There are 340 total results for your 鱼 search. I have created 4 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
1234>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
魚 鱼 see styles |
yú yu2 yü nana なな |
More info & calligraphy: Fishfish; (female given name) Nana matsya. Fish. |
䰾魚 鲃鱼 see styles |
bā yú ba1 yu2 pa yü |
barbel (fish) |
人魚 人鱼 see styles |
rén yú ren2 yu2 jen yü hitona ひとな |
More info & calligraphy: Mermaid / Mermanmermaid; merman; (female given name) Hitona |
刀魚 刀鱼 see styles |
dāo yú dao1 yu2 tao yü |
tapertail anchovy (Coilia ectenes); various species of cutlassfish; saury |
劍魚 剑鱼 see styles |
jiàn yú jian4 yu2 chien yü |
swordfish |
印魚 印鱼 see styles |
yìn yú yin4 yu2 yin yü |
shark sucker (Echeneis naucrates) |
嘉魚 嘉鱼 see styles |
jiā yú jia1 yu2 chia yü iwana いわな |
Jiayu county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁[Xian2 ning2], Hubei (kana only) char; charr |
團魚 团鱼 see styles |
tuán yú tuan2 yu2 t`uan yü tuan yü |
softshell turtle |
墨魚 墨鱼 see styles |
mò yú mo4 yu2 mo yü bokugyo ぼくぎょ |
cuttlefish (See 烏賊・いか) cuttlefish; squid |
大魚 大鱼 see styles |
dà yú da4 yu2 ta yü oouo / ooo おおうお |
large fish; (surname) Oouo makara 摩竭羅 a monster fish. |
尊魚 尊鱼 see styles |
zūn yú zun1 yu2 tsun yü |
trout |
帶魚 带鱼 see styles |
dài yú dai4 yu2 tai yü |
ribbonfish; hairtail; beltfish; cutlassfish (family Trichiuridae) |
快魚 快鱼 see styles |
kuài yú kuai4 yu2 k`uai yü kuai yü |
variant of 鱠魚|鲙鱼[kuai4 yu2] |
打魚 打鱼 see styles |
dǎ yú da3 yu2 ta yü |
to fish |
捕魚 捕鱼 see styles |
bǔ yú bu3 yu2 pu yü |
to catch fish; to fish |
摸魚 摸鱼 see styles |
mō yú mo1 yu2 mo yü |
to catch fish; (fig.) to loaf on the job; to be slack; to take it easy |
木魚 木鱼 see styles |
mù yú mu4 yu2 mu yü mokugyo もくぎょ |
mokugyo; wooden fish (percussion instrument) (Buddhist term) fish gong; fish wood block; temple block; round, hollow, wood block (vaguely fish-shaped, usu. with scales), struck while chanting sutras The wooden fish; there are two kinds, one round for use to keep time in chanting, the other long for calling to meals. The origin of the use of a fish is unkজxample to monks to be watchful: there is no evidence of connection with the Christian ίχθύς.ί 木馬 Wooden horse, a symbol of emancipation. |
桂魚 桂鱼 see styles |
guì yú gui4 yu2 kuei yü |
mandarin fish |
梭魚 梭鱼 see styles |
suō yú suo1 yu2 so yü kamasu かます |
barracuda (kana only) barracuda |
沙魚 沙鱼 see styles |
shā yú sha1 yu2 sha yü haze はぜ |
variant of 鯊魚|鲨鱼[sha1 yu2] (1) goby (fish); (2) yellowfin goby (Acanthogobius flavimanus) |
活魚 活鱼 see styles |
huó yú huo2 yu2 huo yü katsuuo / katsuo かつうお |
fresh fish; living fish live fish and shellfish (kept in a tank in a restaurant); (surname) Katsuuo |
游魚 游鱼 see styles |
yóu yú you2 yu2 yu yü yuugyo / yugyo ゆうぎょ |
a fish moving about in water fish swimming about in water; (given name) Yūgyo |
湟魚 湟鱼 see styles |
huáng yú huang2 yu2 huang yü |
naked carp; Gymnocypris przewalskii |
炸魚 炸鱼 see styles |
zhá yú zha2 yu2 cha yü |
deep-fried fish |
烏魚 乌鱼 see styles |
wū yú wu1 yu2 wu yü |
gray mullet (Mugil cephalus); snakehead fish (family Channidae) |
爛魚 烂鱼 see styles |
làn yú lan4 yu2 lan yü rangyo |
Rotten, soft; pulp. |
甲魚 甲鱼 see styles |
jiǎ yú jia3 yu2 chia yü |
softshell turtle |
白魚 白鱼 see styles |
bái yú bai2 yu2 pai yü shirou / shiro しろう |
whitefish (kana only) icefish (Salangidae spp., esp. the Japanese icefish, Salangichthys microdon); noodlefish; whitebait; (place-name) Shirou |
立魚 立鱼 see styles |
lì yú li4 yu2 li yü ritsugyo りつぎょ |
tilapia (given name) Ritsugyo |
章魚 章鱼 see styles |
zhāng yú zhang1 yu2 chang yü tako たこ |
octopus (kana only) octopus |
筌魚 筌鱼 see styles |
quán yú quan2 yu2 ch`üan yü chüan yü sengyo |
Trap and fish, a difficult passage in a book and its interpretation. |
箭魚 箭鱼 see styles |
jiàn yú jian4 yu2 chien yü |
variant of 劍魚|剑鱼[jian4 yu2] |
紙魚 纸鱼 see styles |
zhǐ yú zhi3 yu2 chih yü shimi しみ |
silverfish (Lepisma saccarina); fish moth (gikun reading) (1) (kana only) true bristletail (any insect of order Thysanura, esp. of family Lepismatidae); (2) Oriental silverfish (Ctenolepisma villosa); (3) (derogatory term) someone who is unable to apply what they have read |
茹魚 茹鱼 see styles |
rú yú ru2 yu2 ju yü |
putrid fish |
草魚 草鱼 see styles |
cǎo yú cao3 yu2 ts`ao yü tsao yü sougyo / sogyo そうぎょ |
grass carp (kana only) grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus); (given name) Sougyo |
蝙魚 蝙鱼 see styles |
biān yú bian1 yu2 pien yü |
bream |
蠹魚 蠹鱼 see styles |
dù yú du4 yu2 tu yü |
silverfish; CL:隻|只[zhi1] |
衣魚 衣鱼 see styles |
yī yú yi1 yu2 i yü shimi しみ |
silverfish (Lepisma saccharina) (gikun reading) (1) (kana only) true bristletail (any insect of order Thysanura, esp. of family Lepismatidae); (2) Oriental silverfish (Ctenolepisma villosa); (3) (derogatory term) someone who is unable to apply what they have read |
金魚 金鱼 see styles |
jīn yú jin1 yu2 chin yü kingyo きんぎょ |
More info & calligraphy: Goldfishgoldfish (Carassius auratus); (surname, female given name) Kingyo |
針魚 针鱼 see styles |
zhēn yú zhen1 yu2 chen yü hariyo; hariuo; hariyo はりよ; はりうお; ハリヨ |
saury fish (family Scomberesocidae) (kana only) Gasterosteus microcephalus (species of stickleback) |
釣魚 钓鱼 see styles |
diào yú diao4 yu2 tiao yü chougyo / chogyo ちょうぎょ |
to fish (with line and hook); to angle; (fig.) to entrap; (Tw) to repeatedly nod one's head while dozing fishing; angling |
銀魚 银鱼 see styles |
yín yú yin2 yu2 yin yü |
oriental whitebait; slender silvery-white fish e.g. Galaxias maculatus and Salangichthys microdon |
雙魚 双鱼 see styles |
shuāng yú shuang1 yu2 shuang yü |
Pisces (star sign) |
青魚 青鱼 see styles |
qīng yú qing1 yu2 ch`ing yü ching yü seigyo / segyo せいぎょ |
black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus); herring; mackerel blueback (any fish with a bluish back, such as the Japanese sardine); (given name) Seigyo |
飛魚 飞鱼 see styles |
fēi yú fei1 yu2 fei yü tobiuo とびうお |
flying fish (kana only) flying fish (esp. the Japanese flying fish, Cypselurus agoo) |
魚丸 鱼丸 see styles |
yú wán yu2 wan2 yü wan |
fish ball |
魚兎 鱼兎 see styles |
yú tù yu2 tu4 yü t`u yü tu |
Like a fish or a hare, when caught the net may be ignored, i.e. the meaning or spirit of a sūtra more valuable than the letter. |
魚具 鱼具 see styles |
yú jù yu2 ju4 yü chü |
variant of 漁具|渔具[yu2 ju4] |
魚刺 鱼刺 see styles |
yú cì yu2 ci4 yü tz`u yü tzu |
fishbone |
魚叉 鱼叉 see styles |
yú chā yu2 cha1 yü ch`a yü cha |
harpoon |
魚台 鱼台 see styles |
yú tái yu2 tai2 yü t`ai yü tai |
Yutai County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong |
魚塘 鱼塘 see styles |
yú táng yu2 tang2 yü t`ang yü tang |
fishpond |
魚塭 鱼塭 see styles |
yú wēn yu2 wen1 yü wen |
(Tw) fishpond; fish farm |
魚夫 鱼夫 see styles |
yú fū yu2 fu1 yü fu |
fisher; fisherman |
魚子 鱼子 see styles |
yú zǐ yu2 zi3 yü tzu nanako ななこ |
fish eggs; roe; caviar (female given name) Nanako Spawn, vast in multitude compared with those that develop. |
魚尾 鱼尾 see styles |
yú wěi yu2 wei3 yü wei yonoo よのお |
fishtail (1) fish tail; (2) {anat} outer corner of the eye; (3) marks on Japanese paper indicating the centre line for folding; (place-name) Yonoo |
魚峰 鱼峰 see styles |
yú fēng yu2 feng1 yü feng |
Yufeng district of Liuzhou city 柳州市[Liu3 zhou1 shi4], Guangxi |
魚排 鱼排 see styles |
yú pái yu2 pai2 yü p`ai yü pai |
fish steak |
魚板 鱼板 see styles |
yú bǎn yu2 ban3 yü pan manaita まないた |
{Buddh} large flat wooden plank shaped like a fish, struck like a gong at temple to indicate time of day; (place-name) Manaita The wooden fish in monasteries, beaten to announce meals, and to beat time at the services. |
魚母 鱼母 see styles |
yú mǔ yu2 mu3 yü mu |
The care of a mother-fish for its multitudinous young, e.g. Amitābha's care of all in leading them to his Pure Land. |
魚水 鱼水 see styles |
yú shuǐ yu2 shui3 yü shui gyosui ぎょすい |
fish and water (metaphor for an intimate relationship or inseparability) (given name) Gyosui |
魚汛 鱼汛 see styles |
yú xùn yu2 xun4 yü hsün |
variant of 漁汛|渔汛[yu2 xun4] |
魚池 鱼池 see styles |
yú chí yu2 chi2 yü ch`ih yü chih uoike うおいけ |
fishpond (surname) Uoike |
魚津 鱼津 see styles |
yú jīn yu2 jin1 yü chin uozu うおづ |
bubbles (literary) (place-name, surname) Uozu |
魚漂 鱼漂 see styles |
yú piāo yu2 piao1 yü p`iao yü piao |
fishing float |
魚漿 鱼浆 see styles |
yú jiāng yu2 jiang1 yü chiang |
surimi |
魚片 鱼片 see styles |
yú piàn yu2 pian4 yü p`ien yü pien |
fish fillet; slice of fish meat |
魚狗 鱼狗 see styles |
yú gǒu yu2 gou3 yü kou kawasemi かわせみ |
kingfisher kingfisher (esp. the common kingfisher, Alcedo atthis) |
魚生 鱼生 see styles |
yú shēng yu2 sheng1 yü sheng |
sliced raw fish |
魚種 鱼种 see styles |
yú zhǒng yu2 zhong3 yü chung gyoshu ぎょしゅ |
fingerling fish species |
魚竿 鱼竿 see styles |
yú gān yu2 gan1 yü kan |
fishing rod |
魚粉 鱼粉 see styles |
yú fěn yu2 fen3 yü fen gyofun ぎょふん |
fish meal fish meal |
魚糜 鱼糜 see styles |
yú mí yu2 mi2 yü mi |
surimi |
魚網 鱼网 see styles |
yú wǎng yu2 wang3 yü wang gyomou / gyomo ぎょもう |
variant of 漁網|渔网[yu2 wang3] fishing net |
魚線 鱼线 see styles |
yú xiàn yu2 xian4 yü hsien |
fishing line |
魚缸 鱼缸 see styles |
yú gāng yu2 gang1 yü kang |
fish tank; fishbowl; aquarium |
魚群 鱼群 see styles |
yú qún yu2 qun2 yü ch`ün yü chün gyogun(p); namura ぎょぐん(P); なむら |
shoal of fish school of fish; shoal of fish |
魚翅 鱼翅 see styles |
yú chì yu2 chi4 yü ch`ih yü chih yuichii; iuchii; gyoshi / yuichi; iuchi; gyoshi ユイチー; イウチー; ぎょし |
shark fin {food} (ユイチー and イウチー are from Chinese "yuchi") shark fin |
魚肉 鱼肉 see styles |
yú ròu yu2 rou4 yü jou gyoniku ぎょにく |
flesh of fish; fish and meat; (fig.) victims of oppression; (fig.) to cruelly oppress (i.e. to treat like flesh to be carved up) fish meat |
魚肚 鱼肚 see styles |
yú dǔ yu2 du3 yü tu |
fish maw; a food dish made from the swim bladder of fish |
魚腩 鱼腩 see styles |
yú nǎn yu2 nan3 yü nan |
meaty flesh from the underbelly of the carp |
魚船 鱼船 see styles |
yú chuán yu2 chuan2 yü ch`uan yü chuan |
fishing boat; same as 漁船|渔船 |
魚艙 鱼舱 see styles |
yú cāng yu2 cang1 yü ts`ang yü tsang |
the fish hold (of a fishing vessel) |
魚花 鱼花 see styles |
yú huā yu2 hua1 yü hua |
fry; newly hatched fish |
魚苗 鱼苗 see styles |
yú miáo yu2 miao2 yü miao |
fry; newly hatched fish |
魚薯 鱼薯 see styles |
yú shǔ yu2 shu3 yü shu |
fish and chips (abbr. for 炸魚薯條|炸鱼薯条[zha2 yu2 shu3 tiao2]) |
魚蛋 鱼蛋 see styles |
yú dàn yu2 dan4 yü tan |
fish ball |
魚蟲 鱼虫 see styles |
yú chóng yu2 chong2 yü ch`ung yü chung |
water flea (small crustacean of genus Daphnia) |
魚販 鱼贩 see styles |
yú fàn yu2 fan4 yü fan |
fishmonger |
魚貫 鱼贯 see styles |
yú guàn yu2 guan4 yü kuan oniki おにき |
one after the other; in single file (place-name) Oniki |
魚鉤 鱼钩 see styles |
yú gōu yu2 gou1 yü kou |
fishhook |
魚雷 鱼雷 see styles |
yú léi yu2 lei2 yü lei gyorai ぎょらい |
torpedo torpedo |
魚露 鱼露 see styles |
yú lù yu2 lu4 yü lu |
fish sauce |
魚頭 鱼头 see styles |
yú tóu yu2 tou2 yü t`ou yü tou uotou / uoto うおとう |
fish head; fig. upright and unwilling to compromise (surname) Uotou |
魚類 鱼类 see styles |
yú lèi yu2 lei4 yü lei gyorui ぎょるい |
fishes fish; fishes |
魚餅 鱼饼 see styles |
yú bǐng yu2 bing3 yü ping |
fishcake |
魚餌 鱼饵 see styles |
yú ěr yu2 er3 yü erh |
fish bait |
魚香 鱼香 see styles |
yú xiāng yu2 xiang1 yü hsiang yuushan / yushan ユーシャン |
yuxiang, a seasoning of Chinese cuisine that typically contains garlic, scallions, ginger, sugar, salt, chili peppers etc (Although "yuxiang" literally means "fish fragrance", it contains no seafood.) {food} yuxiang (Chinese seasoning mixture) (chn: yúxiāng) |
魚骨 鱼骨 see styles |
yú gǔ yu2 gu3 yü ku |
fish bone |
魚鬆 鱼松 see styles |
yú sōng yu2 song1 yü sung |
fish floss; crisp and flaky shredded dried fish |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "鱼" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.