wú èr biān
    you3 wu2 er4 bian1
yu wu erh pien
 umuni hen
The two extremes of being or non-being.


see styles
yǒu kōng bù èr
    you3 kong1 bu4 er4
yu k`ung pu erh
    yu kung pu erh
 ukū funi
The phenomenal and the noumenal are identical, the phenomenal expresses the noumenal and the noumenon contains the phenomenon.



see styles
běn jī èr mén
    ben3 ji1 er4 men2
pen chi erh men
 honujaku nimon
two aspects of original and derivative



see styles
běn jī èr mén
    ben3 ji1 er4 men2
pen chi erh men
 honjaku nimon
A division of the Lotus Sutra into two parts, the 迹門 being the first fourteen chapters, the 本門 the following fourteen chapters; the first half is related to the Buddha's earthly life and previous teaching; the second half to the final revelation of the Buddha as eternal and the Bodhisattva doctrines.



see styles
běn suí èr huò
    ben3 sui2 er4 huo4
pen sui erh huo
 honzui niwaku
two categories of affliction of affliction of primary and secondary



see styles
bǎn shàng dìng dīng
    ban3 shang4 ding4 ding1
pan shang ting ting
that clinches it; that's final; no two ways about it


see styles
 hyoujunsetai / hyojunsetai
(See モデル世帯) standard family unit; family of two adults and two children



see styles
jī fǎ bù èr
    ji1 fa3 bu4 er4
chi fa pu erh
 kihō funi
one's spiritual abilities and one's access to the dharma are not two



see styles
quán shí èr jiào
    quan2 shi2 er4 jiao4
ch`üan shih erh chiao
    chüan shih erh chiao
 gonjitsu nikyō
two teachings of expedient and true



see styles
quán shí èr zhì
    quan2 shi2 er4 zhi4
ch`üan shih erh chih
    chüan shih erh chih
 gonjitsu nichi
two kinds of wisdom


see styles
zhǐ zuò èr chí
    zhi3 zuo4 er4 chi2
chih tso erh ch`ih
    chih tso erh chih
 shisa niji
two observances of doing and not-doing



see styles
zhèng fǎn liǎng miàn
    zheng4 fan3 liang3 mian4
cheng fan liang mien
two-way; reversible; both sides of the coin


see styles
dú tiān èr gǔ
    du2 tian1 er4 gu3
tu t`ien erh ku
    tu tien erh ku
 dokuten niko
The two kinds of drum: poison-drum, harsh or stern words for repressing evil, and devadrum, gentle words for producing good; also, misleading contrasted with correct teaching. The毒鼓 is likened also to the Buddha-nature which can slay all evil.



see styles
bǐ yì shuāng fēi
    bi3 yi4 shuang1 fei1
pi i shuang fei
lit. a pair of birds flying close together (idiom); fig. two hearts beating as one; name of a sweet and sour chicken wing dish



see styles
bǐ yì qí fēi
    bi3 yi4 qi2 fei1
pi i ch`i fei
    pi i chi fei
to fly wing to wing (idiom); two hearts beating as one; (of a couple) inseparable


see styles
qiun à bá mó
    qiun2 a4 ba2 mo2
qiun a pa mo
Guṇavarman, tr. 功德鐙, a prince of Kubhā (Cashmere), who refused the throne, wandered alone, reached China, tr. ten works, two of which were lost by A. D. 730. Born in 367, he died in Nanjing in A. D. 431. He taught that truth is within, not without, and that the truth (dharma) is of oneself, not of another. The centre of his work is placed in 揚州 Yangzhou. It is said that he started the order of nuns in China, v. 翻譯名義 Fan-yi-ming-yi.



see styles
fǎ shēn tǐ xìng
    fa3 shen1 ti3 xing4
fa shen t`i hsing
    fa shen ti hsing
 hōshin taishō
The embodiment, totality, or nature of the dharmakāya. In Hīnayāna the Buddha-nature in its 理 or absolute side is described as not discussed, being synonymous with the 五分 five divisions of the commandments, meditation, wisdom, release, and doctrine, 戒, 定, 慧, 解脫, and 知見. In the Mahāyāna the 三論宗 defines the absolute or ultimate reality as the formless which contains all forms, the essence of being, the noumenon of the other two manifestations of the triratna. The 法相宗 defines it as (a) the nature or essence of the whole triratna; (b) the particular form of the Dharma in that trinity. The One-Vehicle schools represented by the 華嚴宗, 天台, etc., consider it to be the bhūtatathatā, 理 and 智 being one and undivided. The Shingon sect takes the six elements-earth, water, fire, air, space, mind-as the 理 or fundamental dharmakāya and the sixth, mind, intelligence, or knowledge, as the 智 Wisdom dharmakāya.



see styles
ní huán shuāng shù
    ni2 huan2 shuang1 shu4
ni huan shuang shu
 naion sōju
two trees of nirvana


see styles
 watarirouka / watariroka
(1) roofed corridor connecting two buildings; connecting passageway; (2) skyway; skybridge; skywalk



see styles
yú rén zhī lì
    yu2 ren2 zhi1 li4
yü jen chih li
the benefit reaped by a third party when two sides are locked in a dispute



see styles
hàn yīng hù yì
    han4 ying1 hu4 yi4
han ying hu i
Chinese and English two-way translation



see styles
wū sè nì shā
    wu1 se4 ni4 sha1
wu se ni sha
(烏瑟) uṣṇīṣa, a turban, diadem, distinguishing mark; intp. as 佛頂 the crown of the Buddha's head; and 肉髻 fleshy tuft or coif, one of the thirty-two lakṣaṇāni of a Buddha, generally represented as a protuberance on the frontal crown. Also M046663瑟膩沙; 烏失尼沙; 鬱瑟膩沙 (or 嗢瑟膩沙).



see styles
wú èr wú sān
    wu2 er4 wu2 san1
wu erh wu san
 munimusan; munimuzan
    むにむさん; むにむざん
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) (yoji) in earnest; single-minded; with intense concentration; rushing headlong into; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) one and only; unique
Neither two nor three, but only 一乘 one Vehicle.



see styles
wú shǐ wú míng
    wu2 shi3 wu2 ming2
wu shih wu ming
 mushi mumyō
元品無明 (or 根本無明) The period of unenlightenment or ignorance without beginning, primal ignorance, also called 無始間隔, the period of transmigration which has no beginning; since under the law of causality everything has a cause, therefore no beginning is possible; for if there were a beginning it would be without cause, which is impossible. Also primal ignorance is without beginning; and the 眞如 is without beginning, the two terms connoting the same idea. 生死 Birth and death, or transmigration are 無始無終 also without beginning or end, but about the 'end' there is difference of interpretation.



see styles
wú yǒu èr shèng
    wu2 you3 er4 sheng4
wu yu erh sheng
 muu nijō
there are no two vehicles


see styles
 kiserujousha / kiserujosha
(noun/participle) cheating on train fare by buying tickets covering only the first and last portions of the journey (so-called because traditional pipes had metal only in two short segments at the ends)



see styles
fán nǎo yǒu èr
    fan2 nao3 you3 er4
fan nao yu erh
 bonnō uni
there are two kinds of afflictions


see styles
 katarinsoukou / katarinsoko
(noun/participle) driving on two wheels; ski (driving stunt); skiing



see styles
lǐ shì wú ài
    li3 shi4 wu2 ai4
li shih wu ai
 riji muge
Unimpeded interaction of noumenon and phenomenon, principle and practice, etc.; no barrier in either of the two. Cf. 十門.



see styles
qín sè bù tiáo
    qin2 se4 bu4 tiao2
ch`in se pu t`iao
    chin se pu tiao
out of tune; marital discord, cf qin and se 琴瑟, two string instruments as symbol of marital harmony


see styles
shēng huà èr shēn
    sheng1 hua4 er4 shen1
sheng hua erh shen
 shōke nishin
The physical body of Buddha and his transformation body capable of any form; the nirmāṇakāya in its two forms of 應 and 化.


see styles
 seishiichinyo / seshichinyo
(expression) life and death are the two faces of the same coin


see styles
shēng sǐ èr shēn
    sheng1 si3 er4 shen1
sheng ssu erh shen
 shōji nishin
The physical body and the spiritual body of the Buddha: the nirmāṇakāya and dharmakāya.



see styles
shēng miè qù lái
    sheng1 mie4 qu4 lai2
sheng mieh ch`ü lai
    sheng mieh chü lai
 shōmetsu korai
Coming into existence and ceasing to exist, past and future, are merely relative terms and not true in reality; they are the first two antitheses in the 中論 Mādhyamika-śāstra, the other two antitheses being 一異斷常 unity and difference, impermanence and permanence.



see styles
tián jì sài mǎ
    tian2 ji4 sai4 ma3
t`ien chi sai ma
    tien chi sai ma
Tian Ji races his horses (and accepts one loss in order to ensure two wins) (idiom)


see styles
(1) shrine ritual held with the first two months of the year to forecast (or pray for) a successful harvest; (2) seasonal planting of rice on a field affiliated with a shrine



see styles
lüè yǒu èr zhǒng
    lve4 you3 er4 zhong3
lve yu erh chung
 ryakuu nishu
there are, briefly, two kinds



see styles
yì shēng èr shèng
    yi4 sheng1 er4 sheng4
i sheng erh sheng
 ishō nijō
unenlightened sentient beings and adherents of the two vehicles


see styles
(expression) delicate or ticklish situation; choice of two evils; mixed blessing


see styles
 bontoshougatsu / bontoshogatsu
(exp,n) (1) the Bon Festival and New Year; (exp,n) (2) (idiom) two great things (happening at the same time)


see styles
(archaism) two people riding in a palanquin together (esp. a man and a woman)



see styles
xiāng tí bìng lùn
    xiang1 ti2 bing4 lun4
hsiang t`i ping lun
    hsiang ti ping lun
to discuss two disparate things together (idiom); to mention on equal terms; to place on a par with; (often with negatives: impossible to mention X in the same breath as Y)



see styles
zhēn sú èr dì
    zhen1 su2 er4 di4
chen su erh ti
 shinzoku nitai
two truths of absolute and mundane


see styles
zhēn huà èr shēn
    zhen1 hua4 er4 shen1
chen hua erh shen
 shinke nishin
The 眞 is the dharmakāya and saṃbhogakāya and the 化 the nirmāṇakāya; v. 三身.


see styles
zhēn wàng èr xīn
    zhen1 wang4 er4 xin1
chen wang erh hsin
 shinmō nishin
The true and false minds i.e. (1) The true bhūtatathatā mind, defined as the ninth or amalavijñāna. (2) The false or illusion mind as represented by the eight vijñānas, 八識.



see styles
zhēn yìng èr shēn
    zhen1 ying4 er4 shen1
chen ying erh shen
 shinō nishin
The dharmakāya and nirmāṇakāya; v. 三身.


see styles
in two equal parts


see styles
(n,vs,vi) (1) (kana only) staring-out (down) game; game in which two children looking at each other try to make the opponents laugh first; (n,vs,vi) (2) (kana only) constant looking at something (e.g. the computer screen, the clock)


see styles
junior college; vocationally oriented two or three year post-secondary education institution; (o) Tanki University



see styles
qí chǐ pán nà
    qi2 chi3 pan2 na4
ch`i ch`ih p`an na
    chi chih pan na
(or 祇哆槃林); 祇園 (祇園精舍); 祇樹園; 祇樹給孤獨園; 祇樹花林窟; 祇桓林 (or 祇洹林); 祇陀林 (or 祇陀園); also 逝 or 誓多, etc. Jetavana, a park near Śrāvastī, said to have been obtained from Prince Jeta by the elder Anāthapiṇḍika, in which monasterial buildings were erected, the favourite resort of Śākyamuni. Two hundred years later it is said to have been destroyed by fire, rebuilt smaller 500 years after, and again a century later burnt down; thirteen years afterwards it was rebuilt on the earlier scale but a century later entirely destroyed. This is the account given in 法苑珠林 39.



see styles
chán jiào liǎng zōng
    chan2 jiao4 liang3 zong1
ch`an chiao liang tsung
    chan chiao liang tsung
 zenkyō ryōshū
two schools: meditational and doctrinal



see styles
chán mén wǔ zōng
    chan2 men2 wu3 zong1
ch`an men wu tsung
    chan men wu tsung
 zenmon goshū
the five schools of Chan Buddhism (idiom)
Five Chan schools, viz. 臨濟宗; 潙仰宗; 雲門宗; 法眼宗, and 曹洞宗; the fourth was removed to Korea; the second disappeared; the other three remained, the first being most successful; in the Sung it divided into the two sects of 楊岐 and 黃龍. Cf. 楞 13 Laṅkāvatāra Sutra.



see styles
kōng yǒu èr zhí
    kong1 you3 er4 zhi2
k`ung yu erh chih
    kung yu erh chih
 kūu nishū
(or 空有二見). The two (false) tenets, or views, that karma and nirvana are not real, and that the ego and phenomena are real; these wrong views are overcome by the 空有二觀 meditating on the unreality of the ego and phenomena, and the reality of karma and nirvana.


see styles
kōng yǒu èr zōng
    kong1 you3 er4 zong1
k`ung yu erh tsung
    kung yu erh tsung
 kūu nishū
The two schools 空and 有 in Hīnayāna are given as 倶舍 Kośa for 有 in 成實 Satyasiddhi for 空, in Mahāyāna 法相 for 有 and 三論 for 空.



see styles
kōng wú suǒ yǒu
    kong1 wu2 suo3 you3
k`ung wu so yu
    kung wu so yu
 kū mu shou
having nothing (idiom); utterly destitute; without two sticks to rub together
empty, with nothing whatsoever


see styles
dì èr dì sān
    di4 er4 di4 san1
ti erh ti san
 daini daisan
number two and number three


see styles
děng wèi jī yīn
    deng3 wei4 ji1 yin1
teng wei chi yin
allele (one of two paired gene in diploid organism)


see styles
 kouhakujiai / kohakujiai
(See 紅白・2) contest between two groups; intra-squad game



see styles
zǒng bié èr yè
    zong3 bie2 er4 ye4
tsung pieh erh yeh
 sōbetsu nigō
two karmas of generalizing and particularizing



see styles
shēng jué èr shèng
    sheng1 jue2 er4 sheng4
sheng chüeh erh sheng
 shōkaku nijō
two vehicles of śrāvaka and pratyekabuddha


see styles
 mataguragouyaku; matagurakouyaku / mataguragoyaku; matagurakoyaku
    またぐらごうやく; またぐらこうやく
(rare) (See 内股膏薬) double-dealer; timeserver; moving back and forth between two sides in a conflict


see styles
zì shòu yòng shēn
    zi4 shou4 yong4 shen1
tzu shou yung shen
 jijuyū shin
One of the two kinds of saṃbhogakāya, for his own enjoyment; cf. 四身.


see styles
zì hēi èr shǔ
    zi4 hei1 er4 shu3
tzu hei erh shu
 jikoku niso
The two mice in the parable, one white the other black, gnawing at the rope of life, i.e. day and night, or sun and moon.

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Two" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary