There are 105 total results for your 紧 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
緊 紧 see styles |
jǐn jin3 chin kin |
tight; strict; close at hand; near; urgent; tense; hard up; short of money; to tighten Tight; to bind tight; press tight; pressing, urgent; translit. kin. |
加緊 加紧 see styles |
jiā jǐn jia1 jin3 chia chin |
to intensify; to speed up; to step up |
勒緊 勒紧 see styles |
lēi jǐn lei1 jin3 lei chin |
to tighten |
吃緊 吃紧 see styles |
chī jǐn chi1 jin3 ch`ih chin chih chin kikkin きっきん |
in short supply; dire; tense; critical; hard-pressed; important (adj-no,adj-na,n) urgent; pressing; exigent |
嚴緊 严紧 see styles |
yán jǐn yan2 jin3 yen chin |
strict; tight |
壓緊 压紧 see styles |
yā jǐn ya1 jin3 ya chin |
to compress |
夾緊 夹紧 see styles |
jiā jǐn jia1 jin3 chia chin |
to clamp; to grip |
手緊 手紧 see styles |
shǒu jǐn shou3 jin3 shou chin |
tightfisted; stingy; short of money; hard up |
打緊 打紧 see styles |
dǎ jǐn da3 jin3 ta chin |
important |
抓緊 抓紧 see styles |
zhuā jǐn zhua1 jin3 chua chin |
to keep a firm grip on; to pay close attention to; to lose no time in (doing something) |
拉緊 拉紧 see styles |
lā jǐn la1 jin3 la chin |
to pull tight; tensioning |
擠緊 挤紧 see styles |
jǐ jǐn ji3 jin3 chi chin |
to squeeze |
收緊 收紧 see styles |
shōu jǐn shou1 jin3 shou chin |
to tighten up (restrictions etc) |
束緊 束紧 see styles |
shù jǐn shu4 jin3 shu chin |
gird; tighten |
盯緊 盯紧 see styles |
dīng jǐn ding1 jin3 ting chin |
to keep an eye on |
箍緊 箍紧 see styles |
gū jǐn gu1 jin3 ku chin |
to fasten tightly with a hoop |
緊俏 紧俏 see styles |
jǐn qiào jin3 qiao4 chin ch`iao chin chiao |
(merchandise) in high demand |
緊密 紧密 see styles |
jǐn mì jin3 mi4 chin mi kinmitsu きんみつ |
inseparably close (noun or adjectival noun) rigour; rigor; closeness; compactness; tightly knit |
緊實 紧实 see styles |
jǐn shí jin3 shi2 chin shih |
tight; firm; dense; packed |
緊巴 紧巴 see styles |
jǐn bā jin3 ba1 chin pa |
tight (i.e. lacking money); hard up; same as 緊巴巴|紧巴巴 |
緊張 紧张 see styles |
jǐn zhāng jin3 zhang1 chin chang kinchou / kincho きんちょう |
nervous; keyed up; intense; tense; strained; in short supply; scarce; CL:陣|阵[zhen4] (n,vs,vi) (1) tension; strain; nervousness; stress; (n,vs,vi) (2) tensions (between countries, groups, etc.); (3) {physiol} tonus; muscle tone |
緊急 紧急 see styles |
jǐn jí jin3 ji2 chin chi kinkyuu / kinkyu きんきゅう |
urgent; emergency (n,adj-no,adj-na) urgency; emergency |
緊扣 紧扣 see styles |
jǐn kòu jin3 kou4 chin k`ou chin kou |
to stick closely to (a topic or theme etc) |
緊抱 紧抱 see styles |
jǐn bào jin3 bao4 chin pao |
to hug; to embrace |
緊接 紧接 see styles |
jǐn jiē jin3 jie1 chin chieh |
to follow immediately afterwards; immediately adjacent |
緊握 紧握 see styles |
jǐn wò jin3 wo4 chin wo |
to hold firmly, not let go |
緊擠 紧挤 see styles |
jǐn jǐ jin3 ji3 chin chi |
to pinch; to squeeze tightly |
緊湊 紧凑 see styles |
jǐn còu jin3 cou4 chin ts`ou chin tsou |
compact; terse; tight (schedule) |
緊盯 紧盯 see styles |
jǐn dīng jin3 ding1 chin ting |
to gaze; to stare fixedly |
緊絀 紧绌 see styles |
jǐn chù jin3 chu4 chin ch`u chin chu |
supply shortage |
緊緊 紧紧 see styles |
jǐn jǐn jin3 jin3 chin chin hishihishi ひしひし |
closely; tightly (adverb) (kana only) acutely; severely; tightly; keenly |
緊縮 紧缩 see styles |
jǐn suō jin3 suo1 chin so kinshuku きんしゅく |
(economics) to reduce; to curtail; to cut back; to tighten; austerity; tightening; crunch (n,vs,vt,vi) (1) tightening; shrinkage; contraction; constriction; (noun, transitive verb) (2) (economic) curtailment; retrenchment; austerity; cutting down (on spending) |
緊繃 紧绷 see styles |
jǐn bēng jin3 beng1 chin peng |
to stretch taut; (of muscles etc) taut; strained; tense |
緊缺 紧缺 see styles |
jǐn quē jin3 que1 chin ch`üeh chin chüeh |
in short supply; scarce |
緊裹 紧裹 see styles |
jǐn guǒ jin3 guo3 chin kuo |
to wrap tightly; to wind tightly; to bind; close-fitting (clothes) |
緊要 紧要 see styles |
jǐn yào jin3 yao4 chin yao kinyou / kinyo きんよう |
critical; crucial; vital (noun or adjectival noun) momentous; exigent; urgent; important; vital Important. |
緊貼 紧贴 see styles |
jǐn tiē jin3 tie1 chin t`ieh chin tieh |
to stick close to; to press up against |
緊跟 紧跟 see styles |
jǐn gēn jin3 gen1 chin ken |
to follow precisely; to comply with |
緊身 紧身 see styles |
jǐn shēn jin3 shen1 chin shen |
skintight |
緊迫 紧迫 see styles |
jǐn pò jin3 po4 chin p`o chin po kinpaku きんぱく |
pressing; urgent (n,vs,vi) tension; strain |
緊追 紧追 see styles |
jǐn zhuī jin3 zhui1 chin chui |
to pursue closely |
緊逼 紧逼 see styles |
jǐn bī jin3 bi1 chin pi |
to press hard; to close in on |
緊鄰 紧邻 see styles |
jǐn lín jin3 lin2 chin lin |
to be right next to; close neighbor |
緊閉 紧闭 see styles |
jǐn bì jin3 bi4 chin pi |
to close securely; tightly closed; secure |
緊集 紧集 see styles |
jǐn jí jin3 ji2 chin chi |
compact set |
緊靠 紧靠 see styles |
jǐn kào jin3 kao4 chin k`ao chin kao |
to be right next to; to lean closely against |
縮緊 缩紧 see styles |
suō jǐn suo1 jin3 so chin |
to tighten; to contract; to shrink in |
繃緊 绷紧 see styles |
bēng jǐn beng1 jin3 peng chin |
to stretch taut |
著緊 着紧 see styles |
zháo jǐn zhao2 jin3 chao chin |
urgent; in a great hurry; in intimate relationship with sb |
要緊 要紧 see styles |
yào jǐn yao4 jin3 yao chin |
important; urgent |
趕緊 赶紧 see styles |
gǎn jǐn gan3 jin3 kan chin |
hurriedly; without delay |
關緊 关紧 see styles |
guān jǐn guan1 jin3 kuan chin |
to close firmly; to fasten securely; to make fast; to lock |
不打緊 不打紧 see styles |
bù dǎ jǐn bu4 da3 jin3 pu ta chin |
unimportant; not serious; it doesn't matter; never mind |
不當緊 不当紧 see styles |
bù dāng jǐn bu4 dang1 jin3 pu tang chin |
not important; of no consequence |
不要緊 不要紧 see styles |
bù yào jǐn bu4 yao4 jin3 pu yao chin |
unimportant; not serious; it doesn't matter; never mind; it looks all right, but |
手頭緊 手头紧 see styles |
shǒu tóu jǐn shou3 tou2 jin3 shou t`ou chin shou tou chin |
short of money; hard up |
緊巴巴 紧巴巴 see styles |
jǐn bā bā jin3 ba1 ba1 chin pa pa |
tight fitting; hard up (i.e. lacking money) |
緊拏羅 紧拏罗 see styles |
jǐn ná luó jin3 na2 luo2 chin na lo kinnara |
(Skt. kiṃnara) |
緊捺洛 紧捺洛 see styles |
jǐn nà luò jin3 na4 luo4 chin na lo kinnaraku |
(Skt. kiṃnara) |
緊接著 紧接着 see styles |
jǐn jiē zhe jin3 jie1 zhe5 chin chieh che |
immediately afterwards; shortly after that |
緊擔路 紧担路 see styles |
jǐn dān lù jin3 dan1 lu4 chin tan lu kintanro |
(Skt. kiṃnara) |
緊祝迦 紧祝迦 see styles |
jǐn zhù jiā jin3 zhu4 jia1 chin chu chia kinshukuka |
kiṃśuka, v. 甄 ruby-colour. |
緊箍咒 紧箍咒 see styles |
jǐn gū zhòu jin3 gu1 zhou4 chin ku chou |
the Band-tightening Spell (in 西遊記|西游记[Xi1 you2 Ji4]); a spell or incantation for controlling sb |
緊繃繃 紧绷绷 see styles |
jǐn bēng bēng jin3 beng1 beng1 chin peng peng |
tight; stretched; (face, lips) taut; strained |
緊那羅 紧那罗 see styles |
jǐn nà luó jin3 na4 luo2 chin na lo kinnara きんなら |
{Buddh} kimnara (celestial musicians and protectors of Buddhism); (female given name) Kinnara 緊捺羅 (or緊陀羅); 甄陀羅 (or 眞陀羅 ) kinnara; the musicians of Kuvera, with men's bodies and horses' heads; they are described as 人非人 men yet not men, and 疑神 mythical beings; one of the eight classes of heavenly musicians; they are also described as horned, as having crystal lutes, the females singing and dancing, and as ranking below gandharvas. |
緊鼻哩 紧鼻哩 see styles |
jǐn bí lī jin3 bi2 li1 chin pi li Kinbiri |
Kanpila |
風聲緊 风声紧 see styles |
fēng shēng jǐn feng1 sheng1 jin3 feng sheng chin |
(fig.) the situation is tense |
鬆緊帶 松紧带 see styles |
sōng jǐn dài song1 jin3 dai4 sung chin tai |
(a length of) elastic |
上緊發條 上紧发条 see styles |
shàng jǐn fā tiáo shang4 jin3 fa1 tiao2 shang chin fa t`iao shang chin fa tiao |
to wind the spring up tight; (fig.) to gear up; to ready oneself |
不緊不慢 不紧不慢 see styles |
bù jǐn bù màn bu4 jin3 bu4 man4 pu chin pu man |
(idiom) to take one's time; unhurried; leisurely |
勒緊褲帶 勒紧裤带 see styles |
lēi jǐn kù dài lei1 jin3 ku4 dai4 lei chin k`u tai lei chin ku tai |
to tighten one's belt; to live more frugally |
咬緊牙根 咬紧牙根 see styles |
yǎo jǐn - yá gēn yao3 jin3 - ya2 gen1 yao chin - ya ken |
see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3jin3-ya2guan1] |
咬緊牙關 咬紧牙关 see styles |
yǎo jǐn - yá guān yao3 jin3 - ya2 guan1 yao chin - ya kuan |
(idiom) to grit one's teeth tightly; (idiom) (fig.) to endure pain or suffering; to bite the bullet |
抓緊學習 抓紧学习 see styles |
zhuā jǐn xué xí zhua1 jin3 xue2 xi2 chua chin hsüeh hsi |
to concentrate on studying hard |
抓緊時間 抓紧时间 see styles |
zhuā jǐn shí jiān zhua1 jin3 shi2 jian1 chua chin shih chien |
to waste no time in (doing something); to hurry up |
無關緊要 无关紧要 see styles |
wú guān jǐn yào wu2 guan1 jin3 yao4 wu kuan chin yao |
indifferent; insignificant |
緊咬不放 紧咬不放 see styles |
jǐn yǎo bù fàng jin3 yao3 bu4 fang4 chin yao pu fang |
(idiom) unwilling to let go; like a dog with a bone; dogged |
緊密相聯 紧密相联 see styles |
jǐn mì xiāng lián jin3 mi4 xiang1 lian2 chin mi hsiang lien |
closely interrelated; intimately related |
緊密織物 紧密织物 see styles |
jǐn mì zhī wù jin3 mi4 zhi1 wu4 chin mi chih wu |
closely woven fabric |
緊密配合 紧密配合 see styles |
jǐn mì pèi hé jin3 mi4 pei4 he2 chin mi p`ei ho chin mi pei ho |
to coordinate closely; to act in close partnership with |
緊張狀態 紧张状态 see styles |
jǐn zhāng zhuàng tài jin3 zhang1 zhuang4 tai4 chin chang chuang t`ai chin chang chuang tai |
tense situation; standoff |
緊張緩和 紧张缓和 see styles |
jǐn zhāng huǎn hé jin3 zhang1 huan3 he2 chin chang huan ho kinchoukanwa / kinchokanwa きんちょうかんわ |
detente (yoji) easing of tensions; detente; thaw |
緊急事件 紧急事件 see styles |
jǐn jí shì jiàn jin3 ji2 shi4 jian4 chin chi shih chien |
emergency |
緊急危害 紧急危害 see styles |
jǐn jí wēi hài jin3 ji2 wei1 hai4 chin chi wei hai |
emergency risk |
緊急應變 紧急应变 see styles |
jǐn jí yìng biàn jin3 ji2 ying4 bian4 chin chi ying pien |
emergency management |
緊急狀態 紧急状态 see styles |
jǐn jí zhuàng tài jin3 ji2 zhuang4 tai4 chin chi chuang t`ai chin chi chuang tai |
state of emergency |
緊急疏散 紧急疏散 see styles |
jǐn jí shū sàn jin3 ji2 shu1 san4 chin chi shu san |
emergency evacuation |
緊急醫療 紧急医疗 see styles |
jǐn jí yī liáo jin3 ji2 yi1 liao2 chin chi i liao |
emergency medical care |
緊湊型車 紧凑型车 see styles |
jǐn còu xíng chē jin3 cou4 xing2 che1 chin ts`ou hsing ch`e chin tsou hsing che |
compact car model |
緊衣縮食 紧衣缩食 see styles |
jǐn yī suō shí jin3 yi1 suo1 shi2 chin i so shih |
see 節衣縮食|节衣缩食[jie2 yi1 suo1 shi2] |
緊要關頭 紧要关头 see styles |
jǐn yào guān tóu jin3 yao4 guan1 tou2 chin yao kuan t`ou chin yao kuan tou |
urgent and important moment (idiom); critical juncture |
緊迫盯人 紧迫盯人 see styles |
jǐn pò dīng rén jin3 po4 ding1 ren2 chin p`o ting jen chin po ting jen |
to keep a close eye on sb (idiom) |
緊鑼密鼓 紧锣密鼓 see styles |
jǐn luó - mì gǔ jin3 luo2 - mi4 gu3 chin lo - mi ku |
lit. urgent beating of gongs and drums (idiom); fig. to urgently prepare for an upcoming event |
緊隨其後 紧随其后 see styles |
jǐn suí qí hòu jin3 sui2 qi2 hou4 chin sui ch`i hou chin sui chi hou |
to follow closely behind sb or something (idiom) |
通貨緊縮 通货紧缩 see styles |
tōng huò jǐn suō tong1 huo4 jin3 suo1 t`ung huo chin so tung huo chin so |
deflation |
過度緊張 过度紧张 see styles |
guò dù jǐn zhāng guo4 du4 jin3 zhang1 kuo tu chin chang |
hypertension; excessive stress |
大樹緊那羅 大树紧那罗 see styles |
dà shù jǐn nà luó da4 shu4 jin3 na4 luo2 ta shu chin na lo Daiju Kinnara |
The King of the mahādruma Kinnaras, Indra's musicians, who lives on Gandha-mādana. His sutra is 大樹緊那羅王所門經, 4 chuan, tr. by Kumārajīva. |
法緊那羅王 法紧那罗王 see styles |
fǎ jǐn nà luó wáng fa3 jin3 na4 luo2 wang2 fa chin na lo wang hō kinnara ō |
Druma |
牙關緊閉症 牙关紧闭症 see styles |
yá guān jǐn bì zhèng ya2 guan1 jin3 bi4 zheng4 ya kuan chin pi cheng |
lockjaw; trismus |
大法緊那羅王 大法紧那罗王 see styles |
dà fǎ jǐn nà luó wáng da4 fa3 jin3 na4 luo2 wang2 ta fa chin na lo wang Daihō kinnara ō |
Mahādharma |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "紧" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.