There are 107 total results for your 淋 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
淋 see styles |
lìn lin4 lin rin りん |
to filter; to strain; to drain; gonorrhea; (TCM) strangury (surname, female given name) Rin To drip, sprinkle, soak. |
淋代 see styles |
rindai りんだい |
(surname) Rindai |
淋加 see styles |
rinka りんか |
(female given name) Rinka |
淋妹 see styles |
rinsu りんす |
(female given name) Rinsu |
淋巴 see styles |
lín bā lin2 ba1 lin pa rinpa りんぱ |
lymph (loanword); lymphatic (ateji / phonetic) (kana only) lymph (ger: Lymphe, dut: lympha) |
淋毒 see styles |
rindoku りんどく |
gonorrhoea; gonorrhea; the clap |
淋汗 see styles |
lín hàn lin2 han4 lin han rinkan |
Dripping sweat; to sprinkle or pour water on the body to cleanse it. |
淋浴 see styles |
lín yù lin2 yu4 lin yü |
to take a shower; shower |
淋漓 see styles |
lín lí lin2 li2 lin li rinri りんり |
dripping wet; pouring; saturated; (fig.) uninhibited; fluid; emotionally unrestrained; extreme (adv-to,adj-t) (1) (form) (dripping) profusely; heavily; freely; (adj-t,adv-to) (2) (form) brimming (with an emotion, etc.); overflowing (with); bold (e.g. brush strokes); (female given name) Rinri |
淋濕 淋湿 see styles |
lín shī lin2 shi1 lin shih |
to get soaked |
淋疾 see styles |
rinshitsu りんしつ |
gonorrhea; gonorrhoea |
淋病 see styles |
lìn bìng lin4 bing4 lin ping rinbyou / rinbyo りんびょう |
gonorrhea; Taiwan pr. [lin2 bing4] gonorrhea; gonorrhoea |
淋真 see styles |
rinshin りんしん |
(given name) Rinshin |
淋菌 see styles |
rinkin りんきん |
gonococcus (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) |
淋蒔 see styles |
uzumaki うずまき |
(surname) Uzumaki |
淋雨 see styles |
lín yǔ lin2 yu3 lin yü |
to get wet in the rain |
亜淋 see styles |
arin ありん |
(female given name) Arin |
向淋 see styles |
mukousosogi / mukososogi むこうそそぎ |
(place-name) Mukōsosogi |
味淋 see styles |
wèi lín wei4 lin2 wei lin mirin みりん |
variant of 味醂[wei4lin2] (kana only) mirin; type of sweet rice wine used in cooking |
恋淋 see styles |
kourin / korin こうりん |
(female given name) Kōrin |
淇淋 see styles |
qí lín qi2 lin2 ch`i lin chi lin |
cream (loanword) |
真淋 see styles |
marin まりん |
(female given name) Marin |
美淋 see styles |
mirin みりん |
(surname) Mirin |
茉淋 see styles |
marin まりん |
(female given name) Marin |
遊淋 see styles |
yurin ゆりん |
(female given name) Yurin |
霞淋 see styles |
karin かりん |
(female given name) Karin |
淋しい see styles |
samishii / samishi さみしい sabishii / sabishi さびしい |
(adjective) lonely; lonesome; solitary; desolate |
淋しげ see styles |
sabishige さびしげ |
(adjectival noun) seeming lonely |
淋し気 see styles |
sabishige さびしげ |
(adjectival noun) seeming lonely |
淋代平 see styles |
sabishirodai さびしろだい |
(personal name) Sabishirodai |
淋巴液 see styles |
lín bā yè lin2 ba1 ye4 lin pa yeh rinpaeki りんぱえき |
lymphatic fluid; lymph lymph fluid |
淋巴球 see styles |
rinpakyuu / rinpakyu りんぱきゅう |
lymphocyte |
淋巴瘤 see styles |
lín bā liú lin2 ba1 liu2 lin pa liu |
lymphoma |
淋巴癌 see styles |
lín bā ái lin2 ba1 ai2 lin pa ai |
lymphoma |
淋巴管 see styles |
lín bā guǎn lin2 ba1 guan3 lin pa kuan rinpakan りんぱかん |
lymphatic vessel lymph duct |
淋巴節 see styles |
rinpasetsu りんぱせつ |
lymph node |
淋巴結 淋巴结 see styles |
lín bā jié lin2 ba1 jie2 lin pa chieh |
lymph node; lymph gland |
淋巴腺 see styles |
lín bā xiàn lin2 ba1 xian4 lin pa hsien rinpasen りんぱせん |
lymph gland; lymph node lymph gland; lymphatic gland; lymph node |
淋溶土 see styles |
lìn róng tǔ lin4 rong2 tu3 lin jung t`u lin jung tu |
argosol (soil taxonomy) |
淋溶層 淋溶层 see styles |
lín róng céng lin2 rong2 ceng2 lin jung ts`eng lin jung tseng |
alluvium (soil deposited by rivers) |
淋球菌 see styles |
lìn qiú jun lin4 qiu2 jun1 lin ch`iu chün lin chiu chün |
gonococcus; Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the pathogen causing gonorrhea |
下淋代 see styles |
shimosabishiro しもさびしろ |
(place-name) Shimosabishiro |
冰淇淋 see styles |
bīng qí lín bing1 qi2 lin2 ping ch`i lin ping chi lin |
ice cream |
水淋淋 see styles |
shuǐ lín lín shui3 lin2 lin2 shui lin lin |
dripping wet |
沖淋浴 冲淋浴 see styles |
chōng lín yù chong1 lin2 yu4 ch`ung lin yü chung lin yü |
to take a shower |
油淋鶏 see styles |
yuurinchii / yurinchi ユーリンチー |
{food} Chinese-style fried chicken topped with chopped scallions and sweet vinegar and soy sauce (chi: yóu lín jī) |
游淋妹 see styles |
yuurinsu / yurinsu ゆうりんす |
(personal name) Yūrinsu |
血淋淋 see styles |
xiě lín lín xie3 lin2 lin2 hsieh lin lin |
bloody; blood-soaked; gory; grisly; cruel; brutal; harsh; grim; bitter |
霜淇淋 see styles |
shuāng qí lín shuang1 qi2 lin2 shuang ch`i lin shuang chi lin |
soft ice-cream |
麥淇淋 麦淇淋 see styles |
mài qí lín mai4 qi2 lin2 mai ch`i lin mai chi lin |
margarine (loanword) |
淋しがる see styles |
sabishigaru さびしがる |
(v5r,vi) to miss someone; to miss something; to feel lonely |
淋巴系統 淋巴系统 see styles |
lín bā xì tǒng lin2 ba1 xi4 tong3 lin pa hsi t`ung lin pa hsi tung |
lymphatic system |
淋巴細胞 淋巴细胞 see styles |
lín bā xì bāo lin2 ba1 xi4 bao1 lin pa hsi pao |
lymphocyte |
淋漓盡致 淋漓尽致 see styles |
lín lí jìn zhì lin2 li2 jin4 zhi4 lin li chin chih |
lit. extreme saturation (idiom); fig. vividly and thoroughly; in great detail; without restraint; (of a performance) brilliant |
墨痕淋漓 see styles |
bokkonrinri ぼっこんりんり |
(adv-to,adj-t) (yoji) in bold, vivid brush strokes |
大汗淋漓 see styles |
dà hàn lín lí da4 han4 lin2 li2 ta han lin li |
dripping with sweat |
寝淋しい see styles |
nesabishii / nesabishi ねさびしい |
(expression) missing a sleeping companion |
尾形光淋 see styles |
ogatakourin / ogatakorin おがたこうりん |
(person) Ogata Kōrin |
心淋しい see styles |
urasabishii / urasabishi うらさびしい |
(adjective) lonesome; lonely; forlorn |
日曬雨淋 日晒雨淋 see styles |
rì shài yǔ lín ri4 shai4 yu3 lin2 jih shai yü lin |
lit. exposed to sun and rain (idiom); fig. exposed to the elements |
流汗淋漓 see styles |
ryuukanrinri / ryukanrinri りゅうかんりんり |
(n,adj-t,adv-to) (archaism) (yoji) profuse perspiration; dripping with sweat |
流血淋漓 see styles |
ryuuketsurinri / ryuketsurinri りゅうけつりんり |
(adj-t,adv-to) (yoji) (See 鮮血淋漓) dripping with fresh blood |
物淋しい see styles |
monosabishii / monosabishi ものさびしい |
(adjective) lonely |
狗血淋頭 狗血淋头 see styles |
gǒu xuè lín tóu gou3 xue4 lin2 tou2 kou hsüeh lin t`ou kou hsüeh lin tou |
lit. to pour dog's blood on (idiom); fig. torrent of abuse |
痛快淋漓 see styles |
tòng kuài lín lí tong4 kuai4 lin2 li2 t`ung k`uai lin li tung kuai lin li tsuukairinri / tsukairinri つうかいりんり |
joyous; hearty; spirited; (of commentary) trenchant; incisive (adj-t,adv-to) (archaism) very thrilling; extremely delightful; awfully pleasant; intensely satisfying |
酣暢淋漓 酣畅淋漓 see styles |
hān chàng lín lí han1 chang4 lin2 li2 han ch`ang lin li han chang lin li |
to one's heart's content (idiom) |
鮮血淋漓 鲜血淋漓 see styles |
xiān xuè - lín lí xian1 xue4 - lin2 li2 hsien hsüeh - lin li senketsurinri せんけつりんり |
(idiom) drenched with blood; dripping with blood (adj-t,adv-to) (yoji) dripping with fresh blood |
Variations: |
rindoku りんどく |
(See 淋病) gonorrhoea; gonorrhea; the clap |
Variations: |
rinshitsu りんしつ |
(dated) (See 淋病) gonorrhea; gonorrhoea |
Variations: |
rinbyou / rinbyo りんびょう |
gonorrhea; gonorrhoea |
Variations: |
rinkin りんきん |
gonococcus (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) |
淋しがり屋 see styles |
sabishigariya さびしがりや |
lonely person; someone who easily succumbs to loneliness |
淋巴節腫脹 see styles |
rinpasetsushuchou / rinpasetsushucho りんぱせつしゅちょう |
lymphadenoma; lymph node enlargement; lymphadenopathy |
Variations: |
mirin みりん |
(kana only) mirin; type of sweet rice wine used in cooking |
もの淋しい see styles |
monosabishii / monosabishi ものさびしい |
(adjective) lonely |
懐が淋しい see styles |
futokorogasabishii / futokorogasabishi ふところがさびしい |
(exp,adj-i) strapped for cash; hard up |
眼睛吃冰淇淋 see styles |
yǎn jing chī bīng qí lín yan3 jing5 chi1 bing1 qi2 lin2 yen ching ch`ih ping ch`i lin yen ching chih ping chi lin |
(slang) (Tw) to be checking out the hotties |
Variations: |
rinpasen(淋巴腺); rinpasen(rinpa腺) りんぱせん(淋巴腺); リンパせん(リンパ腺) |
lymph gland; lymphatic gland; lymph node |
Variations: |
rinpaeki(淋巴液); rinpaeki(rinpa液) りんぱえき(淋巴液); リンパえき(リンパ液) |
lymph fluid |
Variations: |
rinpakyuu(rinpa球); rinpakyuu(淋巴球) / rinpakyu(rinpa球); rinpakyu(淋巴球) リンパきゅう(リンパ球); りんぱきゅう(淋巴球) |
lymphocyte |
Variations: |
rinpakan(rinpa管); rinpakan(淋巴管) リンパかん(リンパ管); りんぱかん(淋巴管) |
lymph duct |
Variations: |
rinpasetsu(rinpa節); rinpasetsu(淋巴節) リンパせつ(リンパ節); りんぱせつ(淋巴節) |
lymph node |
淋巴(ateji) see styles |
rinpa(p); rinpa リンパ(P); りんぱ |
(kana only) lymph (ger: Lymphe, dut: lympha) |
Variations: |
rinbyou / rinbyo りんびょう |
{med} gonorrhea; gonorrhoea |
Variations: |
kuchisabishii; kuchizamishii; kuchisamishii / kuchisabishi; kuchizamishi; kuchisamishi くちさびしい; くちざみしい; くちさみしい |
(adjective) craving for food, a cigarette, etc.; longing to have something in one's mouth |
Variations: |
sabishigaru さびしがる |
(v5r,vi) (See 寂しい,がる・1) to miss someone; to miss something; to feel lonely |
Variations: |
biirinpakyuu / birinpakyu ビーリンパきゅう |
(See B細胞) B lymphocyte; B cell |
Variations: |
tiirinpakyuu / tirinpakyu ティーリンパきゅう |
(See T細胞) T cell; T lymphocyte |
Variations: |
kuchigasabishii; kuchigasamishii / kuchigasabishi; kuchigasamishi くちがさびしい; くちがさみしい |
(exp,adj-i) (See 口寂しい) craving for food, a cigarette, etc.; longing to have something in one's mouth |
Variations: |
sabishigariya さびしがりや |
(See 寂しん坊) lonely person; someone who easily succumbs to loneliness |
Variations: |
futokorogasabishii / futokorogasabishi ふところがさびしい |
(exp,adj-i) strapped for cash; hard up |
Variations: |
rinpaeki リンパえき |
{physiol} (See リンパ) lymph (fluid) |
Variations: |
rinpakyuu / rinpakyu リンパきゅう |
{physiol} lymphocyte |
Variations: |
rinpakan リンパかん |
{anat} lymphatic vessel; lymph vessel; lymphatic; lymph duct |
Variations: |
rinpasetsu リンパせつ |
{anat} lymph node |
Variations: |
rinpasen リンパせん |
{anat} (See リンパ節) lymph gland; lymph node |
Variations: |
rinpasetsushuchou(rinpa節腫脹); rinpasetsushuchou(淋巴節腫脹) / rinpasetsushucho(rinpa節腫脹); rinpasetsushucho(淋巴節腫脹) リンパせつしゅちょう(リンパ節腫脹); りんぱせつしゅちょう(淋巴節腫脹) |
lymphadenoma; lymph node enlargement; lymphadenopathy |
淋巴(ateji)(rK) see styles |
rinpa リンパ |
(kana only) {physiol} lymph (ger: Lymphe, dut: lympha) |
Variations: |
rinkin りんきん |
gonococcus (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) |
Variations: |
sabishii(p); samishii / sabishi(p); samishi さびしい(P); さみしい |
(adjective) lonely; lonesome; solitary; desolate |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "淋" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.