There are 218 total results for your 弹 search. I have created 3 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
123>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
彈 弹 see styles |
tán tan2 t`an tan dan |
to pluck (a string); to play (a string instrument); to spring or leap; to shoot (e.g. with a catapult); (of cotton) to fluff or tease; to flick; to flip; to accuse; to impeach; elastic (of materials) A bullet, shot; to strum, snap; repress, impeach; translit. dan. |
Q彈 Q弹 see styles |
q tán q tan2 q t`an q tan |
(of a food's mouthfeel) springy; firm; al dente |
中彈 中弹 see styles |
zhòng dàn zhong4 dan4 chung tan |
to get hit by a bullet; to get shot |
動彈 动弹 see styles |
dòng tan dong4 tan5 tung t`an tung tan |
to budge |
卡彈 卡弹 see styles |
kǎ dàn ka3 dan4 k`a tan ka tan |
to jam (rifle) |
反彈 反弹 see styles |
fǎn tán fan3 tan2 fan t`an fan tan |
to bounce; to bounce back; to boomerang; to ricochet; rebound (of stock market etc); bounce; backlash; negative repercussions |
回彈 回弹 see styles |
huí tán hui2 tan2 hui t`an hui tan |
(of something that has been deformed) to spring back to original shape; (fig.) to rebound; to bounce back |
子彈 子弹 see styles |
zǐ dàn zi3 dan4 tzu tan |
bullet; CL:粒[li4],顆|颗[ke1],發|发[fa1] |
實彈 实弹 see styles |
shí dàn shi2 dan4 shih tan |
live ammunition |
導彈 导弹 see styles |
dǎo dàn dao3 dan4 tao tan |
(guided) missile; CL:枚[mei2] |
小彈 小弹 see styles |
xiǎo dàn xiao3 dan4 hsiao tan |
bomblet (of cluster bomb) |
彈丸 弹丸 see styles |
dàn wán dan4 wan2 tan wan |
pellet |
彈偏 弹偏 see styles |
dàn piān dan4 pian1 tan p`ien tan pien dan pen |
reject the limited [teaching] |
彈出 弹出 see styles |
tán chū tan2 chu1 t`an ch`u tan chu |
to eject; to exit from; to pop up |
彈力 弹力 see styles |
tán lì tan2 li4 t`an li tan li |
elasticity; elastic force; spring; rebound; bounce |
彈劾 弹劾 see styles |
tán hé tan2 he2 t`an ho tan ho |
to impeach (an official) |
彈匣 弹匣 see styles |
dàn xiá dan4 xia2 tan hsia |
magazine (for ammunition) |
彈唱 弹唱 see styles |
tán chàng tan2 chang4 t`an ch`ang tan chang |
to sing and play (plucked string instrument) |
彈回 弹回 see styles |
tán huí tan2 hui2 t`an hui tan hui |
to rebound |
彈坑 弹坑 see styles |
dàn kēng dan4 keng1 tan k`eng tan keng |
bomb crater |
彈壓 弹压 see styles |
tán yā tan2 ya1 t`an ya tan ya |
to suppress; to quell (a disturbance); repression |
彈多 弹多 see styles |
dàn duō dan4 duo1 tan to danta |
danta, a tooth. |
彈夾 弹夹 see styles |
dàn jiā dan4 jia1 tan chia |
ammunition clip; cartridge clip; magazine (for ammunition) |
彈奏 弹奏 see styles |
tán zòu tan2 zou4 t`an tsou tan tsou |
to play (musical instrument, esp. string) |
彈子 弹子 see styles |
tán zi tan2 zi5 t`an tzu tan tzu |
towrope |
彈孔 弹孔 see styles |
dàn kǒng dan4 kong3 tan k`ung tan kung |
bullet hole |
彈射 弹射 see styles |
tán shè tan2 she4 t`an she tan she |
to catapult; to launch; to eject (from a plane); to shoot |
彈幕 弹幕 see styles |
dàn mù dan4 mu4 tan mu |
barrage (military); "bullet screen", function which allows viewers to post on-screen comments in videos, movies etc in real time; danmaku (video game subgenre) |
彈弓 弹弓 see styles |
dàn gōng dan4 gong1 tan kung |
catapult; slingshot |
彈性 弹性 see styles |
tán xìng tan2 xing4 t`an hsing tan hsing |
More info & calligraphy: Resilience / Flexibility |
彈指 弹指 see styles |
tán zhǐ tan2 zhi3 t`an chih tan chih tan ji |
to snap one's fingers; (fig.) in a flash; in an instant To snap the fingers—in assent, in joy, in warning; a measure of time equal to twenty winks. |
彈撥 弹拨 see styles |
tán bō tan2 bo1 t`an po tan po |
to pluck (a string) |
彈斥 弹斥 see styles |
tán chì tan2 chi4 t`an ch`ih tan chih danjaku |
accuse and criticize rejects |
彈殼 弹壳 see styles |
dàn ké dan4 ke2 tan k`o tan ko |
ammunition case |
彈片 弹片 see styles |
tán piàn tan2 pian4 t`an p`ien tan pien |
plectrum |
彈牙 弹牙 see styles |
tán yá tan2 ya2 t`an ya tan ya |
al dente |
彈珠 弹珠 see styles |
dàn zhū dan4 zhu1 tan chu |
marbles |
彈球 弹球 see styles |
tán qiú tan2 qiu2 t`an ch`iu tan chiu |
to play marbles |
彈琴 弹琴 see styles |
tán qín tan2 qin2 t`an ch`in tan chin |
to play or strum a lute or other stringed instrument |
彈痕 弹痕 see styles |
dàn hén dan4 hen2 tan hen |
bullet hole; shell hole |
彈窗 弹窗 see styles |
tán chuāng tan2 chuang1 t`an ch`uang tan chuang |
pop-up window (computing) |
彈簧 弹簧 see styles |
tán huáng tan2 huang2 t`an huang tan huang |
spring |
彈糾 弹纠 see styles |
tán jiū tan2 jiu1 t`an chiu tan chiu |
to accuse; to impeach |
彈舌 弹舌 see styles |
tán shé tan2 she2 t`an she tan she |
to cluck; to trill |
彈花 弹花 see styles |
tán huā tan2 hua1 t`an hua tan hua |
to soften cotton fiber by fluffing |
彈藥 弹药 see styles |
dàn yào dan4 yao4 tan yao |
ammunition |
彈詞 弹词 see styles |
tán cí tan2 ci2 t`an tz`u tan tzu |
ballad tune in southern dialects, usually to sanxian 三弦 or pipa 琵琶 accompaniment |
彈跳 弹跳 see styles |
tán tiào tan2 tiao4 t`an t`iao tan tiao |
to bounce; to jump; to leap |
彈道 弹道 see styles |
dàn dào dan4 dao4 tan tao |
trajectory (of a projectile); ballistic curve |
彈雨 弹雨 see styles |
dàn yǔ dan4 yu3 tan yü |
hail of bullets |
彈頭 弹头 see styles |
dàn tóu dan4 tou2 tan t`ou tan tou |
warhead |
彩彈 彩弹 see styles |
cǎi dàn cai3 dan4 ts`ai tan tsai tan |
paintball |
手彈 手弹 see styles |
shǒu tán shou3 tan2 shou t`an shou tan |
fingered (bass) |
投彈 投弹 see styles |
tóu dàn tou2 dan4 t`ou tan tou tan |
to throw an explosive charge; to bomb |
散彈 散弹 see styles |
sǎn dàn san3 dan4 san tan |
shot (for a shotgun); canister shot |
柘彈 柘弹 see styles |
zhè dàn zhe4 dan4 che tan |
slingshot made from the 柘[zhe4] tree |
核彈 核弹 see styles |
hé dàn he2 dan4 ho tan |
nuclear warhead |
榴彈 榴弹 see styles |
liú dàn liu2 dan4 liu tan |
high explosive shell; grenade |
槍彈 枪弹 see styles |
qiāng dàn qiang1 dan4 ch`iang tan chiang tan |
bullet |
母彈 母弹 see styles |
mǔ dàn mu3 dan4 mu tan |
parent shell (of a cluster bomb) |
氫彈 氢弹 see styles |
qīng dàn qing1 dan4 ch`ing tan ching tan |
H-bomb; hydrogen bomb |
流彈 流弹 see styles |
liú dàn liu2 dan4 liu tan |
stray bullet |
漆彈 漆弹 see styles |
qī dàn qi1 dan4 ch`i tan chi tan |
paintball (sports) |
炮彈 炮弹 see styles |
pào dàn pao4 dan4 p`ao tan pao tan |
artillery shell; CL:枚[mei2] |
炸彈 炸弹 see styles |
zhà dàn zha4 dan4 cha tan |
bomb; CL:枚[mei2],顆|颗[ke1] |
爆彈 爆弹 see styles |
bào dàn bao4 dan4 pao tan |
bomb |
球彈 球弹 see styles |
qiú dàn qiu2 dan4 ch`iu tan chiu tan |
ball (in sport, incl. billiards) |
糖彈 糖弹 see styles |
táng dàn tang2 dan4 t`ang tan tang tan |
sugar-coated bullets, term used by Mao (originally in 1949) to refer to corrupting bourgeois influences (abbr. for 糖衣炮彈|糖衣炮弹[tang2 yi1 pao4 dan4]) |
糾彈 纠弹 see styles |
jiū tán jiu1 tan2 chiu t`an chiu tan |
to censure; to denounce; to impeach |
肉彈 肉弹 see styles |
ròu dàn rou4 dan4 jou tan |
suicide attacker; suicide bomber; voluptuous woman; muscular man |
臭彈 臭弹 see styles |
chòu dàn chou4 dan4 ch`ou tan chou tan |
dead bomb (i.e. not exploding on impact) |
裝彈 装弹 see styles |
zhuāng dàn zhuang1 dan4 chuang tan |
to charge (ammunition into gun); to load |
跳彈 跳弹 see styles |
tiào dàn tiao4 dan4 t`iao tan tiao tan |
ricochet |
重彈 重弹 see styles |
chóng tán chong2 tan2 ch`ung t`an chung tan |
to replay string instrument; fig. to harp on the same string; to raise the same old topic again |
鋼彈 钢弹 see styles |
gāng dàn gang1 dan4 kang tan |
Gundam, Japanese animation franchise |
防彈 防弹 see styles |
fáng dàn fang2 dan4 fang tan |
bulletproof |
難彈 难弹 see styles |
nán tán nan2 tan2 nan t`an nan tan |
hard to play (of music for stringed instrument) |
飛彈 飞弹 see styles |
fēi dàn fei1 dan4 fei tan hida ひだ |
(Tw) missile; stray bullet (surname) Hida |
髒彈 脏弹 see styles |
zāng dàn zang1 dan4 tsang tan |
dirty bomb |
一彈指 一弹指 see styles |
yī tán zhǐ yi1 tan2 zhi3 i t`an chih i tan chih ichi danshi |
snap of the fingers |
中子彈 中子弹 see styles |
zhōng zǐ dàn zhong1 zi3 dan4 chung tzu tan |
neutron bomb |
亂彈琴 乱弹琴 see styles |
luàn tán qín luan4 tan2 qin2 luan t`an ch`in luan tan chin |
to talk nonsense; to behave like a fool |
催淚彈 催泪弹 see styles |
cuī lèi dàn cui1 lei4 dan4 ts`ui lei tan tsui lei tan |
tear bomb; tear-gas grenade |
原子彈 原子弹 see styles |
yuán zǐ dàn yuan2 zi3 dan4 yüan tzu tan |
atomic bomb; A-bomb |
反導彈 反导弹 see styles |
fǎn dǎo dàn fan3 dao3 dan4 fan tao tan |
anti-missile |
嗡嗡彈 嗡嗡弹 see styles |
wēng wēng dàn weng1 weng1 dan4 weng weng tan |
buzzing bomb |
子母彈 子母弹 see styles |
zǐ mǔ dàn zi3 mu3 dan4 tzu mu tan |
(military) cluster bomb; shrapnel |
布袋彈 布袋弹 see styles |
bù dài dàn bu4 dai4 dan4 pu tai tan |
bean bag round |
彈塗魚 弹涂鱼 see styles |
tán tú yú tan2 tu2 yu2 t`an t`u yü tan tu yü |
mudskipper (amphibious fish) |
彈子鎖 弹子锁 see styles |
dàn zi suǒ dan4 zi5 suo3 tan tzu so |
pin tumbler lock; spring lock |
彈宅迦 弹宅迦 see styles |
dàn zhái jiā dan4 zhai2 jia1 tan chai chia Dantaka |
Daṇḍaka, name of a king. |
彈射出 弹射出 see styles |
tán shè chū tan2 she4 chu1 t`an she ch`u tan she chu |
to catapult; to shoot |
彈撥樂 弹拨乐 see styles |
tán bō yuè tan2 bo1 yue4 t`an po yüeh tan po yüeh |
plucked string music |
彈珠檯 弹珠台 see styles |
dàn zhū tái dan4 zhu1 tai2 tan chu t`ai tan chu tai |
pinball |
彈球盤 弹球盘 see styles |
tán qiú pán tan2 qiu2 pan2 t`an ch`iu p`an tan chiu pan |
pachinko |
彈簧刀 弹簧刀 see styles |
tán huáng dāo tan2 huang2 dao1 t`an huang tao tan huang tao |
flick knife; switchblade; spring-loaded knife |
彈簧秤 弹簧秤 see styles |
tán huáng chèng tan2 huang2 cheng4 t`an huang ch`eng tan huang cheng |
spring balance |
彈簧鎖 弹簧锁 see styles |
tán huáng suǒ tan2 huang2 suo3 t`an huang so tan huang so |
spring lock |
彈簧門 弹簧门 see styles |
tán huáng mén tan2 huang2 men2 t`an huang men tan huang men |
swing door |
彈藥庫 弹药库 see styles |
dàn yào kù dan4 yao4 ku4 tan yao k`u tan yao ku |
ammunition dump |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "弹" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.