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There are 2390 total results for your Two search. I have created 24 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
èr fó bìng zuò
    er4 fo2 bing4 zuo4
erh fo ping tso
 nibutsu byōza
two buddhas sitting together


see styles
(See 蕎麦・そば・1) soba made with two parts wheat flour to eight parts buckwheat flour



see styles
èr fēn pú sà
    er4 fen1 pu2 sa4
erh fen p`u sa
    erh fen pu sa
 nifun bosatsu
two groups of bodhisattvas


see styles
èr shí èr pǐn
    er4 shi2 er4 pin3
erh shih erh p`in
    erh shih erh pin
 nijūni hon
Twenty-two of the 三十七道品 q.v.; they are 四念處, 四正勤、四如意, 足五根 and 五力.


see styles
èr shí èr yú
    er4 shi2 er4 yu2
erh shih erh yü
 nijūni gu
twenty-two kinds of folly


see styles
 nijuuninichi / nijuninichi
(1) twenty-second day of the month; (2) twenty-two days


see styles
èr shí èr gēn
    er4 shi2 er4 gen1
erh shih erh ken
 nijūni kon
The twenty-two roots, organs, or powers, v. 根. They are: (1) 眼根 eye, cakṣurindriya; (2) 耳 根 ear, śrotrendriya; (3) 鼻根 nose, ghrāṇendriya; (4) 舌根 tongue, jihvendriya; (5) 身根 body, kāyendriya; (6) 意根 mind, manaīndriya (the above are the 六根); (7) 女根 female organ, strīndriya; (8) 男根 male organ, puruṣendriya; (9) 命根 life, jīvitendriya; (10) 苦根 suffering (or pain), duḥkhendriya; (11) 樂根 pleasure, sukhendriya; (12) 憂根 sorrow, daurmanasyendriya; (13) 喜根 joy, saumanas-yendriya; (14) 捨根 abandoning, upekṣendriya (from 10 to 14 they are the 五受); (15) 信根 faith, śraddhendriya; (16) 精進根 zeal, vīryendriya; (17) 念根 memory, smṛtīndriya; (18) 定根 meditation, or trance, samādhīndriya; (19) 慧根 wisdom, prajñendriya (these are the 信等之五根); (20) 未知當知根 the power for learning (the Four Noble Truths) anājñātamājñāsyāmīndriya; (21) 巳知根 the power of having learned (them), ājñendriya; (22) 具知根 the power of perfect knowledge (of them), ājñātādvīndriya (these three are called the 無漏根) .


see styles
 nijuunisha / nijunisha
{Shinto} the Twenty-Two Shrines; the 22 most important Shinto shrines, as designated during the Heian period



see styles
èr shí èr mén
    er4 shi2 er4 men2
erh shih erh men
 nijūni mon
The Abhidharma-kośa divides the eighteen realms 十八界 into twenty-two categories. Also, there are twenty-two modes or processes in the perfect development of a Buddha and his works.



see styles
èr shí yì ěr
    er4 shi2 yi4 er3
erh shih i erh
 Nijūoku ni
Sroṇakoṭīviṁśa. Defined as the most zealous of Śākyamuni's disciples, who became an arhat. Having lived in a heaven for ninety-one kalpas, where his feet did not touch the ground, he was born with hair on his soles two inches long, an omen which led his father and brothers to endow him with twenty kotis of ounces of gold, hence this name. v. 智度論 22.



see styles
èr zēng pú sà
    er4 zeng1 pu2 sa4
erh tseng p`u sa
    erh tseng pu sa
 nizō bosatsu
The two superior kinds of bodhisattvas, 智增菩薩 bodhisattva superior in wisdom (chiefly beneficial to self); 悲增菩薩 bodhisattva superior in pity for others and devotion to their salvation.


see styles
 nidaikyoukoku / nidaikyokoku
(the) two great powers


see styles
 nidaiseitou / nidaiseto
two largest parties


see styles
 nitenichiryuu / nitenichiryu
style of classical Japanese swordsmanship involving use of two swords


see styles
èr tiān sān xiān
    er4 tian1 san1 xian1
erh t`ien san hsien
    erh tien san hsien
 niten sansen
The two devas are Maheśvara and Viṣṇu; the three ṛṣi are Kapila, Ulūka, and Ṛṣabha; v. 迦, 優, and 勒.


see styles
èr zì wén shū
    er4 zi4 wen2 shu1
erh tzu wen shu
 niji monju
The two-character Mañjuśrī.


see styles
èr zūn yī jiào
    er4 zun1 yi1 jiao4
erh tsun i chiao
 nison ikkyō
(or 致) The two honored ones (Śākyamuni and Amitābha) as one in teaching.


see styles
èr zūn yī zhì
    er4 zun1 yi1 zhi4
erh tsun i chih
 nison icchi
two honored ones, one teaching


see styles
èr zūn èr jiào
    er4 zun1 er4 jiao4
erh tsun erh chiao
 nison nikyō
The two honored ones (Śākyamuni and Amitābha) as teacher and saviour, with reference to the teaching of the way of salvation of the first, and the consequent saving vows of the second.


see styles
getting two crops a year


see styles
 futayubinamakemono; futayubinamakemono
    ふたゆびなまけもの; フタユビナマケモノ
(kana only) two-toed sloth (Choloepus sp.)



see styles
èr zhì yuán mǎn
    er4 zhi4 yuan2 man3
erh chih yüan man
 nichi enman
The two kinds of Tathāgata-wisdom, 實 and 權 absolute and functional (or relative), both perfect and complete.


see styles
two-sworded (samurai)


see styles
(yoji) the two leading actors (in a play); the two star players; the two distinctive features; the two main items (attractions)


see styles
{sumo} holding two positions at once (esp. of rikishi or judges who are also coaches)


see styles
two-dimensional complex; people more interested in two-dimensional (i.e. anime or manga) girls than real people



see styles
èr cì dà zhàn
    er4 ci4 da4 zhan4
erh tz`u ta chan
    erh tzu ta chan
World War Two


see styles
keeping an alternative up one's sleeve; two-stage preparation


see styles
 nidankousei / nidankose
{comp} two stage construction


see styles
èr hé bái dào
    er4 he2 bai2 dao4
erh ho pai tao
 nigabyakudou / nigabyakudo
(expression) (yoji) {Buddh} the road to paradise is a white road between two rivers, one of water (wrath) and one of fire (greed)
The two rivers and the white path, i.e. the path leading to life between the rivers of desire and hatred, which are compared to water and fire.


see styles
(noun/participle) taking (score) the first two points of the game



see styles
èr wú xīn dìng
    er4 wu2 xin1 ding4
erh wu hsin ting
 ni mushin jō
two kinds of no-thought absorption



see styles
èr wú wǒ zhì
    er4 wu2 wo3 zhi4
erh wu wo chih
 ni muga chi
The wisdom that recognizes the two categories of anātman, v. 四諦.



see styles
èr zhǒng shì jiān
    er4 zhong3 shi4 jian1
erh chung shih chien
 nishu seken
two kinds of worlds



see styles
èr zhǒng fó jìng
    er4 zhong3 fo2 jing4
erh chung fo ching
 nishu bukkyō
The two Buddha-domains: (a) 證境 the Buddha's domain or state of absolute enlightenment; (b) 化境 the domain that the Buddha is transforming.



see styles
èr zhǒng gōng yǎng
    er4 zhong3 gong1 yang3
erh chung kung yang
 nishu (no) kuyō
The two forms of service, or offerings: (1) (a) 出纏供養 to those who have escaped from the toils, e.g. Buddhas; (b) 在纏供養 to those still living in the toils. (2) (a) 財供養 offerings of goods; (b) 法供養 of the Buddha-truth.



see styles
èr zhǒng guāng míng
    er4 zhong3 guang1 ming2
erh chung kuang ming
 nishu kōmyō
The two kinds of light: (1) (a) 色光明 physical light; (b) 智慧光明 or 心光明 wisdom or mental light. (2) (a) 魔光 Māra's delusive light; (b) 佛光 the true light of the Buddha. (3) (a) 常光The constant or eternal light; (b) 現起光 the light in temporary manifestations.



see styles
èr zhǒng yīn guǒ
    er4 zhong3 yin1 guo3
erh chung yin kuo
Two aspects of cause and effect, a division of the 四諦 "four noble truths" (a) 世間因果 in the present life, the 苦諦 being the effect, and the 集諦 the cause; (b) 出世間因果 in the future life, the 滅諦, extinction (of passion, or mortality) being the fruit, and the 道諦 the " eightfold noble path " the cause.



see styles
èr zhǒng jí jìng
    er4 zhong3 ji2 jing4
erh chung chi ching
 nishu jakujō
Two kinds of seclusion, or retirement from the world: Bodily withdrawal into seclusion. Spiritual withdrawal from all evil, and into meditation.



see styles
èr zhǒng chā bié
    er4 zhong3 cha1 bie2
erh chung ch`a pieh
    erh chung cha pieh
 nishu shabetsu
two kinds of distinctions



see styles
èr zhǒng bù shī
    er4 zhong3 bu4 shi1
erh chung pu shih
 nishu fuse
Two kinds of charity: (1) (a) goods; (b) the saving truth. (2) (a) 淨施 Pure charity, expecting no return; (b) the opposite.



see styles
èr zhǒng xīn xiàng
    er4 zhong3 xin1 xiang4
erh chung hsin hsiang
 nishu shinsō
Two kinds of mind: mind in its inner character and influence; in its outer manifestations.



see styles
èr zhǒng rěn rù
    er4 zhong3 ren3 ru4
erh chung jen ju
Two kinds of patience, or endurance: (a) of the assaults of nature, heat, cold, etc.; (b) of human assaults and insults.



see styles
èr zhǒng wǒ jiàn
    er4 zhong3 wo3 jian4
erh chung wo chien
 nishu gaken
two kinds of self-view



see styles
èr zhǒng suǒ yuán
    er4 zhong3 suo3 yuan2
erh chung so yüan
 nishu shoen
two kinds of objective referents



see styles
èr zhǒng shòu jì
    er4 zhong3 shou4 ji4
erh chung shou chi
 nishu juki
Two classes of Buddha's predictions of a disciple's destiny, 無餘授記prediction in finality, or complete detail; 有餘授記 partial, or incomplete prediction.



see styles
èr zhǒng bǐ qiū
    er4 zhong3 bi3 qiu1
erh chung pi ch`iu
    erh chung pi chiu
 nishu (no) biku
Two classes of monks: 多聞比丘 monks who hear and repeat many sūtras, but are not devoted doers; 寡淺比丘 monks who read and repeat few sutras but are devoted in their lives.



see styles
èr zhǒng niè pán
    er4 zhong3 nie4 pan2
erh chung nieh p`an
    erh chung nieh pan
 nishu nehan
Two nirvanas: (1) 有餘涅槃 also 有餘依 That with a remnant; the cause 因 has been annihilated, but the remnant of the effect 果 still remains, so that a saint may enter this nirvana during life, but have to continue to live in this mortal realm till the death of his body. (2) 無餘涅槃 or 無餘依 Remnantless nirvāṇa, without cause and effect, the connection with the chain of mortal life being ended, so that the saint enters upon perfect nirvāṇa on the death of the body; cf. 智度論 31. Another definition is that Hīnayāna has further transmigration, while Mahāyāna maintains final nirvana. "Nothing remnaining" is differently interpreted in different schools, by some literally, but in Mahāyāna generally, as meaning no further mortal suffering, i.e. final nirvāṇa.



see styles
èr zhǒng qīng jìng
    er4 zhong3 qing1 jing4
erh chung ch`ing ching
    erh chung ching ching
 nishu shōjō
Two kinds of purity, according to the Huayan sūtra; 自性淸淨 natural purity, i.e. the natural 眞如 purity; and 離垢淸淨 acquired purity through avoiding pollution.



see styles
èr zhǒng guàn dǐng
    er4 zhong3 guan4 ding3
erh chung kuan ting
 nishu kanchō
Two forms of esoteric baptism, v. 灌.



see styles
èr zhǒng wú míng
    er4 zhong3 wu2 ming2
erh chung wu ming
 nishu mumyō
two kinds of ignorance



see styles
èr zhǒng wú zhī
    er4 zhong3 wu2 zhi1
erh chung wu chih
 nishu no muchi
two kinds of ignorance



see styles
èr zhǒng fán nǎo
    er4 zhong3 fan2 nao3
erh chung fan nao
 nishu bonnō
two kinds of affliction



see styles
èr zhǒng shēng sǐ
    er4 zhong3 sheng1 si3
erh chung sheng ssu
 nishu shōji
two kinds of saṃsāra



see styles
èr zhǒng zhǒng zǐ
    er4 zhong3 zhong3 zi3
erh chung chung tzu
 nishu shuji
two kinds of seeds



see styles
èr zhǒng yuán shēng
    er4 zhong3 yuan2 sheng1
erh chung yüan sheng
 nishu enshō
two kinds of causes-conditions for rebirth



see styles
èr zhǒng shēng wén
    er4 zhong3 sheng1 wen2
erh chung sheng wen
 ni shu shōmon
two kinds of disciples



see styles
èr zhǒng shè lì
    er4 zhong3 she4 li4
erh chung she li
 nishu shari
Two kinds of relics— the whole body, or parts of it. Also, the Buddha's physical remains or relics, and the sutras, which form his spiritual (dharmakāya) remains.



see styles
èr zhǒng zhuāng yán
    er4 zhong3 zhuang1 yan2
erh chung chuang yen
 nishu shōgon
two kinds of adornment



see styles
èr zhǒng pú sà
    er4 zhong3 pu2 sa4
erh chung p`u sa
    erh chung pu sa
 nishu bosatsu
Monastic and lay bodhisattvas.



see styles
èr zhǒng xíng xiàng
    er4 zhong3 xing2 xiang4
erh chung hsing hsiang
 nishu gyōsō
two kinds of defining activities



see styles
èr zhǒng zī liáng
    er4 zhong3 zi1 liang2
erh chung tzu liang
 nishu shiryō
The two kinds of (spiritual) provender: charity and wisdom.



see styles
èr zhǒng xié jiàn
    er4 zhong3 xie2 jian4
erh chung hsieh chien
 nishu jaken
The two false views, one that of a nihilistic school which denied that earthly happiness is dependent on a moral life; the other a materialistic school which maintained the moral life in the interests of self, sought earthly happiness, and failed to apprehend nirvāṇa.



see styles
èr zhǒng chǎn tí
    er4 zhong3 chan3 ti2
erh chung ch`an t`i
    erh chung chan ti
 nishu sendai
(二種一闡提) Two kinds of icchantika, q.v.: (a) the utterly depraved, abandoned, and blasphemers of Buddha-truth; (b) bodhisattvas who refuse to enter upon their Buddhahood in order to save all beings.


see styles
èr kōng zhēn rú
    er4 kong1 zhen1 ru2
erh k`ung chen ju
    erh kung chen ju
 nikū shinnyo
thusness of the two kinds of selflessness


see styles
èr kōng zhēn lǐ
    er4 kong1 zhen1 li3
erh k`ung chen li
    erh kung chen li
 nikū shinri
truth of the two kinds of selflessness


see styles
(can be adjective with の) bilingual; in two languages



see styles
èr yì xiāng chéng
    er4 yi4 xiang1 cheng2
erh i hsiang ch`eng
    erh i hsiang cheng
 nigi sōjō
two aspects that complete each other


see styles
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (yoji) choosing between two things; two choices


see styles
(yoji) (See 二者択一) choosing between two things; two choices


see styles
 futamatakouyaku; futamatagouyaku / futamatakoyaku; futamatagoyaku
    ふたまたこうやく; ふたまたごうやく
(yoji) double-dealer; timeserver; moving back and forth between two sides in a conflict


see styles
two-color printing; two-colour printing



see styles
èr chù sān huì
    er4 chu4 san1 hui4
erh ch`u san hui
    erh chu san hui
 nisho san'e
The two places from which the Buddha is supposed to have preached the Lotus Sūtra, i.e. the Vulture Peak, the sky, and again the Vulture Peak; the three assemblies are (1) those he addressed from the Peak, chapters 1 to the middle of the eleventh chapter; (2) those addressed from the sky, to the end of the twenty-second chapter; and (3) again those on the Vulture Peak, from the twenty-third chapter to the end.


see styles
 nikabenkyou / nikabenkyo
(noun/participle) studying two lessons


see styles
 nisokuhokou / nisokuhoko
(noun - becomes adjective with の) bipedal walking; walking on two legs



see styles
èr lún fán nǎo
    er4 lun2 fan2 nao3
erh lun fan nao
 nirin bonnō
two kinds of affliction


see styles
(noun/participle) two steps forward, one step back


see styles
èr bù wǔ bù
    er4 bu4 wu3 bu4
erh pu wu pu
 nibu gobu
The two are the divisions which took place immediately after the Buddha's death into (a) the elder monks or intimate disciples, and (b) the general body of disciples, styled respectively 上座 and 大衆 q.v.; the five are the divisions, which are said to have occurred a century later, into Dharma-guptah 曇無德, Mulasarvastivadah 薩婆多, Mahisasakah 彌沙塞, Kasyapiyah迦葉遣 and Vatsiputriya 姿麤富羅.


see styles
 nibugasshou / nibugassho
two-part chorus; vocal duet


see styles
 nibugassou / nibugasso
instrumental duet; two-part ensemble


see styles
 nibukyouju / nibukyoju
two-session system


see styles
(work) A Tale of Two Cities (1859 novel by Charles Dickens); (wk) A Tale of Two Cities (1859 novel by Charles Dickens)


see styles
 nijuukakaku / nijukakaku
two prices (for the same product); dual pricing


see styles
two-storied building


see styles
èr zhàng qīng jìng
    er4 zhang4 qing1 jing4
erh chang ch`ing ching
    erh chang ching ching
to purify the two hindrances



see styles
èr zhàng zhǒng zǐ
    er4 zhang4 zhong3 zi3
erh chang chung tzu
 nishō shuji
seeds of the two hindrances



see styles
èr zhàng shuāng duàn
    er4 zhang4 shuang1 duan4
erh chang shuang tuan
 nishō sōdan
two hindrances are both eliminated



see styles
èr zhàng tǐ shuō
    er4 zhang4 ti3 shuo1
erh chang t`i shuo
    erh chang ti shuo
 Nishō tai setsu
Explanation of the Substance of the Two Hindrances


see styles
 nitoubiki / nitobiki
two-horse cart


see styles
 nitoudate / nitodate
two-horse cart



see styles
èr lèi gè shēng
    er4 lei4 ge4 sheng1
erh lei ko sheng
 nirui kakushō
The Pure Land will not be limited to those who repeat the name of Amitābha according to his eighteenth vow; but includes those who adopt other ways (as shown in his nineteenth and twentieth vows).



see styles
èr lèi zhǒng zǐ
    er4 lei4 zhong3 zi3
erh lei chung tzu
 nirui shuji
v. 二種子.


see styles
wǔ sān bā èr
    wu3 san1 ba1 er4
wu san pa erh
 go san hachi ni
Five, three, eight, two, a summary of the tenets of the 法相 school, 五法, 三性, 八識, and 二無我 q. v.


see styles
wǔ shí èr wèi
    wu3 shi2 er4 wei4
wu shih erh wei
 gojūni i
The fifty-two stages in the process of becoming a Buddha; of these fifty-one are to bodhisattvahood, the fifty-second to Buddhahood. They are: Ten 十信 or stages of faith; thirty of the 三賢 or three grades of virtue i. e. ten 十住, ten 十行, and ten 十廻向; and twelve of the three grades of 聖 holiness, or sainthood, i. e. ten 地, plus 等覺 and 妙覺. These are the Tiantai stages; there are others, and the number and character of the stages vary in different schools.


see styles
wǔ shí èr zūn
    wu3 shi2 er4 zun1
wu shih erh tsun
 gojūni son
images of the fifty-two honored ones



see styles
wǔ shí èr zhòng
    wu3 shi2 er4 zhong4
wu shih erh chung
 gojūni shu
五十二類 The fifty-two groups of living beings, human and not-human, who, according to the Nirvana-sutra, assembled at the nirvana of the Buddha.



see styles
wǔ shí èr lèi
    wu3 shi2 er4 lei4
wu shih erh lei
 gojūni rui
fifty-two kinds of beings


see styles
wǔ shí tiān gōng
    wu3 shi2 tian1 gong1
wu shih t`ien kung
    wu shih tien kung
 gojū tenku
The fifty (or fify-two) objects of worship for suppressing demons and pestilences, and producing peace, good harvests, etc.; the lists differ.


see styles
wǔ dà míng wáng
    wu3 da4 ming2 wang2
wu ta ming wang
 godaimyouou / godaimyoo
{Buddh} five great wisdom kings (Acala, Kundali, Trilokavijaya, Vajrayaksa, Yamantaka)
The five Dharmapālas, or Law-guardians of the Five Dhyāni-Buddhas, of whom they are emanations or embodiments in two forms, compassionate and minatory. The five kings are the fierce aspect, e. g. Yamantaka, or the 六足尊金剛 Six-legged Honoured One is an emanation of Mañjuśrī, who is an emanation of Amitābha. The five kings are 不動, 降三世, 軍荼梨, 六足尊, and 淨身, all vajra-kings.


see styles
wǔ jiā qī zōng
    wu3 jia1 qi1 zong1
wu chia ch`i tsung
    wu chia chi tsung
 goke shichishū
(五家) Division in China of the 禪 Ch'an, Intuitive or Meditative School. It divided into northern and southern schools under 神秀 Shenxiu and 慧能 Huineng respectively. The northern school continued as a unit, the southern divided into five or seven 宗, viz. 潙仰宗, 臨濟宗, 曹洞宗, 雲門宗, and 法眼宗; the two others are 黃龍 and 揚岐.

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Two" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary