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see styles
wǔ jiào liǎng zōng
    wu3 jiao4 liang3 zong1
wu chiao liang tsung
 gokyō ryōshū
five doctrinal schools and two (meditational) schools



see styles
wǔ shí bā jiào
    wu3 shi2 ba1 jiao4
wu shih pa chiao
 gojihakkyou / gojihakkyo
{Buddh} (See 五時教) division of the Buddha's 50-year teachings into five time periods and eight categories (theory of the Tendai sect)
A Tiantai classification of the Buddha's teaching into five periods and eight kinds of doctrine, which eight are subdivided into two groups of four each, 化儀四教 and 化法四教.



see styles
wǔ zhì rú lái
    wu3 zhi4 ru2 lai2
wu chih ju lai
 gochi nyorai
五智五佛; 五佛; 五如來 The five Dhyāni-Buddhas, or Wisdom-Tathāgatas of the Vajradhātu 金剛界, idealizations of five aspects of wisdom; possibly of Nepalese origin. The Wisdom Buddha represents the dharmakāya or Buddha-mind, also the Dharma of the triratna, or trinity. Each evolves one of the five colours, one of the five senses, a Dhyani-bodhisattva in two forms onegracious, the other fierce, and a Mānuṣi-Buddha; each has his own śakti, i. e. feminine energy or complement; also his own bīja, or germ-sound 種子or 印 seal, i. e. 眞言 real or substantive word, the five being for 大日 aṃ, for 阿閦 hūṃ, for 寶生 ? hrīḥ, for 彌陀 ? aḥ, for 不 空 ? āḥ. The five are also described as the emanations or forms of an Ādi-Buddha, Vajrasattva; the four are considered by others to be emanations or forms of Vairocana as theSupreme Buddha. The five are not always described as the same, e. g. they may be 藥師 (or 王) Bhaiṣajya, 多寶 Prabhūtaratna, Vairocana, Akṣobhya, andeither Amoghasiddhi or Śākyamuni. Below is a classified list of the generally accepted five with certain particulars connected with them, butthese differ in different places, and the list can only be a general guide. As to the Dhyāni-bodhisattvas, each Buddha evolves three forms 五佛生五菩薩, 五金剛, 五忿怒, i. e. (1) a bodhisattva who represents the Buddha's dharmakāya, or spiritual body; (2) a vajra ordiamond form who represents his wisdom in graciousness; and (3) a fierce or angry form, the 明王 who represents his power against evil. (1) Vairocanaappears in the three forms of 轉法輪菩薩 Vajra-pāramitā Bodhisattva, 遍照金剛 Universally Shining Vajrasattva, and 不動明王 Ārya-Acalanātha Rāja; (2) Akṣobhya's three forms are 虛空藏 Ākāśagarbha, 如意 complete power, and 軍荼利明王 Kuṇḍalī-rāja; (3 ) Ratnasaṃbhava's are 普賢 Samantabhadra, 薩埵Sattvavajra, and 孫婆 or 降三世明王 Trailokyavijayarāja; (4) Amitābha's are 觀世音 Avalokiteśvara, 法金剛 Dharmarāja, and 馬頭明王 Hayagrīva, thehorse-head Dharmapāla; (5) Amoghasiddhi's are 彌勒 Maitreya, 業金剛Karmavajra, and 金剛夜叉 Vajrayakṣa. The above Bodhisattvas differ from those in the following list:
aṃlionSamantabhadra 普賢Krakucchanda
hūṃelephantVajrapāṇi 金剛力士Kanakamuni
?aḥhorseRatnapāṇi 寶手Kāśyapa
? hrīḥgoose or peacockAvalokiteśvara 觀音Śākyamuni

Arrival of the five wise Buddhas



see styles
wǔ zhǒng bǐ liáng
    wu3 zhong3 bi3 liang2
wu chung pi liang
 goshu hiryō
The five inferences in (Indian) logic: (1) 相比量 from appearance, e. g. fire from smoke; (2) 體比量 from the corporeal, e. g. two or more things from one; (3) 業比量 from action, e. g. the animal from its footmark; (4) 法比量 from recognized law, old age from birth; (5) 因果比量 from cause and effect, that a traveler has a destination.



see styles
wǔ bù hé duàn
    wu3 bu4 he2 duan4
wu pu ho tuan
 gobu gōdan
To cut off the five classes of misleading things, i. e. four 見 and one 修, i. e. false theory in regard to the 四諦 four truths, and erroneous practice. Each of the two classes is extended into each of the three divisions of past, three of present, and three of future, making eighteen mental conditions.



see styles
rén fǎ èr zhí
    ren2 fa3 er4 zhi2
jen fa erh chih
 ninhō nishū
two attachments to self and phenomena


see styles
rén fǎ èr kōng
    ren2 fa3 er4 kong1
jen fa erh k`ung
    jen fa erh kung
 ninbō nikū
two kinds of selflessness of person and dharmas


see styles
 kyouasu / kyoasu
(1) today and tomorrow; (2) today or tomorrow; in a day or two; very soon


see styles
 butsuzounitai / butsuzonitai
two images of Buddha


see styles
 butsuzouniza / butsuzoniza
two images of Buddha



see styles
hé děng wéi èr
    he2 deng3 wei2 er4
ho teng wei erh
 ka tō i n i
what are the two?


see styles
fó kǒu shé xīn
    fo2 kou3 she2 xin1
fo k`ou she hsin
    fo kou she hsin
 bukku nishitenjashin
words of a Buddha, heart of a snake (idiom); two-faced; malicious and duplicitous
A Buddha's mouth but a serpent's heart.


see styles
nǐ sǐ wǒ huó
    ni3 si3 wo3 huo2
ni ssu wo huo
lit. you die, I live (idiom); irreconcilable adversaries; two parties cannot coexist


see styles
(transitive verb) to have two things (at the same time) (e.g. good and bad points); to also have something (in addition to something else)


see styles
(transitive verb) to have two things (at the same time) (e.g. good and bad points); to also have something (in addition to something else)



see styles
yī zhèng èr bào
    yi1 zheng4 er4 bao4
i cheng erh pao
 eshō nihō
two karmic retributions of direct and circumstantial



see styles
rù chū èr mén
    ru4 chu1 er4 men2
ju ch`u erh men
    ju chu erh men
 nyūshutsu nimon
The two doors of ingress and egress, i.e. enter the gate of self-purification and adornment, then go forth 出 to benefit and save others.



see styles
liǎng gè zhōng guó
    liang3 ge4 zhong1 guo2
liang ko chung kuo
two-China (policy)



see styles
liǎng guó zhī jiān
    liang3 guo2 zhi1 jian1
liang kuo chih chien
bilateral; between two countries



see styles
liǎng shǒu cè lüè
    liang3 shou3 ce4 lu:e4
liang shou ts`e lu:e
    liang shou tse lu:e
two-pronged strategy



see styles
liǎng yàng dōng xi
    liang3 yang4 dong1 xi5
liang yang tung hsi
two distinct things



see styles
liǎng hǔ xiāng zhēng
    liang3 hu3 xiang1 zheng1
liang hu hsiang cheng
lit. two tigers fighting (idiom); fig. fierce contest between evenly matched adversaries



see styles
liǎng hǔ xiāng dòu
    liang3 hu3 xiang1 dou4
liang hu hsiang tou
lit. two tigers fight (idiom); fig. a dispute between two powerful adversaries; a battle of the giants



see styles
liǎng zú zhī zūn
    liang3 zu2 zhi1 zun1
liang tsu chih tsun
 ryōsoku no son
the most venerable one among two-legged beings



see styles
liǎng zú shèng zūn
    liang3 zu2 sheng4 zun1
liang tsu sheng tsun
 ryōsoku shōson
the most saintly and venerable one among two-legged beings



see styles
liǎng miàn sān dāo
    liang3 mian4 san1 dao1
liang mien san tao
two-faced, three knives (idiom); double-cross; double dealing and back stabbing


see styles
bā wǔ sān èr
    ba1 wu3 san1 er4
pa wu san erh
 hachi go san ni
The four special characteristics of the 法相 Dharmalakṣaṇa sect, i.e. 八識, 五法, 三性, and 二無我 q.v.



