There are 2727 total results for your 時 search. I have created 28 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
<...1011121314151617181920...>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
時間膠囊 时间胶囊 see styles |
shí jiān jiāo náng shi2 jian1 jiao1 nang2 shih chien chiao nang |
time capsule |
時間芸術 see styles |
jikangeijutsu / jikangejutsu じかんげいじゅつ |
temporal art; art forms which unfold over time |
時間貸し see styles |
jikankashi じかんかし |
pay by the hour (parking) |
時間跳躍 see styles |
jikanchouyaku / jikanchoyaku じかんちょうやく |
time travel; leaping through time |
時間転移 see styles |
jikanteni じかんてんい |
(See 時間の歪み) time warp |
時間通り see styles |
jikandoori じかんどおり |
(temporal noun) on time |
時間進程 时间进程 see styles |
shí jiān jìn chéng shi2 jian1 jin4 cheng2 shih chien chin ch`eng shih chien chin cheng |
time course |
時間選好 see styles |
jikansenkou / jikansenko じかんせんこう |
time preference |
時限スト see styles |
jigensuto じげんスト |
(abbreviation) (See 時限ストライキ) time-limited strike |
時限措置 see styles |
jigensochi じげんそち |
time-limited measure |
時限爆弾 see styles |
jigenbakudan じげんばくだん |
time bomb |
時限立法 see styles |
jigenrippou / jigenrippo じげんりっぽう |
temporary legislation; legislation with a specified duration; act valid for a limited time |
時限装置 see styles |
jigensouchi / jigensochi じげんそうち |
timing device |
時隱時現 时隐时现 see styles |
shí yǐn shí xiàn shi2 yin3 shi2 xian4 shih yin shih hsien |
appearing and disappearing (idiom); intermittently visible |
時雨の化 see styles |
jiunoka じうのか |
(exp,n) benevolent rule of a gracious sovereign |
時雨れる see styles |
shigureru(gikun) しぐれる(gikun) |
(v1,vi) to rain on and off; to drizzle; to be showery |
時雨ダム see styles |
shiguredamu しぐれダム |
(place-name) Shigure Dam |
時雨模様 see styles |
shiguremoyou / shiguremoyo しぐれもよう |
showery sky; (it is) looking showery |
時雨音羽 see styles |
shigureotoha しぐれおとは |
(person) Shigure Otoha (1899.3.19-1980.7.25) |
時顯時隱 时显时隐 see styles |
shí xiǎn shí yǐn shi2 xian3 shi2 yin3 shih hsien shih yin |
appearing and disappearing; intermittently visible |
時飛石川 see styles |
tokitobiishikawa / tokitobishikawa ときとびいしかわ |
(place-name) Tokitobiishikawa |
いつ何時 see styles |
itsunandoki いつなんどき |
(adverb) (kana only) at any time; every moment |
と同時に see styles |
todoujini / todojini とどうじに |
(expression) at the same time as; while; as well as (multiple roles) |
ゆで時間 see styles |
yudejikan ゆでじかん |
boiling time |
ゼロ時間 see styles |
zerojikan ゼロじかん |
midnight |
ピーク時 see styles |
piikuji / pikuji ピークじ |
peak time; peak hours |
ワット時 see styles |
wattoji ワットじ |
watt hour |
一切時分 一切时分 see styles |
yī qiè shí fēn yi1 qie4 shi2 fen1 i ch`ieh shih fen i chieh shih fen issai jibun |
all divisions of time |
一日三時 一日三时 see styles |
yī rì sān shí yi1 ri4 san1 shi2 i jih san shih ichinichi sanji |
The three divisions of a day, morning, noon, evening. |
一日片時 see styles |
ichinichihenji いちにちへんじ |
(yoji) short time |
一時休戦 see styles |
ichijikyuusen / ichijikyusen いちじきゅうせん |
temporary truce; ceasefire |
一時休業 see styles |
ichijikyuugyou / ichijikyugyo いちじきゅうぎょう |
(noun/participle) temporary suspension (of business); brief shutdown |
一時休止 see styles |
ichijikyuushi / ichijikyushi いちじきゅうし |
(noun, transitive verb) adjournment; pause; moratorium; temporary suspension |
一時保育 see styles |
ichijihoiku いちじほいく |
temporary child care; short-term child care |
一時保護 see styles |
ichijihogo いちじほご |
(noun/participle) temporary protective custody; temporary protective care |
一時倶轉 一时倶转 see styles |
yī shí jù zhuǎn yi1 shi2 ju4 zhuan3 i shih chü chuan ichiji kuten |
function concurrently |
一時停止 see styles |
ichijiteishi / ichijiteshi いちじていし |
(n,vs,vt,vi) (1) suspension; pause; temporary halt; moratorium; (n,vs,vi) (2) stopping (at an intersection, railway crossing, etc.) |
一時凌ぎ see styles |
ichijishinogi いちじしのぎ |
makeshift; temporary expedient; stopgap measure |
一時半刻 一时半刻 see styles |
yī shí - bàn kè yi1 shi2 - ban4 ke4 i shih - pan k`o i shih - pan ko |
(idiom) a short time; a little while |
一時半晌 一时半晌 see styles |
yī shí bàn shǎng yi1 shi2 ban4 shang3 i shih pan shang |
a short time; a little while |
一時半會 一时半会 see styles |
yī shí bàn huì yi1 shi2 ban4 hui4 i shih pan hui |
a short time; a little while |
一時半霎 一时半霎 see styles |
yī shí bàn shà yi1 shi2 ban4 sha4 i shih pan sha |
a short time; a little while |
一時帰休 see styles |
ichijikikyuu / ichijikikyu いちじききゅう |
temporary layoff |
一時所得 see styles |
ichijishotoku いちじしょとく |
occasional income |
一時払い see styles |
ichijibarai いちじばらい |
lump-sum payment; paying in a lump sum |
一時瑜亮 一时瑜亮 see styles |
yī shí yú liàng yi1 shi2 yu2 liang4 i shih yü liang |
two remarkable persons living at the same period (as 周瑜[Zhou1 Yu2] and 諸葛亮|诸葛亮[Zhu1 ge3 Liang4]) |
一時磁石 see styles |
ichijijishaku いちじじしゃく |
(See 永久磁石) temporary magnet |
一時解雇 see styles |
ichijikaiko いちじかいこ |
(noun/participle) (See レイオフ) (temporary) layoff |
一時誤り see styles |
ichijiayamari いちじあやまり |
{comp} soft error; transient error |
一時賜金 see styles |
ichijishikin いちじしきん |
lump-sum grant |
一時逃れ see styles |
ichijinogare; ittokinogare いちじのがれ; いっときのがれ |
quibbling; temporizing; temporising |
一時雇用 see styles |
ichijikoyou / ichijikoyo いちじこよう |
temporary employment; temp work |
一時預け see styles |
ichijiazuke いちじあずけ |
(baggage) checking; temporary depositing |
一時預所 see styles |
ichijiazukarisho; ichijiazukarijo いちじあずかりしょ; いちじあずかりじょ |
cloakroom; checkroom |
七時雨山 see styles |
nanashigureyama ななしぐれやま |
(personal name) Nanashigureyama |
七瀬時雄 see styles |
nanasetokio ななせときお |
(person) Nanase Tokio (1941.6-) |
三不五時 三不五时 see styles |
sān bù wǔ shí san1 bu4 wu3 shi2 san pu wu shih |
(Tw) from time to time; frequently |
三国時代 see styles |
sangokujidai さんごくじだい |
(1) (hist) (See 三国・2) Three Kingdoms period (of Chinese history, 220 CE-280 CE); (2) (hist) (See 三国・3) Three Kingdoms period (of Korean history, 57 BCE-668 CE) |
三時坐禪 三时坐禅 see styles |
sān shí zuò chán san1 shi2 zuo4 chan2 san shih tso ch`an san shih tso chan sanji zazen |
The thrice a day meditation— about 10 a.m. and 4 and 8 p.m. |
三時年限 三时年限 see styles |
sān shí nián xiàn san1 shi2 nian2 xian4 san shih nien hsien sanji nengen |
The three periods of Buddhism— 1,000 years of 正法 pure or orthodox doctrine, 1,000 years of 像法 resemblance to purity, and 10,000 years of 末法 decay. Other definitions are 正 and 像 500 years each, or 正 1,000 and 像 500, or 正 500 and 像 1,000. |
三時教判 三时教判 see styles |
sān shí jiào pàn san1 shi2 jiao4 pan4 san shih chiao p`an san shih chiao pan sanji kyōhan |
three period teaching taxonomy |
上映時間 see styles |
joueijikan / joejikan じょうえいじかん |
running time (of a movie) |
上時国家 see styles |
kamitokikunike かみときくにけ |
(place-name) Kamitokikunike |
上時迦葉 上时迦叶 see styles |
shàng shí jiā shě shang4 shi2 jia1 she3 shang shih chia she Jōji Kashō |
Uruvilvā-Kāśyapa |
上班時間 上班时间 see styles |
shàng bān shí jiān shang4 ban1 shi2 jian1 shang pan shih chien |
working hours; office hours |
下時国家 see styles |
shimotokikunike しもときくにけ |
(place-name) Shimotokikunike |
不入時宜 不入时宜 see styles |
bù rù shí yí bu4 ru4 shi2 yi2 pu ju shih i |
out of step with current thinking; outmoded; inappropriate for the occasion |
不合時宜 不合时宜 see styles |
bù hé shí yí bu4 he2 shi2 yi2 pu ho shih i |
out of step with current thinking; outmoded; inappropriate for the occasion |
不失時機 不失时机 see styles |
bù shī shí jī bu4 shi1 shi2 ji1 pu shih shih chi |
to seize the opportune moment; to lose no time |
不時之需 不时之需 see styles |
bù shí zhī xū bu4 shi2 zhi1 xu1 pu shih chih hsü |
a possible period of want or need |
不時着陸 see styles |
fujichakuriku ふじちゃくりく |
(noun/participle) emergency landing; forced landing; crash landing |
不時解脫 不时解脱 see styles |
bù shí jiě tuō bu4 shi2 jie3 tuo1 pu shih chieh t`o pu shih chieh to fuji gedatsu |
The sixth, or highest of the six types of arhats; the other five groups have to bide their time and opportunity 時解脫 for liberation in samādhi, the sixth can enter immediately. |
不識時務 不识时务 see styles |
bù shí shí wù bu4 shi2 shi2 wu4 pu shih shih wu |
to show no understanding of the times (idiom); cannot adapt to current circumstances; not amenable to reason |
不識時變 不识时变 see styles |
bù shí shí biàn bu4 shi2 shi2 bian4 pu shih shih pien |
to show no understanding of the times (idiom); cannot adapt to current circumstances; not amenable to reason |
不遇時代 see styles |
fuguujidai / fugujidai ふぐうじだい |
one's dark days; the period during which one suffered misfortune and obscurity |
不違農時 不违农时 see styles |
bù wéi nóng shí bu4 wei2 nong2 shi2 pu wei nung shih |
not miss the farming season; do farm work in the right season |
不非時食 不非时食 see styles |
bù fēi shí shí bu4 fei1 shi2 shi2 pu fei shih shih fuhiji shiki |
Vikāla-bhojanād vairamaṇī (virati); part of the sixth of the ten commandments, i. e. against eating out of regulation hours, v. 不食肉. |
丑三つ時 see styles |
ushimitsudoki うしみつどき |
(1) dead of night; middle of the night; midnight; (2) (See 丑の刻) third quarter of the hour of the ox (2-2:30am, or 3-3:30am) |
両蓋時計 see styles |
ryoubutadokei / ryobutadoke りょうぶたどけい |
hunting-case watch |
中国時報 see styles |
chuugokujihou / chugokujiho ちゅうごくじほう |
(product) China Times (Taiwanese newspaper); (product name) China Times (Taiwanese newspaper) |
中國時報 中国时报 see styles |
zhōng guó shí bào zhong1 guo2 shi2 bao4 chung kuo shih pao |
China Times (newspaper published in Taiwan) |
中村時広 see styles |
nakamuratokihiro なかむらときひろ |
(person) Nakamura Tokihiro (1960.1.25-) |
中村時蔵 see styles |
nakamuratokizou / nakamuratokizo なかむらときぞう |
(person) Nakamura Tokizou |
中村時雄 see styles |
nakamuratokio なかむらときお |
(person) Nakamura Tokio (1915.6.12-2001.3.20) |
中部時間 see styles |
chuubujikan / chubujikan ちゅうぶじかん |
Central Time (US time zone) |
乗車時間 see styles |
joushajikan / joshajikan じょうしゃじかん |
riding time; time spent aboard a bus, train etc. |
乾燥時間 see styles |
kansoujikan / kansojikan かんそうじかん |
drying time |
二六時中 二六时中 see styles |
èr liù shí zhōng er4 liu4 shi2 zhong1 erh liu shih chung nirokujichuu / nirokujichu にろくじちゅう |
(adv,n) (yoji) night and day; all the time during the twelve (=twenty-four) hours of the day. |
五時八教 五时八教 see styles |
wǔ shí bā jiào wu3 shi2 ba1 jiao4 wu shih pa chiao gojihakkyou / gojihakkyo ごじはっきょう |
{Buddh} (See 五時教) division of the Buddha's 50-year teachings into five time periods and eight categories (theory of the Tendai sect) A Tiantai classification of the Buddha's teaching into five periods and eight kinds of doctrine, which eight are subdivided into two groups of four each, 化儀四教 and 化法四教. |
五濁增時 五浊增时 see styles |
wǔ zhuó zēng shí wu3 zhuo2 zeng1 shi2 wu cho tseng shih gojoku zō-no-toki |
The period of increasing turbidity or decay; see 五濁. |
井口時男 see styles |
iguchitokio いぐちときお |
(person) Iguchi Tokio (1953.2-) |
京華時報 京华时报 see styles |
jīng huá shí bào jing1 hua2 shi2 bao4 ching hua shih pao |
Beijing Times (newspaper) |
什麼時候 什么时候 see styles |
shén me shí hou shen2 me5 shi2 hou5 shen me shih hou |
when?; at what time? |
仁科時成 see styles |
nishinatokinari にしなときなり |
(person) Nishina Tokinari (1951.6.2-) |
今の時代 see styles |
imanojidai いまのじだい |
(exp,n) modern times; the modern age; this day and age |
今時今日 今时今日 see styles |
jīn shí jīn rì jin1 shi2 jin1 ri4 chin shih chin jih |
this day and age (dialect) |
今正是時 今正是时 see styles |
jīn zhèng shì shí jin1 zheng4 shi4 shi2 chin cheng shih shih kin shōze ji |
now is the right time |
令和時代 see styles |
reiwajidai / rewajidai れいわじだい |
Reiwa period (2019-) |
休み時間 see styles |
yasumijikan やすみじかん |
recess; break time; break between classes; free period; recess time; recreation hour; time for recess |
休息時間 see styles |
kyuusokujikan / kyusokujikan きゅうそくじかん |
recess; break; breathing spell |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "時" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.