There are 256 total results for your 鸡 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
雞 鸡 see styles |
jī ji1 chi kei |
fowl; chicken; CL:隻|只[zhi1]; (slang) prostitute kukkuṭa, a cock, fowl, chicken, hen; translit. ku, ke, go. |
鷄 鸡 see styles |
jī ji1 chi |
variant of 雞|鸡[ji1] v. 雞 Eighteen Strokes. |
仔雞 仔鸡 see styles |
zǐ jī zi3 ji1 tzu chi |
chick; baby chicken |
做雞 做鸡 see styles |
zuò jī zuo4 ji1 tso chi |
(slang) (of a woman) to work as a prostitute |
公雞 公鸡 see styles |
gōng jī gong1 ji1 kung chi |
cock; rooster |
勺雞 勺鸡 see styles |
sháo jī shao2 ji1 shao chi |
(bird species of China) koklass pheasant (Pucrasia macrolopha) |
叫雞 叫鸡 see styles |
jiào jī jiao4 ji1 chiao chi |
rooster; cock; (slang) (Cantonese) to visit a prostitute |
吃雞 吃鸡 see styles |
chī jī chi1 ji1 ch`ih chi chih chi |
(video games) PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG); battle royale game; last-man-standing game; to play PUBG (or similar game); to win at PUBG (or similar game) |
土雞 土鸡 see styles |
tǔ jī tu3 ji1 t`u chi tu chi |
More info & calligraphy: Earth Rooster |
寶雞 宝鸡 see styles |
bǎo jī bao3 ji1 pao chi |
see 寶雞市|宝鸡市[Bao3ji1 Shi4] |
小雞 小鸡 see styles |
xiǎo jī xiao3 ji1 hsiao chi |
chick |
山雞 山鸡 see styles |
shān jī shan1 ji1 shan chi |
Reeves's pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii); (dialect) pheasant |
松雞 松鸡 see styles |
sōng jī song1 ji1 sung chi |
grouse |
柴雞 柴鸡 see styles |
chái jī chai2 ji1 ch`ai chi chai chi |
a variety of free-range chicken, small with furless legs, laying smaller eggs |
榛雞 榛鸡 see styles |
zhēn jī zhen1 ji1 chen chi |
hazel grouse |
母雞 母鸡 see styles |
mǔ jī mu3 ji1 mu chi |
hen; don't know (humorous slang mimicking Cantonese 唔知, Jyutping: m4 zi1) |
水雞 水鸡 see styles |
shuǐ jī shui3 ji1 shui chi |
More info & calligraphy: Water Rooster |
油雞 油鸡 see styles |
yóu jī you2 ji1 yu chi |
a variety of chicken |
火雞 火鸡 see styles |
huǒ jī huo3 ji1 huo chi |
More info & calligraphy: Fire Rooster |
炸雞 炸鸡 see styles |
zhá jī zha2 ji1 cha chi |
fried chicken |
烏雞 乌鸡 see styles |
wū jī wu1 ji1 wu chi |
black-boned chicken; silky fowl; silkie; Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson |
烤雞 烤鸡 see styles |
kǎo jī kao3 ji1 k`ao chi kao chi |
roast chicken |
田雞 田鸡 see styles |
tián jī tian2 ji1 t`ien chi tien chi |
frog; the Chinese edible frog (Hoplobatrachus rugulosus) |
石雞 石鸡 see styles |
shí jī shi2 ji1 shih chi |
(bird species of China) chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar) |
笨雞 笨鸡 see styles |
bèn jī ben4 ji1 pen chi |
free-range chicken |
素雞 素鸡 see styles |
sù jī su4 ji1 su chi |
vegetarian chicken, a soybean product |
肉雞 肉鸡 see styles |
ròu jī rou4 ji1 jou chi |
chicken raised for meat; broiler; (computing) zombie; infected computer in a botnet |
花雞 花鸡 see styles |
huā jī hua1 ji1 hua chi |
chaffinch (family Fringillidae) |
草雞 草鸡 see styles |
cǎo jī cao3 ji1 ts`ao chi tsao chi |
free-range chicken; (dialect) hen; cowardly |
菜雞 菜鸡 see styles |
cài jī cai4 ji1 ts`ai chi tsai chi |
(slang) total noob |
董雞 董鸡 see styles |
dǒng jī dong3 ji1 tung chi |
(bird species of China) watercock (Gallicrex cinerea) |
蛋雞 蛋鸡 see styles |
dàn jī dan4 ji1 tan chi |
laying hen |
辣雞 辣鸡 see styles |
là jī la4 ji1 la chi |
spicy chicken; (Internet slang) garbage (pun on 垃圾[la1 ji1]) |
酉雞 酉鸡 see styles |
yǒu jī you3 ji1 yu chi |
Year 10, year of the Cock (e.g. 2005) |
醉雞 醉鸡 see styles |
zuì jī zui4 ji1 tsui chi |
chicken in rice wine; also translated drunken chicken |
野雞 野鸡 see styles |
yě jī ye3 ji1 yeh chi |
pheasant; unregistered and operating illegally (business); (slang) prostitute |
金雞 金鸡 see styles |
jīn jī jin1 ji1 chin chi |
More info & calligraphy: Golden/Metal Rooster |
金鷄 金鸡 see styles |
jīn jī jin1 ji1 chin chi kinkei |
The golden cock (or, fowl), with a grain of millet in its beak, a name for Bodhidharma. |
錦雞 锦鸡 see styles |
jǐn jī jin3 ji1 chin chi |
golden pheasant |
雄雞 雄鸡 see styles |
xióng jī xiong2 ji1 hsiung chi |
rooster |
雉雞 雉鸡 see styles |
zhì jī zhi4 ji1 chih chi |
(bird species of China) common pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) |
雛雞 雏鸡 see styles |
chú jī chu2 ji1 ch`u chi chu chi |
chick; newly hatched chicken |
雞丁 鸡丁 see styles |
jī dīng ji1 ding1 chi ting |
diced chicken meat |
雞兒 鸡儿 see styles |
jī ér ji1 er2 chi erh |
chick; baby chicken; (vulgar) penis |
雞兜 鸡兜 see styles |
jī dōu ji1 dou1 chi tou keito |
ketu |
雞冠 鸡冠 see styles |
jī guān ji1 guan1 chi kuan |
crest; cockscomb |
雞凍 鸡冻 see styles |
jī dòng ji1 dong4 chi tung |
chicken jelly; (Internet slang) exciting (pun on 激動|激动[ji1 dong4]) |
雞園 鸡园 see styles |
jī yuán ji1 yuan2 chi yüan Keien |
Kukkuṭārāma, a monastery on the 雞足山 built by Aśoka; also called 雞頭摩寺 or 雞頭末寺; 雞雀寺. |
雞塊 鸡块 see styles |
jī kuài ji1 kuai4 chi k`uai chi kuai |
chicken nugget; chicken piece |
雞奸 鸡奸 see styles |
jī jiān ji1 jian1 chi chien |
sodomy; anal intercourse; buggery |
雞娃 鸡娃 see styles |
jī wá ji1 wa2 chi wa |
chick; (neologism c. 2020) to arrange a daily regimen of activities for one's child; a child whose life is regimented this way |
雞婆 鸡婆 see styles |
jī pó ji1 po2 chi p`o chi po |
(dialect) hen; prostitute; (Tw) (adjective) interfering; nosy; (noun) busybody (from Taiwanese 家婆, Tai-lo pr. [ke-pô]) |
雞嶺 鸡岭 see styles |
jī lǐng ji1 ling3 chi ling Keiryō |
Kukkuṭapāda |
雞巴 鸡巴 see styles |
jī ba ji1 ba5 chi pa |
dick; penis (vulgar) |
雞年 鸡年 see styles |
jī nián ji1 nian2 chi nien |
Year of the Cock (e.g. 2005) |
雞扒 鸡扒 see styles |
jī pá ji1 pa2 chi p`a chi pa |
see 雞排|鸡排[ji1 pai2] |
雞排 鸡排 see styles |
jī pái ji1 pai2 chi p`ai chi pai |
chicken breast; chicken cutlet |
雞掰 鸡掰 see styles |
jī bāi ji1 bai1 chi pai |
(Tw) (vulgar) cunt (from Taiwanese 膣屄, Tai-lo pr. [tsi-bai]); (slang) to fuck around with; (used as an intensifier) fucking; fucked up |
雞東 鸡东 see styles |
jī dōng ji1 dong1 chi tung |
Jidong county in Jixi 雞西|鸡西[Ji1 xi1], Heilongjiang |
雞樅 鸡枞 see styles |
jī zōng ji1 zong1 chi tsung |
macrolepiota, mushroom native to Yunnan Province |
雞毒 鸡毒 see styles |
jī dú ji1 du2 chi tu Keidoku |
India, Hindu, idem 身毒. |
雞毛 鸡毛 see styles |
jī máo ji1 mao2 chi mao |
chicken feather; CL:根[gen1]; trivial |
雞湯 鸡汤 see styles |
jī tāng ji1 tang1 chi t`ang chi tang |
chicken stock; chicken soup; (fig.) chicken soup for the soul – i.e. feel-good motivational stories (often used disparagingly because the stories don't really effect change in people's lives) |
雞澤 鸡泽 see styles |
jī zé ji1 ze2 chi tse |
Jize county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei |
雞珍 鸡珍 see styles |
jī zhēn ji1 zhen1 chi chen |
chicken gizzard (cuisine) |
雞眼 鸡眼 see styles |
jī yǎn ji1 yan3 chi yen |
corn (callus on the foot) |
雞窩 鸡窝 see styles |
jī wō ji1 wo1 chi wo |
chicken coop |
雞精 鸡精 see styles |
jī jīng ji1 jing1 chi ching |
chicken bouillon powder (PRC); essence of chicken, concentrated chicken stock sold as a tonic (Tw) |
雞聲 鸡声 see styles |
jī shēng ji1 sheng1 chi sheng keishō |
clucking of fowls |
雞肉 鸡肉 see styles |
jī ròu ji1 rou4 chi jou |
chicken meat |
雞肋 鸡肋 see styles |
jī lèi ji1 lei4 chi lei |
chicken ribs; something of little value or interest; something of dubious worth that one is reluctant to give up; to be physically weak |
雞腳 鸡脚 see styles |
jī jiǎo ji1 jiao3 chi chiao |
chicken feet |
雞腿 鸡腿 see styles |
jī tuǐ ji1 tui3 chi t`ui chi tui |
chicken leg; drumstick; CL:根[gen1] |
雞舍 鸡舍 see styles |
jī shè ji1 she4 chi she |
chicken coop |
雞菇 鸡菇 see styles |
jī gū ji1 gu1 chi ku |
see 雞腿菇|鸡腿菇[ji1 tui3 gu1] |
雞蛋 鸡蛋 see styles |
jī dàn ji1 dan4 chi tan |
(chicken) egg; hen's egg; CL:個|个[ge4],打[da2] |
雞西 鸡西 see styles |
jī xī ji1 xi1 chi hsi |
see 雞西市|鸡西市[Ji1xi1 Shi4] |
雞貴 鸡贵 see styles |
jī guì ji1 gui4 chi kuei Keiki |
Honouring, or reverencing the cock, said to be tr. of Kukkuteśvara, a name for Korea. |
雞賊 鸡贼 see styles |
jī zéi ji1 zei2 chi tsei |
(dialect) stingy; miserly; crafty; cunning |
雞雞 鸡鸡 see styles |
jī jī ji1 ji1 chi chi |
penis (childish) |
雞鶩 鸡鹜 see styles |
jī wù ji1 wu4 chi wu |
petty or mean persons |
駝雞 驼鸡 see styles |
tuó jī tuo2 ji1 t`o chi to chi |
ostrich (Struthio camelus); also written 鴕鳥|鸵鸟[tuo2 niao3]; fabulous bird like Sinbad's roc |
鬥雞 斗鸡 see styles |
dòu jī dou4 ji1 tou chi |
cock fighting |
鵾雞 鹍鸡 see styles |
kūn jī kun1 ji1 k`un chi kun chi |
bird mentioned in ancient texts, resembling a crane |
卵用雞 卵用鸡 see styles |
luǎn yòng jī luan3 yong4 ji1 luan yung chi |
laying hen |
參雞湯 参鸡汤 see styles |
shēn jī tāng shen1 ji1 tang1 shen chi t`ang shen chi tang |
samgyetang, popular Korean chicken soup with ginseng, spices etc |
口水雞 口水鸡 see styles |
kǒu shuǐ jī kou3 shui3 ji1 k`ou shui chi kou shui chi |
steamed chicken with chili sauce |
吐綬雞 吐绶鸡 see styles |
tǔ shòu jī tu3 shou4 ji1 t`u shou chi tu shou chi |
turkey |
大盤雞 大盘鸡 see styles |
dà pán jī da4 pan2 ji1 ta p`an chi ta pan chi |
dapanji or "big plate chicken", a kind of spicy chicken stew originating from Xinjiang |
大石雞 大石鸡 see styles |
dà shí jī da4 shi2 ji1 ta shih chi |
(bird species of China) Przevalski's partridge (Alectoris magna) |
姬田雞 姬田鸡 see styles |
jī tián jī ji1 tian2 ji1 chi t`ien chi chi tien chi |
(bird species of China) little crake (Zapornia parva) |
娑雞帝 娑鸡帝 see styles |
suō jī dì suo1 ji1 di4 so chi ti Shakeitai |
Sāketa |
婆雞帝 婆鸡帝 see styles |
pó jī dì po2 ji1 di4 p`o chi ti po chi ti Bakeitai |
Sāketa |
家鄉雞 家乡鸡 see styles |
jiā xiāng jī jia1 xiang1 ji1 chia hsiang chi |
hometown chicken (item on a menu) |
寶雞市 宝鸡市 see styles |
bǎo jī shì bao3 ji1 shi4 pao chi shih |
Baoji, prefecture-level city in Shaanxi Province 陝西省|陕西省[Shan3xi1 Sheng3] |
小田雞 小田鸡 see styles |
xiǎo tián jī xiao3 tian2 ji1 hsiao t`ien chi hsiao tien chi |
(bird species of China) Baillon's crake (Zapornia pusilla) |
小雞雞 小鸡鸡 see styles |
xiǎo jī jī xiao3 ji1 ji1 hsiao chi chi |
penis (child's word) |
忙忙鷄 忙忙鸡 see styles |
máng máng jī mang2 mang2 ji1 mang mang chi Mamakei |
忙葬鷄金剛 (or 忙葬計金剛); 麽麽鷄; 麽莫枳 Māmakī, or Māmukhī, tr. as 金剛母 the mother of all the vajra group, whose wisdom is derived from her; she is represented in the Garbhadhātu maṇḍala. |
忙莽鷄 忙莽鸡 see styles |
máng mǎng jī mang2 mang3 ji1 mang mang chi Bōbōkei |
Māmakī |
打雞血 打鸡血 see styles |
dǎ jī xuè da3 ji1 xue4 ta chi hsüeh |
lit. to inject chicken blood; (coll.) extremely excited or energetic (often used mockingly) |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "鸡" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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