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<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
白頂鵐 白顶鹀 see styles |
bái dǐng wú bai2 ding3 wu2 pai ting wu |
(bird species of China) white-capped bunting (Emberiza stewarti) |
白頂鵖 白顶鵖 see styles |
bái dǐng bī bai2 ding3 bi1 pai ting pi |
(bird species of China) pied wheatear (Oenanthe pleschanka) |
白頂䳭 白顶䳭 see styles |
bái dǐng jí bai2 ding3 ji2 pai ting chi |
(bird species of China) pied wheatear (Oenanthe pleschanka) |
白頭鵐 白头鹀 see styles |
bái tóu wú bai2 tou2 wu2 pai t`ou wu pai tou wu |
(bird species of China) pine bunting (Emberiza leucocephalos) |
白頭鵯 白头鹎 see styles |
bái tóu bēi bai2 tou2 bei1 pai t`ou pei pai tou pei |
(bird species of China) light-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis) |
白頭鶴 白头鹤 see styles |
bái tóu hè bai2 tou2 he4 pai t`ou ho pai tou ho |
(bird species of China) hooded crane (Grus monacha) |
白頭鷂 白头鹞 see styles |
bái tóu yào bai2 tou2 yao4 pai t`ou yao pai tou yao |
(bird species of China) western marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) |
白頰鵯 白颊鹎 see styles |
bái jiá bēi bai2 jia2 bei1 pai chia pei |
(bird species of China) Himalayan bulbul (Pycnonotus leucogenys) |
白頸鴉 白颈鸦 see styles |
bái jǐng yā bai2 jing3 ya1 pai ching ya |
(bird species of China) collared crow (Corvus torquatus) |
白頸鶇 白颈鸫 see styles |
bái jǐng dōng bai2 jing3 dong1 pai ching tung |
(bird species of China) white-collared blackbird (Turdus albocinctus) |
白頸鸛 白颈鹳 see styles |
bái jǐng guàn bai2 jing3 guan4 pai ching kuan |
(bird species of China) Asian woolly-necked stork (Ciconia episcopus) |
白額雁 白额雁 see styles |
bái é yàn bai2 e2 yan4 pai o yen |
(bird species of China) greater white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons) |
白額鸌 白额鹱 see styles |
bái é hù bai2 e2 hu4 pai o hu |
(bird species of China) streaked shearwater (Calonectris leucomelas) |
白馬寺 白马寺 see styles |
bái mǎ sì bai2 ma3 si4 pai ma ssu hakubadera はくばでら |
the Baima or White Horse Temple in Luoyang, one of the earliest Buddhist temples in China (place-name) Hakubadera The White Horse Temple recorded as given to the Indian monks, Mātaṇga and Gobharaṇa, who are reputed to have been fetched from India to China in A. D. 64. The temple was in Honan, in Lo-yang thc capital; it was west of the ancient city, cast of the later city. According to tradition, originating at the end of the second century A. D., the White Horse Temple was so called because of the white horse which carried the sutras they brought. |
白馬時 see styles |
hakubaji はくばじ |
(place-name) White Horse Temple (Luoyang, China); Baima Si |
白馬雞 白马鸡 see styles |
bái mǎ jī bai2 ma3 ji1 pai ma chi |
(bird species of China) white eared pheasant (Crossoptilon crossoptilon) |
白鵜鶘 白鹈鹕 see styles |
bái tí hú bai2 ti2 hu2 pai t`i hu pai ti hu |
(bird species of China) great white pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus) |
白鶺鴒 白鹡鸰 see styles |
bái jí líng bai2 ji2 ling2 pai chi ling hakusekirei; hakusekirei / hakusekire; hakusekire はくせきれい; ハクセキレイ |
(bird species of China) white wagtail (Motacilla alba) (kana only) black-backed wagtail (Motacilla alba lugens) |
盂蘭盆 盂兰盆 see styles |
yú lán pén yu2 lan2 pen2 yü lan p`en yü lan pen urabon うらぼん |
see 盂蘭盆會|盂兰盆会[Yu2 lan2 pen2 hui4] Bon festival (Buddhist ceremony held around July 15); Feast of Lanterns (盂蘭); 鳥藍婆 (鳥藍婆拏) ullambana 盂蘭 may be another form of lambana or avalamba, "hanging down," "depending," "support"; it is intp. "to hang upside down", or "to be in suspense", referring to extreme suffering in purgatory; but there is a suggestion of the dependence of the dead on the living. By some 盆 is regarded as a Chinese word, not part of the transliteration, meaning a vessel filled with offerings of food. The term is applied to the festival of All Souls, held about the 15th of the 7th moon, when masses are read by Buddhist and Taoist priests and elaborate offerings made to the Buddhist Trinity for the purpose of releasing from purgatory the souls of those who have died on land or sea. The Ullambanapātra Sutra is attributed to Śākyamuni, of course incorrectly; it was first tr. into Chinese by Dharmaraksha, A.D. 266-313 or 317; the first masses are not reported until the time of Liang Wudi, A.D. 538; and were popularized by Amogha (A.D. 732) under the influence of the Yogācārya School. They are generally observed in China, but are unknown to Southern Buddhism. The "idea of intercession on the part of the priesthood for the benefit of" souls in hell "is utterly antagonistic to the explicit teaching of primitive Buddhism'" The origin of the custom is unknown, but it is foisted on to Śākyamuni, whose disciple Maudgalyāyana is represented as having been to purgatory to relieve his mother's sufferings. Śākyamuni told him that only the united efforts of the whole priesthood 十方衆會 could alleviate the pains of the suffering. The mere suggestion of an All Souls Day with a great national day for the monks is sufficient to account for the spread of the festival. Eitel says: "Engrafted upon the narrative ancestral worship, this ceremonial for feeding the ghost of deceased ancestors of seven generations obtained immense popularity and is now practised by everybody in China, by Taoists even and by Confucianists." All kinds of food offerings are made and paper garments, etc., burnt. The occasion, 7th moon, 15th day, is known as the盂蘭會 (or 盂蘭盆會 or 盂蘭齋 or 盂蘭盆齋) and the sutra as 盂蘭經 (or 盂蘭盆經). |
監察院 监察院 see styles |
jiān chá yuàn jian1 cha2 yuan4 chien ch`a yüan chien cha yüan |
Control Yuan, a watchdog under the constitution of Republic of China, then of Taiwan |
盧溝橋 卢沟桥 see styles |
lú gōu qiáo lu2 gou1 qiao2 lu kou ch`iao lu kou chiao rokoukyou / rokokyo ろこうきょう |
Lugou Bridge or Marco Polo Bridge in southwest of Beijing, the scene of a conflict that marked the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War 抗日戰爭|抗日战争[Kang4 Ri4 Zhan4 zheng1] Marco Polo Bridge (China); (place-name) Marco Polo Bridge (China) |
目犍連 目犍连 see styles |
mù jiān lián mu4 jian1 lian2 mu chien lien Mokkenren |
目連; 摩訶目犍連 (or 摩訶羅夜那); 大目犍連 (or 大目乾連) ; 沒特伽羅子 (or 沒力伽羅子); 目伽略 (Mahā-) Maudgalyāyana, or Maudgalaputra; explained by Mudga 胡豆 lentil, kidney-bean. One of the ten chief disciples of Śākyamuni, specially noted for miraculous powers; formerly an ascetic, he agreed with Śāriputra that whichever first found the truth would reveal it to the other. Śāriputra found the Buddha and brought Maudgalyāyana to him; the former is placed on the Buddha's right, the latter on his left. He is also known as 拘栗 Kolita, and when reborn as Buddha his title is to be Tamāla-patra-candana-gandha. In China Mahāsthāmaprapta is accounted a canonization of Maudgalyāyana. Several centuries afterwards there were two other great leaders of the Buddhist church bearing the same name, v. Eitel. |
県級市 see styles |
kenkyuushi / kenkyushi けんきゅうし |
county-level city (of China) |
眞言宗 see styles |
zhēn yán zōng zhen1 yan2 zong1 chen yen tsung Shingon Shū |
The True-word or Shingon sect, founded on the mystical teaching 'of all Buddhas,' the 'very words ' of the Buddhas; the especial authority being Vairocana; cf. the 大日 sutra, 金剛頂經; 蘇悉地經, etc. The founding of the esoteric sect is attributed to Vairocana, through the imaginary Bodhisattva Vajrasattva, then through Nāgārjuna to Vajramati and to Amoghavajra, circa A.D. 733; the latter became the effective propagator of the Yogācāra school in China; he is counted as the sixth patriarch of the school and the second in China. The three esoteric duties of body, mouth, and mind are to hold the symbol in the hand, recite the dhāraṇīs, and ponder over the word 'a' 阿 as the principle of the ungenerated, i.e. the eternal. |
知唯菜 see styles |
chiina / china ちいな |
(female given name) Chiina |
短尾鶯 短尾莺 see styles |
duǎn wěi yīng duan3 wei3 ying1 tuan wei ying |
(bird species of China) Asian stubtail (Urosphena squameiceps) |
短尾鸌 短尾鹱 see styles |
duǎn wěi hù duan3 wei3 hu4 tuan wei hu |
(bird species of China) short-tailed shearwater (Ardenna tenuirostris) |
短耳鴞 短耳鸮 see styles |
duǎn ěr xiāo duan3 er3 xiao1 tuan erh hsiao |
(bird species of China) short-eared owl (Asio flammeus) |
短趾鵰 短趾雕 see styles |
duǎn zhǐ diāo duan3 zhi3 diao1 tuan chih tiao |
(bird species of China) short-toed snake eagle (Circaetus gallicus) |
石家荘 see styles |
shiichiachowan / shichiachowan シーチアチョワン |
Shijiazhuang (China); (place-name) Shijiazhuang (China) |
硫磺鵐 硫磺鹀 see styles |
liú huáng wú liu2 huang2 wu2 liu huang wu |
(bird species of China) yellow bunting (Emberiza sulphurata) |
硫黃鵐 硫黄鹀 see styles |
liú huáng wú liu2 huang2 wu2 liu huang wu |
(bird species of China) yellow bunting (Emberiza sulphurata) |
碧巌録 see styles |
hekiganroku へきがんろく |
(work) Blue Cliff Record; Biyan Lu (collection of Zen Buddhist koans compiled in China during the Song Dynasty); (wk) Blue Cliff Record; Biyan Lu (collection of Zen Buddhist koans compiled in China during the Song Dynasty) |
碧螺春 see styles |
bì luó chūn bi4 luo2 chun1 pi lo ch`un pi lo chun hekirashun へきらしゅん |
biluochun or pi lo chun, a type of green tea grown in the Dongting Mountain region near Lake Tai 太湖[Tai4 Hu2], Jiangsu biluochun (green tea var. grown in Jiangsu, China) |
神農氏 神农氏 see styles |
shén nóng shì shen2 nong2 shi4 shen nung shih |
Shennong or Farmer God (c. 2000 BC), first of the legendary Flame Emperors, 炎帝[Yan2 di4] and creator of agriculture in China; followers or clan of Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] |
福壽螺 福寿螺 see styles |
fú shòu luó fu2 shou4 luo2 fu shou lo |
giant Amazon snail (Ampullaria gigas spix) that has devastated rice paddies in China since its introduction in the 1980s |
福建省 see styles |
fú jiàn shěng fu2 jian4 sheng3 fu chien sheng fukkenshou / fukkensho ふっけんしょう |
Fujian Province, capital Fuzhou 福州市[Fu2zhou1 Shi4] (abbr. to 閩|闽[Min3]) Fujian Province (China) |
稻田鷚 稻田鹨 see styles |
dào tián liù dao4 tian2 liu4 tao t`ien liu tao tien liu |
(bird species of China) paddyfield pipit (Anthus rufulus) |
立法院 see styles |
lì fǎ yuàn li4 fa3 yuan4 li fa yüan rippouin / rippoin りっぽういん |
Legislative Yuan, the unicameral legislature of the Republic of China legislature; legislative body |
端午節 端午节 see styles |
duān wǔ jié duan1 wu3 jie2 tuan wu chieh tangosetsu たんごせつ |
Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month) Dragon Boat Festival (China); Tuen Ng Festival |
節度使 节度使 see styles |
jié dù shǐ jie2 du4 shi3 chieh tu shih setsudoshi せつどし |
Tang and Song dynasty provincial governor, in Tang times having military and civil authority, but only civil authority in Song (hist) jiedushi (regional military governor in ancient China) |
紅原雞 红原鸡 see styles |
hóng yuán jī hong2 yuan2 ji1 hung yüan chi |
(bird species of China) red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) |
紅喉鷚 红喉鹨 see styles |
hóng hóu liù hong2 hou2 liu4 hung hou liu |
(bird species of China) red-throated pipit (Anthus cervinus) |
紅嘴鷗 红嘴鸥 see styles |
hóng zuǐ ōu hong2 zui3 ou1 hung tsui ou |
(bird species of China) black-headed gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) |
紅嘴鸏 红嘴鹲 see styles |
hóng zuǐ méng hong2 zui3 meng2 hung tsui meng |
(bird species of China) red-billed tropicbird (Phaethon aethereus) |
紅尾鶇 红尾鸫 see styles |
hóng wěi dōng hong2 wei3 dong1 hung wei tung |
(bird species of China) Naumann's thrush (Turdus naumanni) |
紅尾鸏 红尾鹲 see styles |
hóng wěi méng hong2 wei3 meng2 hung wei meng |
(bird species of China) red-tailed tropicbird (Phaethon rubricauda) |
紅火蟻 红火蚁 see styles |
hóng huǒ yǐ hong2 huo3 yi3 hung huo i |
fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), an introduced species in China |
紅籌股 红筹股 see styles |
hóng chóu gǔ hong2 chou2 gu3 hung ch`ou ku hung chou ku |
red chip stocks (Chinese company stocks incorporated outside mainland China and listed in the Hong Kong stock exchange) |
紅耳鵯 红耳鹎 see styles |
hóng ěr bēi hong2 er3 bei1 hung erh pei |
(bird species of China) red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus) |
紅胸鴴 红胸鸻 see styles |
hóng xiōng héng hong2 xiong1 heng2 hung hsiung heng |
(bird species of China) Caspian plover (Anarhynchus asiaticus) |
紅腳隼 红脚隼 see styles |
hóng jiǎo sǔn hong2 jiao3 sun3 hung chiao sun |
(bird species of China) Amur falcon (Falco amurensis) |
紅腳鷸 红脚鹬 see styles |
hóng jiǎo yù hong2 jiao3 yu4 hung chiao yü |
(bird species of China) common redshank (Tringa totanus) |
紅角鴞 红角鸮 see styles |
hóng jiǎo xiāo hong2 jiao3 xiao1 hung chiao hsiao |
(bird species of China) oriental scops owl (Otus sunia) |
紅頂鶥 红顶鹛 see styles |
hóng dǐng méi hong2 ding3 mei2 hung ting mei |
(bird species of China) chestnut-capped babbler (Timalia pileata) |
紋喉鵯 纹喉鹎 see styles |
wén hóu bēi wen2 hou2 bei1 wen hou pei |
(bird species of China) stripe-throated bulbul (Pycnonotus finlaysoni) |
紋胸鶥 纹胸鹛 see styles |
wén xiōng méi wen2 xiong1 mei2 wen hsiung mei |
(bird species of China) pin-striped tit-babbler (Mixornis gularis) |
純褐鸌 纯褐鹱 see styles |
chún hè hù chun2 he4 hu4 ch`un ho hu chun ho hu |
(bird species of China) Bulwer's petrel (Bulweria bulwerii) |
紫嘯鶇 紫啸鸫 see styles |
zǐ xiào dōng zi3 xiao4 dong1 tzu hsiao tung |
(bird species of China) blue whistling thrush (Myophonus caeruleus) |
紫壽帶 紫寿带 see styles |
zǐ shòu dài zi3 shou4 dai4 tzu shou tai |
(bird species of China) black paradise flycatcher; Japanese paradise flycatcher (Terpsiphone atrocaudata) |
紫林鴿 紫林鸽 see styles |
zǐ lín gē zi3 lin2 ge1 tzu lin ko |
(bird species of China) pale-capped pigeon (Columba punicea) |
紫水雞 紫水鸡 see styles |
zǐ shuǐ jī zi3 shui3 ji1 tzu shui chi |
(bird species of China) grey-headed swamphen (Porphyrio poliocephalus) |
紫金鵑 紫金鹃 see styles |
zǐ jīn juān zi3 jin1 juan1 tzu chin chüan |
(bird species of China) violet cuckoo (Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus) |
細嘴鷗 细嘴鸥 see styles |
xì zuǐ ōu xi4 zui3 ou1 hsi tsui ou |
(bird species of China) slender-billed gull (Chroicocephalus genei) |
終南山 终南山 see styles |
zhōng nán shān zhong1 nan2 shan1 chung nan shan Shūnan san |
Zhongnan Mountains, near Xi'an; also known as the Taiyi Mountains Zhongnan Shan, a mountain in Shanxi; a posthumous name for Du Shun 杜順, founder of the Huayan or Avataṃsaka School in China. |
絨額鳾 绒额䴓 see styles |
róng é shī rong2 e2 shi1 jung o shih |
(bird species of China) velvet-fronted nuthatch (Sitta frontalis) |
統漢字 统汉字 see styles |
tǒng hàn zì tong3 han4 zi4 t`ung han tzu tung han tzu |
Unihan; China Japan Korea (CJK) unified ideographs; abbr. for 中日韓統一表意文字|中日韩统一表意文字[Zhong1 Ri4 Han2 tong3 yi1 biao3 yi4 wen2 zi4] |
綠孔雀 绿孔雀 see styles |
lǜ kǒng què lu:4 kong3 que4 lü k`ung ch`üeh lü kung chüeh |
(bird species of China) green peafowl (Pavo muticus) |
綠皇鳩 绿皇鸠 see styles |
lǜ huáng jiū lu:4 huang2 jiu1 lü huang chiu |
(bird species of China) green imperial pigeon (Ducula aenea) |
綠翅鴨 绿翅鸭 see styles |
lǜ chì yā lu:4 chi4 ya1 lü ch`ih ya lü chih ya |
(bird species of China) Eurasian teal (Anas crecca) |
綠頭鴨 绿头鸭 see styles |
lǜ tóu yā lu:4 tou2 ya1 lü t`ou ya lü tou ya |
(bird species of China) mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) |
維吾爾 维吾尔 see styles |
wéi wú ěr wei2 wu2 er3 wei wu erh uiguru ウイグル |
Uighur ethnic group of Xinjiang (kana only) Uighur (Turkic people and language in China); Uigur; Uygur |
網信辦 网信办 see styles |
wǎng xìn bàn wang3 xin4 ban4 wang hsin pan |
Cyberspace Administration of China |
総書記 see styles |
soushoki / soshoki そうしょき |
general secretary (of a communist party, esp. the leader of China or North Korea) |
線尾燕 线尾燕 see styles |
xiàn wěi yàn xian4 wei3 yan4 hsien wei yen |
(bird species of China) wire-tailed swallow (Hirundo smithii) |
縦横家 see styles |
juuouka; shououka / juoka; shooka じゅうおうか; しょうおうか |
(hist) (See 諸子百家) School of Diplomacy (school of thought during the Warring States period in China) |
羅紋鴨 罗纹鸭 see styles |
luó wén yā luo2 wen2 ya1 lo wen ya |
(bird species of China) falcated duck (Mareca falcata) |
美中台 see styles |
měi zhōng tái mei3 zhong1 tai2 mei chung t`ai mei chung tai |
US-China-Taiwan |
美人尖 see styles |
měi rén jiān mei3 ren2 jian1 mei jen chien |
widow's peak (in China, regarded as attractive in women) |
義和団 see styles |
giwadan ぎわだん |
(hist) the Boxers (China) |
翠金鵑 翠金鹃 see styles |
cuì jīn juān cui4 jin1 juan1 ts`ui chin chüan tsui chin chüan |
(bird species of China) Asian emerald cuckoo (Chrysococcyx maculatus) |
翹嘴鷸 翘嘴鹬 see styles |
qiáo zuǐ yù qiao2 zui3 yu4 ch`iao tsui yü chiao tsui yü |
(bird species of China) Terek sandpiper (Xenus cinereus) |
翻石鷸 翻石鹬 see styles |
fān shí yù fan1 shi2 yu4 fan shih yü |
(bird species of China) ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres) |
老虎菜 see styles |
lǎo hǔ cài lao3 hu3 cai4 lao hu ts`ai lao hu tsai |
tiger salad, a northeast China dish usually consisting of hot pepper, cucumber, cilantro and leek |
考証学 see styles |
koushougaku / koshogaku こうしょうがく |
evidential textual research (esp. of texts from Ming dynasty China) |
考試院 考试院 see styles |
kǎo shì yuàn kao3 shi4 yuan4 k`ao shih yüan kao shih yüan |
Examination Yuan, the qualification and appointment board under the constitution of Republic of China, then of Taiwan; exam board |
耳とう see styles |
jitou / jito じとう |
(archaism) earplug (traditional jewellery worn in the earlobe, popular in Han-dynasty China) |
肉夾饃 肉夹馍 see styles |
ròu jiā mó rou4 jia1 mo2 jou chia mo |
lit. meat wedged in steamed bun; "Chinese burger"; sliced meat sandwich popular in north China |
肉足鸌 肉足鹱 see styles |
ròu zú hù rou4 zu2 hu4 jou tsu hu |
(bird species of China) flesh-footed shearwater (Puffinus carneipes) |
胡兀鷲 胡兀鹫 see styles |
hú wù jiù hu2 wu4 jiu4 hu wu chiu |
(bird species of China) bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) |
脱亜論 see styles |
datsuaron だつあろん |
Argument for Leaving Asia; Datsu-A Ron; editorial written by Fukuzawa Yukichi in 1885 calling for Japan to align itself with the West rather than China and Korea |
自治県 see styles |
jichiken じちけん |
autonomous county (of China) |
至那儞 see styles |
zhin à nǐ zhin4 a4 ni3 zhin a ni shinani |
cīnānī, the peach-tree, said to have been imported into India from China. |
臺灣鵯 台湾鹎 see styles |
tái wān bēi tai2 wan1 bei1 t`ai wan pei tai wan pei |
(bird species of China) Styan's bulbul; Taiwan bulbul (Pycnonotus taivanus) |
興中會 兴中会 see styles |
xīng zhōng huì xing1 zhong1 hui4 hsing chung hui |
Revive China Society, founded by Dr Sun Yat-sen 孫中山|孙中山 in 1894 in Honolulu |
花果山 see styles |
huā guǒ shān hua1 guo3 shan1 hua kuo shan |
Mount Huaguo in Jiangsu, featured in 西遊記|西游记[Xi1 you2 Ji4], tourist destination; (also the name of mountains in other parts of China) |
花田雞 花田鸡 see styles |
huā tián jī hua1 tian2 ji1 hua t`ien chi hua tien chi |
(bird species of China) Swinhoe's rail (Coturnicops exquisitus) |
花臉鴨 花脸鸭 see styles |
huā liǎn yā hua1 lian3 ya1 hua lien ya |
(bird species of China) Baikal teal (Sibirionetta formosa) |
草原鵰 草原雕 see styles |
cǎo yuán diāo cao3 yuan2 diao1 ts`ao yüan tiao tsao yüan tiao |
(bird species of China) steppe eagle (Aquila nipalensis) |
草原鷂 草原鹞 see styles |
cǎo yuán yào cao3 yuan2 yao4 ts`ao yüan yao tsao yüan yao |
(bird species of China) pallid harrier (Circus macrourus) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "china" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.