There are 125 total results for your 懷 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
懷 怀 see styles |
huái huai2 huai kai ふところ |
bosom; heart; mind; to think of; to harbor in one's mind; to conceive (a child) (out-dated kanji) (1) bosom; bust; (2) (breast) pocket; purse; handbag To carry in the bosom, mind, or heart; to embrace, cherish; the bosom. |
懷仁 怀仁 see styles |
huái rén huai2 ren2 huai jen |
Huairen county in Shuozhou 朔州[Shuo4 zhou1], Shanxi |
懷佩 怀佩 see styles |
huái pèi huai2 pei4 huai p`ei huai pei ehai |
to carry |
懷來 怀来 see styles |
huái lái huai2 lai2 huai lai |
Huailai county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei |
懷兎 怀兎 see styles |
huái tù huai2 tu4 huai t`u huai tu eto |
śaśa-dhara, i.e. the hare-bearer, or in Chinese the hare-embracer, moon. |
懷化 怀化 see styles |
huái huà huai2 hua4 huai hua |
see 懷化市|怀化市[Huai2hua4 Shi4] |
懷古 怀古 see styles |
huái gǔ huai2 gu3 huai ku |
to recall the past; to cherish the memory of past events; to reminisce; nostalgic |
懷奘 see styles |
ejou / ejo えじょう |
(personal name) Ejō |
懷妊 怀妊 see styles |
huái rèn huai2 ren4 huai jen |
gestation; pregnancy |
懷孕 怀孕 see styles |
huái yùn huai2 yun4 huai yün |
pregnant; to have conceived; gestation; pregnancy |
懷安 怀安 see styles |
huái ān huai2 an1 huai an |
Huai'an county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei |
懷寧 怀宁 see styles |
huái níng huai2 ning2 huai ning |
Huaining, a county in Anqing 安慶|安庆[An1qing4], Anhui |
懷弉 see styles |
ejou / ejo えじょう |
(personal name) Ejō |
懷念 怀念 see styles |
huái niàn huai2 nian4 huai nien |
to cherish the memory of; to think of; to reminisce |
懷恨 怀恨 see styles |
huái hèn huai2 hen4 huai hen |
to feel hatred; to harbor a grudge |
懷感 see styles |
ekan えかん |
(personal name) Ekan |
懷抱 怀抱 see styles |
huái bào huai2 bao4 huai pao |
to hug; to cherish; within the bosom (of the family); to embrace (also fig. an ideal, aspiration etc) |
懷春 怀春 see styles |
huái chūn huai2 chun1 huai ch`un huai chun |
(of girls) to yearn for love |
懷有 怀有 see styles |
huái yǒu huai2 you3 huai yu |
to have in one's person (feelings, talent etc) |
懷柔 怀柔 see styles |
huái róu huai2 rou2 huai jou |
to conciliate; to appease |
懷海 see styles |
ekai えかい |
(personal name) Ekai |
懷爐 怀炉 see styles |
huái lú huai2 lu2 huai lu |
hand warmer (fuel based) |
懷特 怀特 see styles |
huái tè huai2 te4 huai t`e huai te |
White (name) |
懷疑 怀疑 see styles |
huái yí huai2 yi2 huai i |
to doubt (something); to be skeptical of; to have one's doubts; to harbor suspicions; to suspect that |
懷祿 怀禄 see styles |
huái lù huai2 lu4 huai lu |
to yearn for a high official position |
懷胎 怀胎 see styles |
huái tāi huai2 tai1 huai t`ai huai tai etai |
to become pregnant; to carry a child in the womb to be pregnant |
懷致 怀致 see styles |
huái zhì huai2 zhi4 huai chih echi |
to bear in mind (?) |
懷舊 怀旧 see styles |
huái jiù huai2 jiu4 huai chiu |
to feel nostalgic; nostalgia |
懷裡 怀里 see styles |
huái lǐ huai2 li3 huai li |
embrace; bosom |
懷讓 怀让 see styles |
huái ràng huai2 rang4 huai jang ejou / ejo えじょう |
(personal name) Ejō Huairang |
懷軀 怀躯 see styles |
huái qū huai2 qu1 huai ch`ü huai chü eku |
to i pregnant |
懷遠 怀远 see styles |
huái yuǎn huai2 yuan3 huai yüan |
Huaiyuan, a county in Bengbu 蚌埠[Beng4bu4], Anhui |
懷鄉 怀乡 see styles |
huái xiāng huai2 xiang1 huai hsiang |
homesick |
懷錶 怀表 see styles |
huái biǎo huai2 biao3 huai piao |
pocket watch |
懷集 怀集 see styles |
huái jí huai2 ji2 huai chi |
Huaiji county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong |
懷靈 怀灵 see styles |
huái líng huai2 ling2 huai ling eryō |
Spirit-enfolders, i.e. all conscious beings. |
仁懷 仁怀 see styles |
rén huái ren2 huai2 jen huai |
Renhuai, county-level city in Zunyi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou |
介懷 介怀 see styles |
jiè huái jie4 huai2 chieh huai |
to mind; to brood over; to be concerned about |
傷懷 伤怀 see styles |
shāng huái shang1 huai2 shang huai |
grieved; full of sorrow |
內懷 内怀 see styles |
nèi huái nei4 huai2 nei huai naie |
inner mind |
域懷 域怀 see styles |
yù huái yu4 huai2 yü huai ikie |
spiritual capacity |
寄懷 寄怀 see styles |
jì huái ji4 huai2 chi huai |
emotions expressed in writing |
履懷 履怀 see styles |
lǚ huái lv3 huai2 lü huai rie |
to fulfil and harbor (?) |
平懷 平怀 see styles |
píng huái ping2 huai2 p`ing huai ping huai byōkai |
equanimity |
心懷 心怀 see styles |
xīn huái xin1 huai2 hsin huai shine |
to harbor (thoughts); to cherish; to entertain (illusions) to harbor in one's mind |
志懷 志怀 see styles |
zhì huái zhi4 huai2 chih huai shie |
to keep in mind |
忘懷 忘怀 see styles |
wàng huái wang4 huai2 wang huai |
to forget |
情懷 情怀 see styles |
qíng huái qing2 huai2 ch`ing huai ching huai |
feelings; mood |
意懷 意怀 see styles |
yì huái yi4 huai2 i huai ie |
mental disposition |
感懷 感怀 see styles |
gǎn huái gan3 huai2 kan huai |
to recall with emotion; to feel sentiments |
戀懷 恋怀 see styles |
liàn huái lian4 huai2 lien huai rene |
to yearn for |
抒懷 抒怀 see styles |
shū huái shu1 huai2 shu huai |
to express emotion |
掛懷 挂怀 see styles |
guà huái gua4 huai2 kua huai |
concerned; troubled; having something on one's mind |
本懷 本怀 see styles |
běn huái ben3 huai2 pen huai hon gai |
original intention |
滿懷 满怀 see styles |
mǎn huái man3 huai2 man huai |
to have one's heart filled with; (to collide) full on; (of farm animals) heavy with young |
眷懷 眷怀 see styles |
juàn huái juan4 huai2 chüan huai |
to yearn for; to miss |
素懷 素怀 see styles |
sù huái su4 huai2 su huai sokai |
one's original intent |
緬懷 缅怀 see styles |
miǎn huái mian3 huai2 mien huai |
to commemorate; to recall fondly; to think of the past |
胸懷 胸怀 see styles |
xiōng huái xiong1 huai2 hsiung huai |
one's bosom (the seat of emotions); breast; broad-minded and open; to think about; to cherish |
襟懷 襟怀 see styles |
jīn huái jin1 huai2 chin huai |
bosom (the seat of emotions); one's mind |
身懷 身怀 see styles |
shēn huái shen1 huai2 shen huai shine |
bosom |
追懷 追怀 see styles |
zhuī huái zhui1 huai2 chui huai |
to recall; to bring to mind; to reminisce |
釋懷 释怀 see styles |
shì huái shi4 huai2 shih huai |
to get over (a traumatic experience, misgivings etc) |
開懷 开怀 see styles |
kāi huái kai1 huai2 k`ai huai kai huai |
to one's heart's content; without restraint |
關懷 关怀 see styles |
guān huái guan1 huai2 kuan huai |
care; solicitude; to show care for; concerned about; attentive to |
雅懷 雅怀 see styles |
yǎ huái ya3 huai2 ya huai |
refined feelings; distinguished emotions |
顯懷 显怀 see styles |
xiǎn huái xian3 huai2 hsien huai |
to look pregnant; obviously pregnant |
懷仁堂 怀仁堂 see styles |
huái rén táng huai2 ren2 tang2 huai jen t`ang huai jen tang |
Huairen Hall or Huairentang, a building inside Zhongnanhai 中南海[Zhong1 nan2 hai3], used as the main meeting place of the Politburo of the CCP |
懷仁縣 怀仁县 see styles |
huái rén xiàn huai2 ren2 xian4 huai jen hsien |
Huairen county in Shuozhou 朔州[Shuo4 zhou1], Shanxi |
懷來縣 怀来县 see styles |
huái lái xiàn huai2 lai2 xian4 huai lai hsien |
Huailai county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei |
懷俄明 怀俄明 see styles |
huái é míng huai2 e2 ming2 huai o ming |
Wyoming, US state |
懷化市 怀化市 see styles |
huái huà shì huai2 hua4 shi4 huai hua shih |
Huaihua, prefecture-level city in Hunan Province 湖南省[Hu2nan2 Sheng3] |
懷化縣 怀化县 see styles |
huái huà xiàn huai2 hua4 xian4 huai hua hsien |
Huaihua county, Hunan |
懷安縣 怀安县 see styles |
huái ān xiàn huai2 an1 xian4 huai an hsien |
Huai'an county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei |
懷寧縣 怀宁县 see styles |
huái níng xiàn huai2 ning2 xian4 huai ning hsien |
Huaining, a county in Anqing 安慶|安庆[An1qing4], Anhui |
懷愚癡 怀愚癡 see styles |
huái yú chī huai2 yu2 chi1 huai yü ch`ih huai yü chih eguchi |
confused |
懷敵意 怀敌意 see styles |
huái dí yì huai2 di2 yi4 huai ti i |
hostile |
懷柔區 怀柔区 see styles |
huái róu qū huai2 rou2 qu1 huai jou ch`ü huai jou chü |
Huairou, a district of Beijing |
懷柔縣 怀柔县 see styles |
huái róu xiàn huai2 rou2 xian4 huai jou hsien |
former Huairou county, now Huairou rural district of Beijing |
懷特島 怀特岛 see styles |
huái tè dǎo huai2 te4 dao3 huai t`e tao huai te tao |
Isle of Wight, island off the south coast of England |
懷疑派 怀疑派 see styles |
huái yí pài huai2 yi2 pai4 huai i p`ai huai i pai |
the skeptics |
懷疑者 怀疑者 see styles |
huái yí zhě huai2 yi2 zhe3 huai i che |
skeptic; suspecter |
懷舊感 怀旧感 see styles |
huái jiù gǎn huai2 jiu4 gan3 huai chiu kan |
feeling of nostalgia |
懷貪欲 怀贪欲 see styles |
huái tān yù huai2 tan1 yu4 huai t`an yü huai tan yü etonyoku |
impassioned |
懷遠縣 怀远县 see styles |
huái yuǎn xiàn huai2 yuan3 xian4 huai yüan hsien |
Huaiyuan, a county in Bengbu 蚌埠[Beng4bu4], Anhui |
懷集縣 怀集县 see styles |
huái jí xiàn huai2 ji2 xian4 huai chi hsien |
Huaiji county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong |
仁懷市 仁怀市 see styles |
rén huái shì ren2 huai2 shi4 jen huai shih |
Renhuai, county-level city in Zunyi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou |
仁懷縣 仁怀县 see styles |
rén huái xiàn ren2 huai2 xian4 jen huai hsien |
Renhuai county in Zunyi prefecture 遵義|遵义, Guizhou |
彭德懷 彭德怀 see styles |
péng dé huái peng2 de2 huai2 p`eng te huai peng te huai |
Peng Dehuai (1898-1974), top communist general, subsequently politician and politburo member, disgraced after attacking Mao's failed policies in 1959, and died after extensive persecution during the Cultural Revolution |
李懷遠 李怀远 see styles |
lǐ huái yuǎn li3 huai2 yuan3 li huai yüan |
Li Huaiyuan (-756), senior Tang dynasty official |
林懷民 林怀民 see styles |
lín huái mín lin2 huai2 min2 lin huai min |
Lin Hwai-Min (1947-), Taiwanese choreographer and dancer |
楚懷王 楚怀王 see styles |
chǔ huái wáng chu3 huai2 wang2 ch`u huai wang chu huai wang |
King Huai of Chu (reigned 328-299 BC); later King Huai of Chu (reigned 208-205 BC) |
郭永懷 郭永怀 see styles |
guō yǒng huái guo1 yong3 huai2 kuo yung huai |
Guo Yonghuai (1909-1968), Chinese aviation pioneer |
懷俄明州 怀俄明州 see styles |
huái é míng zhōu huai2 e2 ming2 zhou1 huai o ming chou |
Wyoming, US state |
懷恨在心 怀恨在心 see styles |
huái hèn zài xīn huai2 hen4 zai4 xin1 huai hen tsai hsin |
to harbor hard feelings |
懷才不遇 怀才不遇 see styles |
huái cái bù yù huai2 cai2 bu4 yu4 huai ts`ai pu yü huai tsai pu yü |
to have talent but no opportunity (idiom); to be an unrecognized talent |
懷氏虎鶇 怀氏虎鸫 see styles |
huái shì hǔ dōng huai2 shi4 hu3 dong1 huai shih hu tung |
(bird species of China) White's thrush (Zoothera aurea) |
懷璧其罪 怀璧其罪 see styles |
huái bì qí zuì huai2 bi4 qi2 zui4 huai pi ch`i tsui huai pi chi tsui |
lit. treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime (idiom); to get into trouble on account of a cherished item; fig. A person's talent will arouse the envy of others. |
不懷好意 不怀好意 see styles |
bù huái - hǎo yì bu4 huai2 - hao3 yi4 pu huai - hao i |
(idiom) to harbor evil designs; to harbor malicious intentions |
出世本懷 出世本怀 see styles |
chū shì běn huái chu1 shi4 ben3 huai2 ch`u shih pen huai chu shih pen huai shusse (no) hongai |
The aim cherished by the Buddha in appearing in the world. |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "懷" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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