see styles
bā dà dì yù
    ba1 da4 di4 yu4
pa ta ti yü
(yoji) {Buddh} The Eight Greater Hells
(八大) The eight great naraka, or hot hells: (1) sañjīva 等活 hell of rebirth into (2) kāla-sūtra 黑繩, i.e. the hell of black cords or chains; (3) saṅghāta 衆合, in which all are squeezed into a mass between two mountains falling together; (4) raurava 號呌; hell of crying and wailing; (5) mahāraurava 大號呌 hell of great crying; (6) tapana 炎熱 hell of burning; (7) pratāpana 大熱 hell of fierce heat; (8) avīci 無間 unintermitted rebirth into its sufferings with no respite. v. 地獄 and 八寒地獄.


see styles
bā xiàng chéng dào
    ba1 xiang4 cheng2 dao4
pa hsiang ch`eng tao
    pa hsiang cheng tao
 hassō jōdō
the eight stages of the Buddha's life (Buddhism)
(八相) also 八相示現 Eight aspects of the Buddha's life, which the 起信論 gives as: (1) descent into and abode in the Tuṣita heaven; (2) entry into his mother's womb; (3) abode there visibly preaching to the devas; (4) birth from mother's side in Lumbinī; (5) leaving home at 19 (or 25) as a hermit; (6) after six years' suffering attaining enlightenment; (7) rolling the Law-wheel, or preaching; (8) at 80 entering nirvāṇa. The 四教義 group of Tiantai is slightly different — descent from Tuṣita, entry into womb, birth, leaving home, subjection of Māra, attaining perfect wisdom, preaching, nirvana. See also the two 四相, i.e. 四本相 and 四隨相.



see styles
bā mén èr wù
    ba1 men2 er4 wu4
pa men erh wu
 hachimon nigo
eight propositions in two kinds of making-aware



see styles
bā mén liǎng yì
    ba1 men2 liang3 yi4
pa men liang i
 hachimon ryōyaku
eight approaches to two kinds of benefit



see styles
liù shí èr jiàn
    liu4 shi2 er4 jian4
liu shih erh chien
 rokujūni ken
The sixty-two 見 or views, of which three groups are given: The 大品般若經 in the 佛母品 takes each of the five skandhas under four considerations of 常 time, considered as time past, whether each of the five has had permanence, impermanence, both, neither, 5 x 4 = 20; again as to their space, or extension, considered as present time, whether each is finite, infinite, both, neither =20; again as to their destination, i. e. future, as to whether each goes on, or does not, both, neither (e. g. continued personality) = 20, or in all 60; add the two ideas whether body and mind 神 are a unity or different = 62. The Tiantai School takes 我見, or personality, as its basis and considers each of the five skandhas under four aspects, e. g (1) rūpa, the organized body, as the ego; (2) the ego as apart from the rūpa; (3) rūpa as the greater, the ego the smaller or inferior, and the ego as dwelling in the rūpa; (4) the ego as the greater, rupa the inferior, and the rupa in the ego. Consider these twenty in the past, present, and future = 60, and add 斷 and 常 impermanence and permanence as fundamentals = 62. There is also a third group.



see styles
liù lí hé shì
    liu4 li2 he2 shi4
liu li ho shih
 roku ri gasshaku
Ṣaṭ-samāsa; also 六種釋 (or 六合釋) the six interpretations of compound terms, considered in their component parts or together. (1) 持業釋 or 同依釋 karmadhāraya, referring to the equality of dependence of both terms, e. g. 大乘 Mahāyāna, 'great' and 'vehicle'), both equally essential to 'Mahāyāna' with its specific meaning; (2) 依主釋 (or 六士釋) tatpuruṣa, containing a principal term, e. g. 眼識 eye-perception, where the eye is the qualifying term; (3) 有財釋 (or 多財釋) bahuvrīhi, the sign of possession, e. g. 覺者 he who has enlightenment; (4) 相違釋 dvandva, a term indicating two separate ideas, e. g. 教觀 teaching and meditation; (5) 鄰近釋 avyayībhava, an adverbial compound, or a term resulting from 'neighboring' association, e. g. 念處 thought or remembering place, i. e. memory; (6) 帶數釋 dvigu, a numerative term, e. g. 五蘊 pañcaskandha, the five skandhas. M. W. gives the order as 4, 3, 1, 2, 6, and 5.


see styles
 kyoudouseihan / kyodosehan
crime committed together by two or more people (in which each is known as a co-principal)


see styles
 uchimatakouyaku; uchimatagouyaku / uchimatakoyaku; uchimatagoyaku
    うちまたこうやく; うちまたごうやく
(yoji) double-dealer; fence-sitter; timeserver; moving back and forth between two sides in a conflict; duplicity; turncoat



see styles
míng xiǎn liǎng jiè
    ming2 xian3 liang3 jie4
ming hsien liang chieh
 myōken ryōkai
The two regions of the dead and of the living.


see styles
fán fū èr shèng
    fan2 fu1 er4 sheng4
fan fu erh sheng
 bonbu nijō
unenlightened worldlings and adherents of the two vehicles


see styles
(n-adv,n-t) in passing another (esp. colliding with oncoming traffic, bumping into a person); the moment two persons or objects meet


see styles
(n-adv,n-t) in passing another (esp. colliding with oncoming traffic, bumping into a person); the moment two persons or objects meet


see styles
(gen. of a woman) loving two or more partners without favour


see styles
split election (where two or more candidates from the same party stand)


see styles
(transitive verb) to cut in two


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) to cut loose; to let loose; to cut off; to detach; to dismember; to cut in two; (transitive verb) (2) to separate in thought; to consider as independent


see styles
 maegashirahittou / maegashirahitto
{sumo} two highest ranked maegashira wrestlers


see styles
len à mó tí
    len4 a4 mo2 ti2
len a mo t`i
    len a mo ti
勒那婆提 ? Ratnamati, a monk from Central India, circa A. D. 500, who translated three works of which two remain.



see styles
dòng bù dòng fǎ
    dong4 bu4 dong4 fa3
tung pu tung fa
 dō fudō hō
The mutable and the immutable, the changing and the unchanging, the kamadhātu, or realms of metempsychosis and the two higher realms, rupadhātu and arupadhātu. Cf. 不動.



see styles
shì bù liǎng lì
    shi4 bu4 liang3 li4
shih pu liang li
the two cannot exist together (idiom); irreconcilable differences; incompatible standpoints


see styles
 seiryokuhakuchuu / seryokuhakuchu
(yoji) (the two sides) being evenly-matched in influence or power


see styles
huà zhì èr jiào
    hua4 zhi4 er4 jiao4
hua chih erh chiao
 ke sei nikyō
The twofold division of the Buddha's teaching into converting or enlightening and discipline, as made by the Vihaya School, v. 化行.


see styles
hoa xíng èr jiào
    hoa4 xing2 er4 jiao4
hoa hsing erh chiao
 kegyō ni kyō
two lines of the teaching


see styles
 juuryouhittou / juryohitto
{sumo} two highest ranked wrestlers in juryo division



see styles
shí èr yīn yuán
    shi2 er4 yin1 yuan2
shih erh yin yüan
 jūni innen
Dvādaśaṅga pratītyasamutpāda; the twelve nidānas; v. 尼 and 因; also 十二緣起; 因緣有支; 因緣率連; 因緣棘園; 因緣輪; 因緣重城; 因緣觀; 支佛觀. They are the twelve links in the chain of existence: (1) 無明avidyā, ignorance, or unenlightenment; (2) 行 saṃskāra, action, activity, conception, "dispositions," Keith; (3) 識 vijñāna, consciousness; (4) 名色 nāmarūpa, name and form; (5) 六入 ṣaḍāyatana, the six sense organs, i.e. eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind; (6) 觸 sparśa, contact, touch; (7) 受 vedanā, sensation, feeling; (8) 愛 tṛṣṇā, thirst, desire, craving; (9) 取 upādāna, laying hold of, grasping; (10) 有 bhava, being, existing; (11) 生 jāti, birth; (12) 老死 jarāmaraṇa, old age, death. The "classical formula" reads "By reason of ignorance dispositions; by reason of dispositions consciousness", etc. A further application of the twelve nidānas is made in regard to their causaton of rebirth: (1) ignorance, as inherited passion from the beginningless past ; (2) karma, good and evil, of past lives; (3) conception as a form of perception; (4) nāmarūpa, or body and mind evolving (in the womb); (5) the six organs on the verge of birth; (6) childhood whose intelligence is limited to sparśa, contact or touch; (7) receptivity or budding intelligence and discrimination from 6 or 7 years; (8) thirst, desire, or love, age of puberty; (9) the urge of sensuous existence; (10) forming the substance, bhava, of future karma; (11) the completed karma ready for rebirth; (12) old age and death. The two first are associated with the previous life, the other ten with the present. The theory is equally applicable to all realms of reincarnation. The twelve links are also represented in a chart, at the centre of which are the serpent (anger), boar (ignorance, or stupidity), and dove (lust) representing the fundamental sins. Each catches the other by the tail, typifying the train of sins producing the wheel of life. In another circle the twelve links are represented as follows: (1) ignorance, a blind woman; (2) action, a potter at work, or man gathering fruit; (3) consciousness, a restless monkey; (4) name and form, a boat; (5) sense organs, a house; (6) contact, a man and woman sitting together; (7) sensation, a man pierced by an arrow; (8) desire, a man drinking wine; (9) craving, a couple in union; (10) existence through childbirth; (11) birth, a man carrying a corpse; (12) disease, old age, death, an old woman leaning on a stick. v. 十二因緣論 Pratītya-samutpāda śāstra.


see styles
shí liù shàn shén
    shi2 liu4 shan4 shen2
shih liu shan shen
Two lists are given, one of sixteen 大將 mahārājas; another of sixteen 善神 good spirits or gods; all of them are guardians of the good and enemies of evil.



see styles
shí liù pú sà
    shi2 liu4 pu2 sa4
shih liu p`u sa
    shih liu pu sa
 jūroku bosatsu
十六大士 (or 十六正士) The sixteen bodhisattvas; there are two groups, one of the 顯教 exoteric, one of the 密教 esoteric cults; the exoteric list is indefinite; the esoteric has two lists, one is of four bodhisattvas to each of the Buddhas of the four quarters of the Diamond Realm; the other is of the sixteen who represent the body of bodhisattvas in a 賢 kalpa, such as the present: E. 彌勒, 不空, 除憂, 除惡; S. 香象, 大精進, 虛 空藏智幢; W. 無量光, 賢護, 網明, 月光; N. 無量意 (文殊), 辨積, 金剛藏普賢.


see styles
shí shàn zhèng fǎ
    shi2 shan4 zheng4 fa3
shih shan cheng fa
 jūzen shōbō
(十善) The ten good characteristics, or virtues, defined as the non-committal of the 十惡 ten evils, q. v. Tiantai has two groups, one of ceasing 止 to do evil, the other of learning to do well 行.



see styles
shí zhǒng zhì míng
    shi2 zhong3 zhi4 ming2
shih chung chih ming
 jusshu chimyō
Ten kinds of bodhisattva wisdom, or omniscience, for the understanding of all things relating to all beings, in order, to save them from the sufferings of mortality and bring them to true bodhi. The ten are detailed in the Hua-yen 華嚴 sūtra in two groups, one in the 十明品 and one in the 離世間品.



see styles
bàn jīn bā liǎng
    ban4 jin1 ba1 liang3
pan chin pa liang
not much to choose between the two; tweedledum and tweedledee



see styles
bàn mǎn èr jiào
    ban4 man3 er4 jiao4
pan man erh chiao
 hanman nikyō
the two teachings of half and full word



see styles
bēi mó luó chā
    bei1 mo2 luo2 cha1
pei mo lo ch`a
    pei mo lo cha
Vimalākṣa, the pure-eyed, described as of Kabul, expositor of the 十誦律, teacher of Kumārajīva at Karashahr; came to China A. D. 406, tr. two works.


see styles
 souhourakuda / sohorakuda
two-humped camel; Bactrian camel


see styles
{MA} morote gari (judo takedown); two-hand reap


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) to mistake one thing for another; to mix up two things; to confuse two things; to take by mistake; (2) to misunderstand; to misapprehend



see styles
zhī yán piàn yǔ
    zhi1 yan2 pian4 yu3
chih yen p`ien yü
    chih yen pien yü
(idiom) just a word or two; a few isolated phrases


see styles
(transitive verb) to have two things (at the same time) (e.g. good and bad points); to also have something (in addition to something else)


see styles
 doukunrengou / dokunrengo
alliance of two or more countries under one monarch



see styles
tóng rì ér yǔ
    tong2 ri4 er2 yu3
t`ung jih erh yü
    tung jih erh yü
lit. to speak of two things on the same day (idiom); to mention things on equal terms (often with negatives: you can't mention X at the same time as Y)


see styles
 doujitenkai / dojitenkai
(noun/participle) simultaneous development; spreading at the same time (e.g. two phenomena)


see styles
 meikonbi / mekonbi
great pair; well-oiled two-man team


see styles
sì bù jì fù
    si4 bu4 ji4 fu4
ssu pu chi fu
 shi fukifu
The four to whom one does not entrust valuables— the old, for death is nigh; the distant, lest one has immediate need of them; the evil; or the 大力 strong; lest the temptation be too strong for the last two.


see styles
sì shí yī wèi
    si4 shi2 yi1 wei4
ssu shih i wei
 shijūi chī
(or 四十一地) Forty-one of the fifty-two bodhisattva stages (of development), i. e. all except the 十信 and 妙覺. For this and 四十二位 v. 五十二位.


see styles
sì shí èr wèi
    si4 shi2 er4 wei4
ssu shih erh wei
 shijūni i
The forty-two stages, i. e. all above the 十信 of the fifty-two stages.


see styles
sì shí èr zì
    si4 shi2 er4 zi4
ssu shih erh tzu
 shijūni ji
forty-two letters



see styles
sì wú cháng jié
    si4 wu2 chang2 jie2
ssu wu ch`ang chieh
    ssu wu chang chieh
 shi mujō ge
(or 四非常偈) Eight stanzas in the 仁王經, two each on 無常 impermanence, 苦 suffering, 空 the void, and 無我 non-personality; the whole four sets embodying the impermanence of all things.



see styles
sì wú suǒ wèi
    si4 wu2 suo3 wei4
ssu wu so wei
 shi mushoi
(四無畏) The four kinds of fearlessness, or courage, of which there are two groups: Buddha-fearlessness arises from his omniscience; perfection of character; overcoming opposition; and ending of suffering. Bodhisattva-fearlessness arises from powers of memory; of moral diagnosis and application of the remedy; of ratiocination; and of solving doubts. v. 智度論 48 and 5.



see styles
guó gòng hé zuò
    guo2 gong4 he2 zuo4
kuo kung ho tso
United Front (either of the two alliances between the Guomindang and the Communist Party, 1923-1927 and 1937-1945)



see styles
yuán róng sān dì
    yuan2 rong2 san1 di4
yüan jung san ti
 enyū sandai
The three dogmas of 空假中 as combined, as one and the same, as a unity, according to the Tiantai inclusive or perfect school. The universal 空 apart from the particular 假 is an abstraction. The particular apart from the universal is unreal. The universal realizes its true nature in the particular, and the particular derives its meaning from the universal. The middle path 中 unites these two aspects of one reality.


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zài jiā èr jiè
    zai4 jia1 er4 jie4
tsai chia erh chieh
 zaike nikai
The two grades of commandments observed by the lay, one the five, the other the eight, v. 五戒 and 八戒; these are the Hīnayāna rules; the 在戒 of Mahāyāna are the 十善戒 ten good rules.


see styles
two-story basement (as in department stores)



see styles
dì pó hē luó
    di4 po2 he1 luo2
ti p`o ho lo
    ti po ho lo
Divākara, tr. as 日照 Jih-chao, a śramaṇa from Central India, A. D. 676-688, tr. of eighteen or nineteen works, introduced an alphabet of forty-two letters or characters.


see styles
(exp,v5r) (1) (idiom) to put up an (emotional) wall (between two people); to become distant; (exp,v5r) (2) (idiom) to form a wall (of people)


see styles
jìng zhào bù èr
    jing4 zhao4 bu4 er4
ching chao pu erh
 kyōshō funi
objects and their cognition are not two



see styles
zēng jiǎn èr zhí
    zeng1 jian3 er4 zhi2
tseng chien erh chih
 zōgen nishū
two attachments (extremes) of increase and decrease


see styles
 oogatarenkyuu / oogatarenkyu
(expression notably used by public broadcaster NHK) (See ゴールデンウィーク) long holiday (consisting of one or two weekends and multiple public holidays; esp. Golden Week)


see styles
dà xiǎo èr shèng
    da4 xiao3 er4 sheng4
ta hsiao erh sheng
 daishō nijō
The two vehicles, Mahāyāna and Hinayana; v. 大乘 and 小乘.


see styles
dà xiǎo èr huò
    da4 xiao3 er4 huo4
ta hsiao erh huo
 daishō niwaku
two categories of affliction of greater and lesser


see styles
dà huì dāo yìn
    da4 hui4 dao1 yin4
ta hui tao yin
 daie tōin
The sign of the great wisdom sword, the same esoteric sign as the 寳甁印 and 塔印 There are two books, the abbreviated titles of which are 大慧語錄 and its supplement the 大慧武庫.


see styles
dà hǎi shí xiàng
    da4 hai3 shi2 xiang4
ta hai shih hsiang
 daikai jūsō
The ten aspects of the ocean, the Huayan sutra adds two more to the eight 大海八不思議, i.e. all other waters lose their names in it; its vastness of expanse.


see styles
 dainoujuuretsu / dainojuretsu
great longitudinal fissure; longitudinal cerebral fissure; longitudinal fissure; interhemispheric fissure; fissura longitudinalis cerebri; groove that separates the two hemispheres of the brain


see styles
dà zì zài tiān
    da4 zi4 zai4 tian1
ta tzu tsai t`ien
    ta tzu tsai tien
{Buddh} Mahesvara (Shiva in the Buddhist pantheon)
Maheśvara, 摩醯首濕伐羅 or Śiva, lord of the present chiliocosm, or universe; he is described under two forms, one as the prince of demons, the other as divine, i.e. 毘舍闍 Piśācamaheśvara and 淨居 Śuddhāvāsa- or Śuddhodanamaheśvara. As Piśāca, head of the demons, he is represented with three eyes and eight arms, and riding on a white bull; a bull or a linga being his symbol. The esoteric school takes him for the transformation body of Vairocana, and as appearing in many forms, e.g. Viṣṇu, Nārāyana (i.e. Brahmā), etc. His wife (śakti) is Bhīmā, or 大自在天婦. As Śuddhāvāsa, or Pure dwelling, he is described as a bodhisattva of the tenth or highest degree, on the point of entering Buddhahood. There is dispute as to whether both are the same being, or entirely different. The term also means the sixth or highest of the six desire heavens.


see styles
(yoji) two places being far apart



see styles
tiān zhú sān shí
    tian1 zhu2 san1 shi2
t`ien chu san shih
    tien chu san shih
 tenjiku sanji
(or 天竺三際). The three seasons of an Indian year: Grīṣma, the hot season, from first month, sixteenth day, to fifth month, fifteenth; Varṣākāla, the rainy season, fifth month, sixteenth, the to ninth month, fifteenth; Hemanta, the cold season, ninth month, sixteenth, to first month, fifteenth. These three are each divided into two, making six seasons, or six periods: Vasanta and grīṣma, varṣākāla and śarad, hemanta and śiśira. The twelve months are Caitra, Vaiśākha, Jyaiṣṭha, Āṣāḍha, Śrāvaṇa, Bhādrapada, Āśvavuja, Kārttika, Mārgaśīrṣa, Pauṣa, Māgha, and Phālguna.


see styles
two swords


see styles
(kana only) {food} dish of the same ingredient prepared two different ways, stewed together (esp. tofu, specialty of Kyoto)



see styles
jiā xīn bǐng gān
    jia1 xin1 bing3 gan1
chia hsin ping kan
sandwich cookie; (jocular) sb who is caught between two opposing parties; sb who is between the hammer and the anvil



see styles
rú shì èr zhǒng
    ru2 shi4 er4 zhong3
ju shih erh chung
 nyoze nishu
these two kinds



see styles
miào fǎ lián huá
    miao4 fa3 lian2 hua2
miao fa lien hua
 myōhō renge
法華 The wonderful truth as found in the Lotus Sutra. the One Vehicle Sutra; which is said to contain 實法 Buddha's complete truth as compared with his previous 權法 or 方便法, i.e. partial, or expedient teaching, but both are included in this perfect truth. The sutra is the Saddhamapuṇḍarīka 正法華經 or (添品妙法蓮華經) 妙法蓮華經, also known as 薩曇芥陀利經, of which several translations in whole or part were made from Sanskrit into Chinese, the most popular being by Kumārajīva. It was the special classic of the Tiantai school, which is sometimes known as the 蓮宗 Lotus school, and it profoundly influenced Buddhist doctrine in China, Japan, and Tibet. The commentaries and treatises on it are very numerous; two by Chih-i 智顗 of the Tiantai school being the妙法蓮華經文句 and the 玄義.



see styles
suō luó shuāng shù
    suo1 luo2 shuang1 shu4
so lo shuang shu
the two śāla trees


see styles
kǒng qiǎo míng wáng
    kong3 qiao3 ming2 wang2
k`ung ch`iao ming wang
    kung chiao ming wang
 kujakumyouou / kujakumyoo
{Buddh} Mahamayuri (deity usu. depicted riding a peacock)
Peacock king, ' a former incarnation of Śākyamuni, when as a peacock he sucked from a rock water of miraculous healing power; now one of the mahārāja bodhisattvas, with four arms, who rides on a peacock; his full title is 佛母大金曜孔雀明王. There is another 孔雀王 with two arms.



see styles
gū zhǎng nán míng
    gu1 zhang3 nan2 ming2
ku chang nan ming
It's hard to clap with only one hand.; It takes two to tango; It's difficult to achieve anything without support.



see styles
shú yōu shú liè
    shu2 you1 shu2 lie4
shu yu shu lieh
which of the two is better?

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Two" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary