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Simple Dictionary Definition



see styles
èr zhǒng dìng
    er4 zhong3 ding4
erh chung ting
 nishu jō
two types of meditative absorption



see styles
èr zhǒng xìng
    er4 zhong3 xing4
erh chung hsing
 nishu shō
Two kinds of seed-nature, the character of the ālaya seed and its development: (1) (a) 性種子 The original good seed-nature; (b) 習種子 the seed-nature in practice or development. (2) (a) 本性住種性 The immanent abiding original good seed-nature; (b) 習所成種性 the seed productive according to its ground. (3) (a) 聖種性 The seed-nature of the saints, by which they attain nirvana; (b) 愚夫種性 the seed-nature in the foolish and ignorant.



see styles
èr zhǒng duàn
    er4 zhong3 duan4
erh chung tuan
 nishu dan
two kinds of elimination



see styles
èr zhǒng shī
    er4 zhong3 shi1
erh chung shih
 nishu (no) se
v. 二種布施.



see styles
èr zhǒng guǒ
    er4 zhong3 guo3
erh chung kuo
 nishu ka
two kinds of fruits



see styles
èr zhǒng sǐ
    er4 zhong3 si3
erh chung ssu
 nishu (no) shi
The two kinds of death, 命盡死 natural death, and 外緣死 violent death, or death from external cause.



see styles
èr zhǒng shēng
    er4 zhong3 sheng1
erh chung sheng
 nishu shō
two kinds of birth



see styles
èr zhǒng bìng
    er4 zhong3 bing4
erh chung ping
 nishu no yamai
Two kinds of sickness: physical and mental or spiritual.



see styles
èr zhǒng xiàng
    er4 zhong3 xiang4
erh chung hsiang
 nishu sō
two kinds of characteristics



see styles
èr zhǒng shèng
    er4 zhong3 sheng4
erh chung sheng
 nishu shō
Two classes of saints or, preachers: those who preach and those who preach without words.



see styles
èr zhǒng shì
    er4 zhong3 shi4
erh chung shih
 nishu no shiki
two types of consciousness



see styles
èr zhǒng zhàng
    er4 zhong3 zhang4
erh chung chang
 nishu shō
two kinds of hindrances



see styles
èr kōng guān
    er4 kong1 guan1
erh k`ung kuan
    erh kung kuan
 ni kūkan
Two kinds of meditation on the "void', or unreality: (a) 無生觀 the meditation that things are unproduced, having no individual or separate natures, i.e. that all things are void and unreal; cf. 性空; (b) 無相觀 that they are therefore formless, cf. 相空. Also 人 and 法空觀 see above.


see styles
two places; two spots; two locations; two parts; two passages



see styles
èr jié gùn
    er4 jie2 gun4
erh chieh kun
nunchaku (weapon with two rods joined by a short chain, used in martial arts)


see styles
two half hitches



see styles
èr jīng tǐ
    er4 jing1 ti3
erh ching t`i
    erh ching ti
 ni kyōtai
The two bodies or elements in a sūtra: 文 and 義 the words and the meaning, or ideas.


see styles



see styles
èr xié shì
    er4 xie2 shi4
erh hsieh shih
 ni kyōshi
二挾侍 The two attendants by the side of Amitābha, i.e. 觀音 Guanyin and 大勢至 Mahāsthāmaprāpta; also the two by Yaoshi, the Master of Medicine, i.e. 日光 sunlight and 月光 moonlight; also the two by Śākyamuni, i.e. 文殊 Mañjuśrī and 普賢 Samantabhadra.


see styles
èr bō rě
    er4 bo1 re3
erh po je
 ni hannya
Two kinds of prajñā, or wisdom. (1) (a) 共般若 The prajñā of the three stages of śrāvaka, pratyekabuddha, and imperfect Bodhisattva schools; (b) 不共般若 the prajñā of the perfect Bodhisattva teaching—a Tiantai division. (2) (a) 世間般若 temporal prajñā; (b) 出世間般若 supernatural. (3) (a) 實相般若 The first part of the Prajñāpāramitā; (b) 觀照般若 the second part.


see styles
èr sè shēn
    er4 se4 shen1
erh se shen
 ni shikishin
The two rūpakāya or incantation-bodies of a Buddha, his 報身 and 應身 or saṁbhogakāya and nirmāṇakāya, as distinguished from 法身 the dharmakāya.



see styles
èr jiě tuō
    er4 jie3 tuo1
erh chieh t`o
    erh chieh to
 ni gedatsu
Two kinds of deliverance, mukti or mokṣa: (1) (a) 有爲解脫 Active or earthly deliverance to arhatship; (b) 無爲解脫 nirvana-deliverance. (2) (a) 性淨解脫 The pure, original freedom or innocence; (b) 障盡解脫 deliverance acquired by the ending of all hindrances (to salvation). (3) (a) 慧解脫 The arhat's deliverance from hindrances to wisdom; (b) 具解脫 his complete deliverance in regard to both wisdom and vision 慧 and 定. (4) (a) 時解脫 The dull who take time or are slow in attaining to 定 vision; (b) 不時解脫 the quick or clever who take "no time". (5) (a) 心解脫 A heart or mind delivered from desires; (b) 慧解脫 a mind delivered from ignorance by wisdom.



see styles
èr dì guān
    er4 di4 guan1
erh ti kuan
 nitai kan
contemplation on the two truths



see styles
èr zī liáng
    er4 zi1 liang2
erh tzu liang
 ni shiryō
two kinds of provisions



see styles
èr zī liáng
    er4 zi1 liang2
erh tzu liang
two necessary provisions for the path to enlightenment


see styles
èr zú zūn
    er4 zu2 zun1
erh tsu tsun
 nisoku son
most honored among the two-legged


see styles
two-wheeled vehicle



see styles
èr zhuǎn yī
    er4 zhuan3 yi1
erh chuan i
 ni tenne
two transformations of the basis


see styles
pair; two kinds; two ways


see styles
 nishuukan / nishukan
fortnight; two weeks



see styles
èr guò yī
    er4 guo4 yi1
erh kuo i
(soccer) one-two; push-and-run


see styles
èr dào lǐ
    er4 dao4 li3
erh tao li
 ni dōri
rationale for two paths


see styles
two-part work


see styles
èr bù zhì
    er4 bu4 zhi4
erh pu chih
two shift system (in schools)


see styles
èr zhòng zhàng
    er4 zhong4 zhang4
erh chung chang
 ni jūshō
two heavy hindrances


see styles
two-storey house; two-story house


see styles
two-storey house; two-story house


see styles
two-storied building



see styles
èr zhàng yì
    er4 zhang4 yi4
erh chang i
 Nishō gi
System of the Two Hindrances



see styles
èr suí mián
    er4 sui2 mian2
erh sui mien
 ni zuimin
two propensities



see styles
èr zá rǎn
    er4 za2 ran3
erh tsa jan
 ni zōzen
two defilements


see styles
 nimensei / nimense
dual nature; bilateral character; two-facedness; two-sidedness



see styles
èr xiàng shì
    er4 xiang4 shi4
erh hsiang shih
 nikoushiki / nikoshiki
two items; binomial (math.)
(mathematics term) binomial


see styles
wǔ fó xìng
    wu3 fo2 xing4
wu fo hsing
 go busshō
The five characteristics of a Buddha' s nature: the first three are the 三因佛性 q. v., the fourth is 果佛性 the fruition of perfect enlightenment, and the fifth 果果佛性 the fruition of that fruition, or the revelation of parinirvāṇa. The first three are natural attributes, the two last are acquired.


see styles
wǔ jù zú
    wu3 ju4 zu2
wu chü tsu
five implements placed in front of a Buddhist altar: two candlesticks, two vases (usu. containing flowers made of gilded copper) and one incense burner
The five complete utensils for worship— two flower vases, two candlesticks, and a censer.



see styles
wǔ lèi tiān
    wu3 lei4 tian1
wu lei t`ien
    wu lei tien
 gorui ten
The five kinds of devas: (1) 上界天 in the upper realms of form and non-form; (2) 虛空天 in the sky, i. e. four of the six devas of the desire-realm; (3) 地居天 on the earth, i. e. the other two of the six devas, on Sumeru; (4) 遊虛天空 wandering devas of the sky, e. g. sun, moon, starvas, (5) 地下天 under-world devas, e. g. nāgas, asuras, māras, etc. Of. 五大明王.



see styles
jiāo huì chù
    jiao1 hui4 chu4
chiao hui ch`u
    chiao hui chu
confluence (of two rivers); junction (of roads); (transport) interchange


see styles
jīng èr hú
    jing1 er4 hu2
ching erh hu
jing'erhu, a two-stringed fiddle intermediate in size and pitch between the jinghu 京胡 and erhu 二胡, used to accompany Chinese opera; also called 京胡


see styles
rén tiān shèng
    ren2 tian1 sheng4
jen t`ien sheng
    jen tien sheng
 ninten jō
Two of the 五乘 q.v.


see styles
rén tiān jiào
    ren2 tian1 jiao4
jen t`ien chiao
    jen tien chiao
 ninden kyō
Two of the 五教 q.v.


see styles
rén wáng zūn
    ren2 wang2 zun1
jen wang tsun
 ninō son
The two Vajrapāṇi 阿 and 吽 who act as door guardians of temples, variously known as 密跡菩薩, 密修力士, 執金剛神, and 那羅延金剛.


see styles
 imayouuta / imayouta
verse form from the Heian and Kamakura periods consisting of 4 lines each divided into two parts of 7 and 5 syllables


see styles
fó shì jiè
    fo2 shi4 jie4
fo shih chieh
 butsu sekai
A Buddha-realm, divided into two categories, the pure and the impure, i.e. the passionless and passion worlds.


see styles
jù shēng shén
    ju4 sheng1 shen2
chü sheng shen
The spirit, born at the same time as the individual, which records his deeds and reports to Yama. Another version is the two spirits who record one's good and evil. Another says it is the ālaya-vijñāna.


see styles
internal angle of two walls, planes, etc.


see styles
internal angle of two walls, planes, etc.



see styles
liǎng fēn fǎ
    liang3 fen1 fa3
liang fen fa
(Maoism) one divides into two



see styles
liǎng juǎn jīng
    liang3 juan3 jing1
liang chüan ching
 Ryōkan kyō
The Two Fascicle Sutra, i. e. the 佛說無量壽經.



see styles
liǎng huí shì
    liang3 hui2 shi4
liang hui shih
two quite different things; two unrelated matters



see styles
liǎng mǎ shì
    liang3 ma3 shi4
liang ma shih
two quite different things; another kettle of fish



see styles
liǎng jiān shén
    liang3 jian1 shen2
liang chien shen
 ryōgen jin
The two recording spirits, one at each shoulder, v. 同名 and 同坐神.



see styles
liǎng zú shàng
    liang3 zu2 shang4
liang tsu shang
 ryōsoku jō
the best among two-legged beings



see styles
liǎng zú zūn
    liang3 zu2 zun1
liang tsu tsun
 ryōzoku son
The most honoured among men and devas (lit. among two-footed beings), a title of the Buddha. The two feet are compared to the commandments and meditation, blessing and wisdom, relative and absolute teaching (i. e. Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna), meditation and action.



see styles
liǎng miàn pài
    liang3 mian4 pai4
liang mien p`ai
    liang mien pai
two-faced person; double-dealing



see styles
liǎng dǎng zhì
    liang3 dang3 zhi4
liang tang chih
two-party system


see styles
(archaism) (See 八つ・3) two o'clock (old time system)


see styles
bā zhōng zhōu
    ba1 zhong1 zhou1
pa chung chou
 hachichū shū
Each of the "four continents" has two other continents, i.e. Jambudvīpa has Cāmara and Varacāmara; Pūrvavideha has Deha and Videha; Aparagodānīya has Śaṭhā and Uttaramantriṇaḥ; and Uttarakuru has Kuravaḥ and Kaurava; v. 四洲.


see styles
bā èr dān
    ba1 er4 dan1
pa erh tan
eight-to-two powder (TCM)



see styles
bā jiě tuō
    ba1 jie3 tuo1
pa chieh t`o
    pa chieh to
 hachi gedatsu
aṣṭa-vimokṣa, mokṣa, vimukti, mukti. Liberation, deliverance, freedom, emancipation, escape, release―in eight forms; also 八背捨 and cf. 解脫 and 八勝處. The eight are stages of mental concentration: (1) 内有色想觀外色解脱 Liberation, when subjective desire arises, by examination of the object, or of all things and realization of their filthiness. (2) 内無色想觀外色解脫 Liberation, when no subjective desire arises, by still meditating as above. These two are deliverance by meditation on impurity, the next on purity. (3) 淨身作證具足住解脫 Liberation by concentration on the pure to the realization of a permanent state of freedom from all desire. The above three "correspond to the four Dhyānas". (Eitel.) (4) 空無邊處解脫 Liberation in realization of the infinity of space, or the immaterial. (5) 識無邊處解脫 Liberation in realization of infinite knowledge. (6) 無所有處解脫Liberation in realization of nothingness, or nowhereness. (7) 非想非非想處解脫 Liberation in the state of mind where there is neither thought nor absence of thought. These four arise out of abstract meditation in regard to desire and form, and are associated with the 四空天. (8) 滅受 想定解脫 Liberation by means of a state of mind in which there is final extinction, nirvāṇa, of both sensation, vedanā, and consciousness, saṁjñā.



see styles
bā lù jun
    ba1 lu4 jun1
pa lu chün
Eighth Route Army, the larger of the two major Chinese communist forces fighting the Japanese in the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945)
Eighth Route Army; 18th Army Group of the National Revolutionary Army of the Republic of China


see styles
bā diān dào
    ba1 dian1 dao4
pa tien tao
 hachi tendō
The eight upside-down views: heretics believe in 常樂我淨 permanence, pleasure, personality, and purity; the two Hīnayāna vehicles deny these both now and in nirvāṇa. Mahāyāna denies them now, but asserts them in nirvāṇa. Also 八倒.



see styles
liù guān yīn
    liu4 guan1 yin1
liu kuan yin
The six kinds of Guanyin. There are two groups— I. That of Tiantai: 大悲 most pitiful; 大慈 most merciful; 師子無畏 of lion-courage; 大光普照 of universal light; 天人丈夫 leader amongst gods and men; 大梵深遠 the great omnipresent Brahma. Each of this bodhisattva's six qualities of pity, etc., breaks the hindrances 三障 respectively of the hells, pretas, animals, asuras, men, and devas. II. As thousand-handed; the holy one; horseheaded; eleven-faced; Cundī (or Marīci); with the wheel of sovereign power.



see styles
gòng mìng niǎo
    gong4 ming4 niao3
kung ming niao
 gumyō chō
命命鳥; 生生鳥 jīvajīva, or jīvañjīva, a bird said to have two heads on one body, i. e. mind and perception differing, but the karma one.


see styles
(suf,v1) (1) (kana only) (See 兼ねない) to be unable to; to find difficult (unpleasant, awkward, painful) to do; (transitive verb) (2) to serve two or more functions or roles simultaneously; to contain (or combine) two or more features; (transitive verb) (3) to work in two or more jobs simultaneously (positions, etc.); to do alongside; (transitive verb) (4) to hesitate to do something (out of consideration for others); (transitive verb) (5) to think of the future (as well as the present)


see styles
(irregular okurigana usage) (n-adv,n-t) in passing another (esp. colliding with oncoming traffic, bumping into a person); the moment two persons or objects meet


see styles
(irregular okurigana usage) (n-adv,n-t) in passing another (esp. colliding with oncoming traffic, bumping into a person); the moment two persons or objects meet


see styles
chū jiā rén
    chu1 jia1 ren2
ch`u chia jen
    chu chia jen
monk; nun (Buddhist or Daoist)
One who has left home and become a monk or nun. Two kinds are named: (1) 身出家 one who physically leaves home, and (2) 心出家 one who does so in spirit and conduct. A further division of four is: (1 ) one who physically leaves home, but in spirit remains with wife and family; (2) one who physically remains at home but whose spirit goes forth; (3) one who leaves home, body and spirit; and (4) one who, body and mind, refuses to leave home.



see styles
fēn wéi èr
    fen1 wei2 er4
fen wei erh
 bun i ni
to separate into two


see styles
fēn yīn fú
    fen1 yin1 fu2
fen yin fu
dieresis; umlaut; diacritical mark separating two adjacent syllables


see styles
chū èr guǒ
    chu1 er4 guo3
ch`u erh kuo
    chu erh kuo
the first two fruits of the four fruits of the lesser vehicle path



see styles
lì yǎng fú
    li4 yang3 fu2
li yang fu
 riyō baku
The bond of selfish greed, one of the two bonds, gain and fame.


see styles
bó qié yí
    bo2 qie2 yi2
po ch`ieh i
    po chieh i
Bhagai, 'a city south of Khotan with a Buddha-statue which exhibits all the' lakṣaṇani, or thirty-two signs, 'brought there from Cashmere.' Eitel.


see styles
shí bā tiān
    shi2 ba1 tian1
shih pa t`ien
    shih pa tien
 jūhachi ten
Brahmaloka, the eighteen heavens of form, rūpadhātu, three of the first dhyāna, 梵衆天; 梵輔天; 大梵天; three of the second, 少光天; 無量光天; 光音; three of the third, 少淨天; 無量淨天; 徧淨天; and nine of the fourth, 無雲天; 福生天; 廣果天; 無想天; 無煩天; 無熱天; 善見天; 善現,天; 色究竟天 ."Southern Buddhism knows only sixteen. Those two which Northern Buddhists added are Punya-prasava 福生 and Anabhraka 無雲." Eitel.


see styles
shí bā dào
    shi2 ba1 dao4
shih pa tao
 jūhachi dō
In the two maṇḍalas, Vajradhātu and Garbhadhātu, each has nine central objects of worship. The Shingon disciple devotes himself to meditation on one of these eighteen each day.


see styles
shí zhēn rú
    shi2 zhen1 ru2
shih chen ju
 jū shinnyo
The ten aspects of the bhūtatathatā or reality attained by a bodhisattva during his fifty-two stages of development, cf. 十地 and 十障, each of which is associated with one of these zhenru: (1) 遍行眞如 the universality of the zhenru; (2) 最勝眞如 its superiority over all else; (3) 流眞如 its ubiquity; (4) 無攝受眞如 its independence or self-containedness; (5) 無別眞如 subjective indifferentiation; (6) 無染淨眞如 above differences of impurity and purity; (7) 法無別眞如 objective indifferentiation; (8) 不增減眞如 invariable, i.e. can be neither added to nor taken from; (9) 智自在所依 the basis of all wisdom; (10) 業自在等所依眞如 and all power. The above are the 別教 group from the 唯識論 10. Another group, of the 圓教, is the same as the 十如是 q.v.


see styles
(noun, transitive verb) (child. language) (See こ・2) halfsies; splitting evenly between two people



see styles
bàn tuō jiā
    ban4 tuo1 jia1
pan t`o chia
    pan to chia
(or 半他迦) ; 槃陀 (槃陀迦); 槃特 Panthaka, born on the road; a road; two brothers— one born by a main road, the other by a path— who both became arhats.



see styles
xié lì chē
    xie2 li4 che1
hsieh li ch`e
    hsieh li che
 kyouryokusha / kyoryokusha
vehicle powered by two or more pedallers (typically, a tandem bicycle)
cooperative delivery vehicle (esp. for deliveries between libraries); liaison vehicle


see styles
(mahj) (kana only) wait to turn either of two pairs into a three-of-a-kind to finish one's hand (chi:)


see styles
 souhoukou / sohoko
(noun - becomes adjective with の) two-way; bidirectional; interactive


see styles
 souhatsuki / sohatsuki
two-motored plane


see styles
 nunchaku; nunchaku
    ぬんちゃく; ヌンチャク
(kana only) {MA} nunchaku (two linked fighting sticks); nunchak; nunchucks


see styles
 sourinsha / sorinsha
(rare) (See 二輪車) two-wheeled vehicle


see styles
the opposite team in a two-turns work group


see styles
gè yǒu èr
    ge4 you3 er4
ko yu erh
there are two of each


see styles
    aiin / ain
(1) identifying mark (esp. a mark of comradeship); (2) mark placed where two pieces of cloth are to be sewn together (or two pieces of wood joined, etc.); (3) verification seal; tally; verification seal; tally


see styles
(1) chum; pal; (2) dagger; stiletto; (3) (sumo) unbalanced record of wins between two wrestlers


see styles
(1) identifying mark (esp. a mark of comradeship); (2) mark placed where two pieces of cloth are to be sewn together (or two pieces of wood joined, etc.); (3) verification seal; tally


see styles
 goukon / gokon
(noun/participle) (abbreviation) (See 合同コンパ) joint party (e.g. by students from several colleges); combined party; mixer; two or more groups, esp. female and male students, combining for a party


see styles
(1) aizuchi; back-channeling; interjections indicating that one is paying attention; (2) two smiths hammering at an object in turn

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Two" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary