There are 2149 total results for your 語 search. I have created 22 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
俗ラテン語 see styles |
zokuratengo ぞくラテンご |
vulgar Latin |
優先使用語 see styles |
yuusenshiyougo / yusenshiyogo ゆうせんしようご |
{comp} preferred term |
元語言能力 元语言能力 see styles |
yuán yǔ yán néng lì yuan2 yu3 yan2 neng2 li4 yüan yü yen neng li |
metalinguistic ability |
克羅地亞語 克罗地亚语 see styles |
kè luó dì yà yǔ ke4 luo2 di4 ya4 yu3 k`o lo ti ya yü ko lo ti ya yü |
Croatian (language) |
克里奧爾語 克里奥尔语 see styles |
kè lǐ ào ěr yǔ ke4 li3 ao4 er3 yu3 k`o li ao erh yü ko li ao erh yü |
creole language |
公開文言語 see styles |
koukaibungengo / kokaibungengo こうかいぶんげんご |
{comp} public text language |
共時言語学 see styles |
kyoujigengogaku / kyojigengogaku きょうじげんごがく |
synchronic linguistics |
出世語言部 出世语言部 see styles |
chū shì yǔ yán bù chu1 shi4 yu3 yan2 bu4 ch`u shih yü yen pu chu shih yü yen pu Shusse gogon bu |
Lokôttara-vāda |
出離言語道 出离言语道 see styles |
chū lí yán yǔ dào chu1 li2 yan2 yu3 dao4 ch`u li yen yü tao chu li yen yü tao shutsuri gongo dō |
to free oneself from the path of words |
分析的言語 see styles |
bunsekitekigengo ぶんせきてきげんご |
analytic language |
前置修飾語 前置修饰语 see styles |
qián zhì xiū shì yǔ qian2 zhi4 xiu1 shi4 yu3 ch`ien chih hsiu shih yü chien chih hsiu shih yü |
premodifier (grammar) |
千一夜物語 see styles |
senichiyamonogatari せんいちやものがたり |
(work) One Thousand and One Nights; Arabian Nights; (wk) One Thousand and One Nights; Arabian Nights |
古ノルド語 see styles |
konorudogo こノルドご |
Old Norse |
同形異義語 see styles |
doukeiigigo / dokegigo どうけいいぎご |
{ling} homograph |
同形異音語 see styles |
doukeiiongo / dokeongo どうけいいおんご |
{ling} heteronym |
同族目的語 see styles |
douzokumokutekigo / dozokumokutekigo どうぞくもくてきご |
{gramm} cognate object |
同綴異義語 see styles |
doutetsuigigo / dotetsuigigo どうてついぎご |
{ling} (See 同形異義語) homograph |
同訓異義語 see styles |
doukunigigo / dokunigigo どうくんいぎご |
(See 訓・くん・1,同音異義語) homonym that has a native Japanese reading |
同音異義語 see styles |
douonigigo / doonigigo どうおんいぎご |
{ling} homophone; homonym |
同韻語辞典 see styles |
douingojiten / doingojiten どういんごじてん |
rhyming dictionary |
命令型言語 see styles |
meireigatagengo / meregatagengo めいれいがたげんご |
{comp} imperative language |
問わず語り see styles |
towazugatari とわずがたり |
unprompted remark; unsolicited statement |
問合せ言語 see styles |
toiawasegengo といあわせげんご |
{comp} query language |
四文字熟語 see styles |
yonmojijukugo よんもじじゅくご |
(See 四字熟語) four-character compound word (usu. idiomatic) |
国語審議会 see styles |
kokugoshingikai こくごしんぎかい |
Japanese Language Council |
国語研究所 see styles |
kokugokenkyuujo / kokugokenkyujo こくごけんきゅうじょ |
(org) National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics; NINJAL; Kokken; (o) National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics; NINJAL; Kokken |
国連公用語 see styles |
kokurenkouyougo / kokurenkoyogo こくれんこうようご |
official languages of the UN (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish) |
国際補助語 see styles |
kokusaihojogo こくさいほじょご |
international auxiliary language |
國語羅馬字 国语罗马字 see styles |
guó yǔ luó mǎ zì guo2 yu3 luo2 ma3 zi4 kuo yü lo ma tzu |
Gwoyeu Romatzyh, a romanization system for Chinese devised by Y.R. Chao and others in 1925-26 |
塔加路族語 塔加路族语 see styles |
tǎ jiā lù zú yǔ ta3 jia1 lu4 zu2 yu3 t`a chia lu tsu yü ta chia lu tsu yü |
Tagalog (language) |
塞爾維亞語 塞尔维亚语 see styles |
sāi ěr wéi yà yǔ sai1 er3 wei2 ya4 yu3 sai erh wei ya yü |
Serbian (language) |
外国語大学 see styles |
gaikokugodaigaku がいこくごだいがく |
university of foreign studies; university specializing in foreign languages |
多国籍言語 see styles |
takokusekigengo たこくせきげんご |
multilingual; in many languages |
多言語対応 see styles |
tagengotaiou / tagengotaio たげんごたいおう |
{comp} multilingual support |
宇津保物語 see styles |
utsuhomonogatari うつほものがたり |
(work) Utsubo Monogatari (Heian period narrative); The Tale of the Hollow Tree; (wk) Utsubo Monogatari (Heian period narrative); The Tale of the Hollow Tree |
宣言型言語 see styles |
sengengatagengo せんげんがたげんご |
{comp} declarative language |
宣言形言語 see styles |
sengengatagengo せんげんがたげんご |
{comp} declarative language |
対照言語学 see styles |
taishougengogaku / taishogengogaku たいしょうげんごがく |
contrastive linguistics |
専門用語集 see styles |
senmonyougoshuu / senmonyogoshu せんもんようごしゅう |
glossary of technical terms |
小川斉東語 see styles |
ogawaseitougo / ogawasetogo おがわせいとうご |
(person) Ogawa Seitougo |
巴陵三轉語 巴陵三转语 see styles |
bā líng sān zhuǎn yǔ ba1 ling2 san1 zhuan3 yu3 pa ling san chuan yü Haryō san tengo |
The three cryptic sayings of Hàojiàn 顥鑑 styled Baling, name of his place in Yuèzhōu 嶽州. He was the successor of Yunmen 雲門. 'What is the way ? The seeing fall into wells. What is the feather-cutting sword (of Truth)? Coral branches (i. e. moonbeams) prop up the moon. What is the divine (or deva) throng ? A silver bowl full of snow. ' |
形容詞短語 形容词短语 see styles |
xíng róng cí duǎn yǔ xing2 rong2 ci2 duan3 yu3 hsing jung tz`u tuan yü hsing jung tzu tuan yü |
adjectival phrase |
後置修飾語 后置修饰语 see styles |
hòu zhì xiū shì yǔ hou4 zhi4 xiu1 shi4 yu3 hou chih hsiu shih yü |
postmodifier (grammar) |
心理言語学 see styles |
shinrigengogaku しんりげんごがく |
psycholinguistics |
応用言語学 see styles |
ouyougengogaku / oyogengogaku おうようげんごがく |
applied linguistics |
怪奇物語り see styles |
kaikimonogatari かいきものがたり |
mystery story |
数理言語学 see styles |
suurigengogaku / surigengogaku すうりげんごがく |
mathematical linguistics |
斯洛伐克語 斯洛伐克语 see styles |
sī luò fá kè yǔ si1 luo4 fa2 ke4 yu3 ssu lo fa k`o yü ssu lo fa ko yü |
Slovak (language) |
斯瓦希里語 斯瓦希里语 see styles |
sī wǎ xī lǐ yǔ si1 wa3 xi1 li3 yu3 ssu wa hsi li yü |
Swahili (language); Kiswahili |
新語を作る see styles |
shingootsukuru しんごをつくる |
(exp,v5r) to coin a new word; to neologize |
日本語字幕 see styles |
nihongojimaku にほんごじまく |
Japanese subtitles |
日本語学会 see styles |
nihongogakkai にほんごがっかい |
(org) Society for Japanese Linguistics; (o) Society for Japanese Linguistics |
日本語学校 see styles |
nihongogakkou / nihongogakko にほんごがっこう |
Japanese language school (for non-native speakers) |
日本語学者 see styles |
nihongogakusha にほんごがくしゃ |
Japanese language specialist; linguist specializing in Japanese |
日本語対応 see styles |
nihongotaiou / nihongotaio にほんごたいおう |
(noun - becomes adjective with の) {comp} Japanese-language support (in software) |
日本語教本 see styles |
nihongokyouhon / nihongokyohon にほんごきょうほん |
Japanese text book; Japanese text books |
日本語教育 see styles |
nihongokyouiku / nihongokyoiku にほんごきょういく |
Japanese-language education (for non-native speakers) |
日本語文字 see styles |
nihongomoji にほんごもじ |
Japanese character |
日本語環境 see styles |
nihongokankyou / nihongokankyo にほんごかんきょう |
{comp} Japanese environment |
日本語話者 see styles |
nihongowasha にほんごわしゃ |
Japanese speaker |
普羅旺斯語 普罗旺斯语 see styles |
pǔ luó wàng sī yǔ pu3 luo2 wang4 si1 yu3 p`u lo wang ssu yü pu lo wang ssu yü |
Provençal (language) |
暗黙の主語 see styles |
anmokunoshugo あんもくのしゅご |
understood subject |
柯爾克孜語 柯尔克孜语 see styles |
kē ěr kè zī yǔ ke1 er3 ke4 zi1 yu3 k`o erh k`o tzu yü ko erh ko tzu yü |
Kyrghiz language |
柳家金語楼 see styles |
yanagiyakingorou / yanagiyakingoro やなぎやきんごろう |
(person) Yanagiya Kingorou (1901.3.13-1972.10.22) |
構造化言語 see styles |
kouzoukagengo / kozokagengo こうぞうかげんご |
{comp} structured language |
構造言語学 see styles |
kouzougengogaku / kozogengogaku こうぞうげんごがく |
structural linguistics |
機械語命令 see styles |
kikaigomeirei / kikaigomere きかいごめいれい |
{comp} machine instruction |
欧米諸言語 see styles |
oubeishogengo / obeshogengo おうべいしょげんご |
the languages of Europe and America |
歴史言語学 see styles |
rekishigengogaku れきしげんごがく |
historical linguistics |
比較言語学 see styles |
hikakugengogaku ひかくげんごがく |
comparative linguistics |
毛主席語錄 毛主席语录 see styles |
máo zhǔ xí yǔ lù mao2 zhu3 xi2 yu3 lu4 mao chu hsi yü lu |
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung, published from 1964 to about 1976 |
決定性言語 see styles |
ketteiseigengo / kettesegengo けっていせいげんご |
{comp} deterministic language |
波斯尼亞語 波斯尼亚语 see styles |
bō sī ní yà yǔ bo1 si1 ni2 ya4 yu3 po ssu ni ya yü |
Bosnian (language) |
洋涇浜英語 洋泾浜英语 see styles |
yáng jīng bāng yīng yǔ yang2 jing1 bang1 ying1 yu3 yang ching pang ying yü |
pidgin English |
浄瑠璃語り see styles |
joururikatari / jorurikatari じょうるりかたり |
joruri reciter |
混合失語症 混合失语症 see styles |
hùn hé shī yǔ zhèng hun4 he2 shi1 yu3 zheng4 hun ho shih yü cheng |
mixed aphasia |
漢語大字典 汉语大字典 see styles |
hàn yǔ dà zì diǎn han4 yu3 da4 zi4 dian3 han yü ta tzu tien kangodaijiten かんごだいじてん |
Hanyu Da Zidian, one of the most comprehensive Chinese character dictionaries with 54,678 (and later 60,370) entries, first published between 1986-1990 (work) Hanyu Da Zidian (multi-volume Chinese character dictionary); Grand Chinese Dictionary; (wk) Hanyu Da Zidian (multi-volume Chinese character dictionary); Grand Chinese Dictionary |
漢語大詞典 汉语大词典 see styles |
hàn yǔ dà cí diǎn han4 yu3 da4 ci2 dian3 han yü ta tz`u tien han yü ta tzu tien |
Hanyu Da Cidian, the largest Chinese dictionary, with over 375,000 word entries, first published 1986-1994 |
烏孜別克語 乌孜别克语 see styles |
wū zī bié kè yǔ wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 yu3 wu tzu pieh k`o yü wu tzu pieh ko yü |
Uzbek language |
無生物主語 see styles |
museibutsushugo / musebutsushugo むせいぶつしゅご |
{gramm} inanimate subject |
特殊文字語 see styles |
tokushumojigo とくしゅもじご |
{comp} special-character word |
現代日本語 see styles |
gendainihongo げんだいにほんご |
{ling} (See 現代語・2) modern Japanese |
理論言語学 see styles |
rirongengogaku りろんげんごがく |
theoretical linguistics |
生物言語学 see styles |
seibutsugengogaku / sebutsugengogaku せいぶつげんごがく |
biolinguistics |
用語の抽出 see styles |
yougonochuushutsu / yogonochushutsu ようごのちゅうしゅつ |
{comp} extraction of terms |
異言を語る see styles |
igenokataru いげんをかたる |
(exp,v5r) to speak in tongues |
白ロシア語 see styles |
hakuroshiago はくロシアご |
(dated) (See ベラルーシ語) Belarusian (language) |
目的格補語 see styles |
mokutekikakuhogo もくてきかくほご |
objective complement; noun or adjective following and modifying the direct object |
直接目的語 see styles |
chokusetsumokutekigo ちょくせつもくてきご |
{gramm} direct object |
真実を語る see styles |
shinjitsuokataru しんじつをかたる |
(exp,v5r) to speak the truth |
社会言語学 see styles |
shakaigengogaku しゃかいげんごがく |
sociolinguistics |
社會語言學 社会语言学 see styles |
shè huì yǔ yán xué she4 hui4 yu3 yan2 xue2 she hui yü yen hsüeh |
sociolinguistics |
神経言語学 see styles |
shinkeigengogaku / shinkegengogaku しんけいげんごがく |
neurolinguistics |
第二外国語 see styles |
dainigaikokugo だいにがいこくご |
second foreign language |
第2外国語 see styles |
dainigaikokugo だいにがいこくご |
second foreign language |
納瓦特爾語 纳瓦特尔语 see styles |
nà wǎ tè ěr yǔ na4 wa3 te4 er3 yu3 na wa t`e erh yü na wa te erh yü |
Nahuatl (language) |
統語的関係 see styles |
tougotekikankei / togotekikanke とうごてきかんけい |
{ling} (See 範列関係) syntagmatic relation |
総合的言語 see styles |
sougoutekigengo / sogotekigengo そうごうてきげんご |
{ling} synthetic language |
義太夫語り see styles |
gidayuukatari / gidayukatari ぎだゆうかたり |
gidayū reciter |
翻訳元言語 see styles |
honyakumotogengo ほんやくもとげんご |
language being translated from; source language |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "語" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.