There are 246 total results for your 细 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
細 细 see styles |
xì xi4 hsi hososaki ほそさき |
thin or slender; finely particulate; thin and soft; fine; delicate; trifling; (of a sound) quiet; frugal (1) (abbreviation) (See 細引き,細糸) fine thread; hempen cord; (prefix noun) (2) slender; narrow; weak; (suffix noun) (3) (as ぼそ) narrowness; (surname) Hososaki Fine, small, minute, in detail: careful. |
三細 三细 see styles |
sān xì san1 xi4 san hsi sansai |
The three refined, or subtle conceptions, in contrast with the 六麤 cruder or common concepts, in the Awakening of Faith 起信論. The three are 無明業相 "ignorance", or the unenlightened condition, considered as in primal action, the stirring of the perceptive faculty; 能見相 ability to perceive phenomena; perceptive faculties; 境界相 the object perceived, or the empirical world. The first is associated with the 體corpus or substance, the second and third with function, but both must have co-existence, e.g. water and waves. v. 六麤. |
仔細 仔细 see styles |
zǐ xì zi3 xi4 tzu hsi shisai しさい |
careful; attentive; cautious; to be careful; to look out; (dialect) thrifty; frugal (noun or adjectival noun) (1) reasons; circumstances; significance; particulars; (2) hindrance; obstruction; interference carefully |
備細 备细 see styles |
bèi xì bei4 xi4 pei hsi |
details; particulars |
奸細 奸细 see styles |
jiān xi jian1 xi5 chien hsi |
a spy; a crafty person |
子細 子细 see styles |
zǐ xì zi3 xi4 tzu hsi nisubeshi しさい |
variant of 仔細|仔细[zi3 xi4] (noun or adjectival noun) (1) reasons; circumstances; significance; particulars; (2) hindrance; obstruction; interference carefully |
尖細 尖细 see styles |
jiān xì jian1 xi4 chien hsi |
(of an object) tapered; (of a voice) high-pitched |
巨細 巨细 see styles |
jù xì ju4 xi4 chü hsi kyosai; kosai きょさい; こさい |
big and small (noun or adjectival noun) large and small matters; particulars; details; greatness and smallness; circumstances in full detail |
底細 底细 see styles |
dǐ xì di3 xi4 ti hsi |
inside information; the ins and outs of the matter; how things stand; what's up |
微細 微细 see styles |
wēi xì wei1 xi4 wei hsi bisai びさい |
microminiature (technology) (noun or adjectival noun) minute; fine; detailed; subtle Minute, fine, refined, subtle. |
心細 心细 see styles |
xīn xì xin1 xi4 hsin hsi |
careful; scrupulous |
把細 把细 see styles |
bǎ xì ba3 xi4 pa hsi |
(dialect) see 仔細|仔细[zi3xi4] |
明細 明细 see styles |
míng xì ming2 xi4 ming hsi meisai / mesai めいさい |
clear and detailed; definite; details (are as follows:) (1) details; particulars; specifics; (adjectival noun) (2) detailed; minute; (3) (abbreviation) (See 明細書) detailed statement |
最細 最细 see styles |
zuì xì zui4 xi4 tsui hsi saisai |
subtlest |
有細 有细 see styles |
yǒu xì you3 xi4 yu hsi usai |
(there is) fineness |
極細 极细 see styles |
jí xì ji2 xi4 chi hsi gokuboso ごくぼそ |
(can be adjective with の) (1) superfine; extra-fine; extremely thin; (2) extra-fine woollen yarn extremely subtle |
毛細 毛细 see styles |
máo xì mao2 xi4 mao hsi |
capillary |
深細 深细 see styles |
shēn xì shen1 xi4 shen hsi shinsai |
profound and subtle |
瑣細 琐细 see styles |
suǒ xì suo3 xi4 so hsi |
trivial |
粗細 粗细 see styles |
cū xì cu1 xi4 ts`u hsi tsu hsi |
thick and thin; coarse and fine; thickness (caliber); coarseness; quality of work |
精細 精细 see styles |
jīng xì jing1 xi4 ching hsi seisai / sesai せいさい |
fine; meticulous; careful (noun or adjectival noun) fine; minute; detailed; meticulous; precise |
細作 细作 see styles |
xì zuò xi4 zuo4 hsi tso saisaku さいさく |
(old) spy; secret agent (archaism) spy; secret agent; ninja |
細分 细分 see styles |
xì fēn xi4 fen1 hsi fen saibun さいぶん |
to divide (into subgroups etc); to break down (into subcategories, subprocesses etc) (noun, transitive verb) subdivision (into small parts) |
細則 细则 see styles |
xì zé xi4 ze2 hsi tse saisoku さいそく |
detailed rules and regulations; bylaws bylaws; by-laws; detailed regulations |
細化 细化 see styles |
xì huà xi4 hua4 hsi hua |
to give a more granular level of detail; to elaborate; to refine; to become more differentiated |
細品 细品 see styles |
xì pǐn xi4 pin3 hsi p`in hsi pin saihon |
subtle |
細姨 细姨 see styles |
xì yí xi4 yi2 hsi i |
concubine |
細嫩 细嫩 see styles |
xì nèn xi4 nen4 hsi nen |
tender |
細密 细密 see styles |
xì mì xi4 mi4 hsi mi saimitsu さいみつ |
fine (texture); meticulous; careful; detailed (noun or adjectival noun) detailed knowledge; finely detailed |
細察 细察 see styles |
xì chá xi4 cha2 hsi ch`a hsi cha |
to observe carefully |
細小 细小 see styles |
xì xiǎo xi4 xiao3 hsi hsiao saishou / saisho さいしょう |
tiny; fine; minute (noun or adjectival noun) minute; minuscule |
細微 细微 see styles |
xì wēi xi4 wei1 hsi wei saibi さいび |
tiny; minute; fine; subtle; sensitive (instruments) (noun or adjectival noun) minute; meager; meagre; mean |
細德 细德 see styles |
xì dé xi4 de2 hsi te saitoku |
a subtle positive factor |
細心 细心 see styles |
xì xīn xi4 xin1 hsi hsin saishin さいしん |
meticulous; careful; attentive (adj-na,adj-no,n) meticulous; careful; discreet; scrupulous; prudent Carefully, in detail, similar to 細意議 the vijñāna of detailed, unintermitting attention. |
細惑 细惑 see styles |
xì huò xi4 huo4 hsi huo saiwaku |
subtle mental disturbance |
細想 细想 see styles |
xì xiǎng xi4 xiang3 hsi hsiang saisō |
subtle conceptualization |
細挑 细挑 see styles |
xì tiāo xi4 tiao1 hsi t`iao hsi tiao |
slender |
細數 细数 see styles |
xì shǔ xi4 shu3 hsi shu |
countdown; breakdown; to list; to enumerate; to run through |
細末 细末 see styles |
xì mò xi4 mo4 hsi mo hososue ほそすえ |
(surname) Hososue powder |
細柔 细柔 see styles |
xì róu xi4 rou2 hsi jou saijū |
fine |
細毛 细毛 see styles |
xì máo xi4 mao2 hsi mao |
fuzz; fine fur (of marten etc) |
細氎 细氎 see styles |
xì dié xi4 die2 hsi tieh saichō |
fine cotton cloth |
細沙 细沙 see styles |
xì shā xi4 sha1 hsi sha |
fine sand |
細河 细河 see styles |
xì hé xi4 he2 hsi ho hosogawa ほそがわ |
Xihe river in Fuxin; Xihe district of Fuxin city 阜新市, Liaoning (surname) Hosogawa |
細滑 细滑 see styles |
xì huá xi4 hua2 hsi hua saikotsu |
fine and smooth (touch) |
細潤 细润 see styles |
xì rùn xi4 run4 hsi jun |
fine and glossy |
細目 细目 see styles |
xì mù xi4 mu4 hsi mu hosome ほそめ |
detailed listing; specific item (1) narrow eyes; half-open eyes; (2) fine mesh; fine texture; tight weave; smooth cut (of a file); (surname) Hosome |
細相 细相 see styles |
xì xiàng xi4 xiang4 hsi hsiang saisō |
subtle marks |
細看 细看 see styles |
xì kàn xi4 kan4 hsi k`an hsi kan |
to peer; to scan; to examine carefully |
細碎 细碎 see styles |
xì suì xi4 sui4 hsi sui |
fragments; bits and pieces |
細究 细究 see styles |
xì jiū xi4 jiu1 hsi chiu |
to look into (a matter) |
細節 细节 see styles |
xì jié xi4 jie2 hsi chieh |
details; particulars |
細粉 细粉 see styles |
xì fěn xi4 fen3 hsi fen |
powder |
細粒 细粒 see styles |
xì lì xi4 li4 hsi li sairyuu / sairyu さいりゅう |
fine grain; fine-grained (n,adj-f) fine grain; fine granule; microsphere |
細細 细细 see styles |
xì xì xi4 xi4 hsi hsi hosoboso ほそぼそ komagoma こまごま |
attentive; careful (adv,adv-to) (1) poor (living); (2) barely continuing; just scraping along; (can act as adjective) (3) very narrow; (adv,adv-to,vs) minutely; in detail; with particular attention |
細線 细线 see styles |
xì xiàn xi4 xian4 hsi hsien saisen; hososen さいせん; ほそせん |
string; thread thin line |
細緻 细致 see styles |
xì zhì xi4 zhi4 hsi chih saichi さいち |
delicate; fine; careful; meticulous; painstaking (noun or adjectival noun) minute; meticulous |
細繩 细绳 see styles |
xì shéng xi4 sheng2 hsi sheng |
string; twine; cord |
細聽 细听 see styles |
xì tīng xi4 ting1 hsi t`ing hsi ting |
to listen carefully (for tiny sounds) |
細胞 细胞 see styles |
xì bāo xi4 bao1 hsi pao saibou(p); saihou / saibo(p); saiho さいぼう(P); さいほう |
cell (biology) (1) {biol} cell; (2) cell (in an organization, esp. a communist party) |
細腰 细腰 see styles |
xì yāo xi4 yao1 hsi yao saiyou; hosogoshi / saiyo; hosogoshi さいよう; ほそごし |
slender waist; fig. pretty woman; mortise and tenon joint on a coffin (noun - becomes adjective with の) slender hips; slim waist |
細膩 细腻 see styles |
xì nì xi4 ni4 hsi ni |
(of skin etc) smooth; satiny; delicate; (of a performance, depiction, craftsmanship etc) finely detailed; subtle; exquisite; meticulous |
細色 细色 see styles |
xì sè xi4 se4 hsi se saishiki |
Refined appearance. Cf. 徵. |
細菌 细菌 see styles |
xì jun xi4 jun1 hsi chün saikin さいきん |
bacterium; germ bacterium; bacteria; germ |
細語 细语 see styles |
xì yǔ xi4 yu3 hsi yü |
to chat with a low voice |
細說 细说 see styles |
xì shuō xi4 shuo1 hsi shuo |
to tell in detail |
細調 细调 see styles |
xì diào xi4 diao4 hsi tiao |
to fine tune |
細論 细论 see styles |
xì lùn xi4 lun4 hsi lun sairon さいろん |
(noun, transitive verb) detailed discussion; detailed explanation to discuss in detail |
細識 细识 see styles |
xì shì xi4 shi4 hsi shih saishiki |
subtle consciousness |
細軟 细软 see styles |
xì ruǎn xi4 ruan3 hsi juan sainan |
fine and soft; valuables slender |
細辛 细辛 see styles |
xì xīn xi4 xin1 hsi hsin saishin さいしん |
Manchurian wild ginger (family Asarum) (See 薄葉細辛) Siebold's wild ginger (esp. its dried root or rhizome, used as an antitussive and analgesic in traditional Chinese medicine) |
細部 细部 see styles |
xì bù xi4 bu4 hsi pu hosobe ほそべ |
small part (of a whole ensemble); detail details; particulars; (surname) Hosobe |
細長 细长 see styles |
xì cháng xi4 chang2 hsi ch`ang hsi chang hosonaga ほそなが |
slender (surname) Hosonaga |
細雨 细雨 see styles |
xì yǔ xi4 yu3 hsi yü saiu さいう |
fine rain; drizzle; poem by Tang poet Li Shangyin 李商隱|李商隐 drizzle; misty rain |
細鹽 细盐 see styles |
xì yán xi4 yan2 hsi yen |
refined salt; table salt |
細麤 细麤 see styles |
xì cū xi4 cu1 hsi ts`u hsi tsu saiso |
subtle and coarse |
纖細 纤细 see styles |
xiān xì xian1 xi4 hsien hsi |
fine; slim; tender |
至細 至细 see styles |
zhì xì zhi4 xi4 chih hsi shisai |
extremely small |
詳細 详细 see styles |
xiáng xì xiang2 xi4 hsiang hsi shousai / shosai しょうさい |
detailed; in detail; minute (1) details; particulars; specifics; (adjectival noun) (2) detailed; specific; minute; (3) (ant: 広域・2) close-up view (of a digitally displayed map); zoomed-in view |
論細 论细 see styles |
lùn xì lun4 xi4 lun hsi ronsai |
elucidate the subtle |
過細 过细 see styles |
guò xì guo4 xi4 kuo hsi |
extremely careful; meticulous; overattentive |
三細染 三细染 see styles |
sān xì rǎn san1 xi4 ran3 san hsi jan sansaizen |
three subtle defilements |
三細相 三细相 see styles |
sān xì xiàng san1 xi4 xiang4 san hsi hsiang sansaisō |
three subtle marks |
亞細亞 亚细亚 see styles |
yà xì yà ya4 xi4 ya4 ya hsi ya |
Asia |
亞細安 亚细安 see styles |
yà xì ān ya4 xi4 an1 ya hsi an |
單細胞 单细胞 see styles |
dān xì bāo dan1 xi4 bao1 tan hsi pao tansaibou / tansaibo たんさいぼう |
(of an organism) single-celled; unicellular (out-dated kanji) (noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) single cell; (2) (colloquialism) simple-minded person; one-track-minded person |
多細胞 多细胞 see styles |
duō xì bāo duo1 xi4 bao1 to hsi pao tasaibou / tasaibo たさいぼう |
multicellular (adj-no,n) {biol} multicellular |
子細胞 子细胞 see styles |
zǐ xì bāo zi3 xi4 bao1 tzu hsi pao |
daughter cell |
幹細胞 干细胞 see styles |
gàn xì bāo gan4 xi4 bao1 kan hsi pao kansaibou / kansaibo かんさいぼう |
stem cell stem cell |
微細念 微细念 see styles |
wéi xì niàn wei2 xi4 nian4 wei hsi nien misainen |
subtle [deluded] thought |
微細想 微细想 see styles |
wēi xì xiǎng wei1 xi4 xiang3 wei hsi hsiang misai sō |
extremely subtle associative thought |
微細身 微细身 see styles |
wēi xì shēn wei1 xi4 shen1 wei hsi shen misai shin |
A refined, subtle body. |
微細障 微细障 see styles |
wēi xì zhàng wei1 xi4 zhang4 wei hsi chang misai shō |
extremely subtle hindrance |
性細胞 性细胞 see styles |
xìng xì bāo xing4 xi4 bao1 hsing hsi pao seisaibou / sesaibo せいさいぼう |
sexual cell; germline cell; gamete sex cell |
明細表 明细表 see styles |
míng xì biǎo ming2 xi4 biao3 ming hsi piao meisaihyou / mesaihyo めいさいひょう |
schedule; subsidiary ledger; a detailed list itemized account; itemised account |
極微細 极微细 see styles |
jí wēi xì ji2 wei1 xi4 chi wei hsi goku misai |
extremely subtle |
極細小 极细小 see styles |
jí xì xiǎo ji2 xi4 xiao3 chi hsi hsiao |
extremely small; infinitesimal |
母細胞 母细胞 see styles |
mǔ xì bāo mu3 xi4 bao1 mu hsi pao bosaibou / bosaibo ぼさいぼう |
(biology) mother cell; matricyte {biol} mother cell; metrocyte |
毛細孔 毛细孔 see styles |
máo xì kǒng mao2 xi4 kong3 mao hsi k`ung mao hsi kung |
pore |
甚深細 甚深细 see styles |
shén shēn xì shen2 shen1 xi4 shen shen hsi shinshinsai |
extremely deep and subtle |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "细" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.