There are 118 total results for your 坚 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
堅 坚 see styles |
jiān jian1 chien tsuyoshi つよし |
strong; solid; firm; unyielding; resolute (1) (rare) strength; solidity; firmness; (2) (rare) armour; armor; (male given name) Tsuyoshi dṛḍha. sthira : firm, firmly fixed, reliable. |
三堅 三坚 see styles |
sān jiān san1 jian1 san chien sanken |
The three sure or certain things are 身, 命 and 財, i.e. the reward of the true disciple is an infinite body or personality, an endless life, and boundless (spiritual) possessions, 無極之身, 無窮之命, 無盡之財, v. 能摩經:菩薩品. |
不堅 不坚 see styles |
bù jiān bu4 jian1 pu chien fuken |
insubstantial |
中堅 中坚 see styles |
zhōng jiān zhong1 jian1 chung chien nakano なかの |
core; nucleus; backbone (1) nucleus; backbone; mainstay; key figure; (adj-no,n) (2) medium-level; mid-level; middle-ranking; midsize; (3) main body (of troops); crack troops; select troops; (4) {baseb} center field; centre field; center fielder; centre fielder; (5) (See 先鋒・せんぽう・2) athlete competing in the middle-number match in a team competition, i.e. second in 3-on-3, third in 5-on-5 (kendo, judo, etc.); (surname) Nakano |
修堅 修坚 see styles |
xiū jiān xiu1 jian1 hsiu chien shuken |
Firmness in observing or maintaining; established conviction, e.g. of the 別教 bodhisattva that all phenomena in essence are identical. |
十堅 十坚 see styles |
shí jiān shi2 jian1 shih chien jūken |
ten firmnesses |
堅伏 坚伏 see styles |
jiān fú jian1 fu2 chien fu Kenpuku |
Kimpila |
堅住 坚住 see styles |
jiān zhù jian1 zhu4 chien chu kenjū |
firmly remains |
堅信 坚信 see styles |
jiān xìn jian1 xin4 chien hsin kenshin けんしん |
More info & calligraphy: Firm Belief / Strong Faith(Christian rite of) confirmation; (personal name) Kenshin firm faith |
堅冰 坚冰 see styles |
jiān bīng jian1 bing1 chien ping |
ice; (fig.) frosty relationship |
堅力 坚力 see styles |
jiān lì jian1 li4 chien li kenriki |
power of firmness |
堅厚 坚厚 see styles |
jiān hòu jian1 hou4 chien hou kenkō |
solid mass |
堅固 坚固 see styles |
jiān gù jian1 gu4 chien ku kengo けんご |
firm; firmly; hard; stable (noun or adjectival noun) solid; strong; firm; (given name) Kengo Firm and sure. |
堅執 坚执 see styles |
jiān zhí jian1 zhi2 chien chih kenshū |
to persist; to continue upholding; to persevere; to stick to something; stubborn rigid attachment |
堅壁 坚壁 see styles |
jiān bì jian1 bi4 chien pi |
to cache; to hide supplies (from the enemy) |
堅守 坚守 see styles |
jiān shǒu jian1 shou3 chien shou kenshu けんしゅ |
to hold fast to; to stick to (noun, transitive verb) strong defense; strong defence |
堅定 坚定 see styles |
jiān dìng jian1 ding4 chien ting |
firm; steady; staunch; resolute |
堅實 坚实 see styles |
jiān shí jian1 shi2 chien shih ken jitsu |
firm and substantial; solid Firm and solid. |
堅強 坚强 see styles |
jiān qiáng jian1 qiang2 chien ch`iang chien chiang kenkyou / kenkyo けんきょう |
staunch; strong (noun or adjectival noun) robust; strong; tough |
堅忍 坚忍 see styles |
jiān rěn jian1 ren3 chien jen kennin けんにん |
More info & calligraphy: Perseverance / Fortitude(n,vs,vt,vi) perseverance |
堅意 坚意 see styles |
jiān yì jian1 yi4 chien i keni けんい |
(personal name) Ken'i 堅慧 Sthiramati of firm mind, or wisdom. An early Indian monk of the Mahāyāna; perhaps two monks. |
堅慧 坚慧 see styles |
jiān huì jian1 hui4 chien hui kenne けんね |
(personal name) Kenne Sthiramati |
堅戈 坚戈 see styles |
jiān gē jian1 ge1 chien ko |
tenge (Kazakhstan currency) (loanword) |
堅持 坚持 see styles |
jiān chí jian1 chi2 chien ch`ih chien chih kenmochi けんもち |
to persevere with; to persist in; to insist on (noun, transitive verb) holding on to; sticking to; (surname) Kenmochi maintain firmly |
堅振 坚振 see styles |
jiān zhèn jian1 zhen4 chien chen kenshin けんしん |
confirmation (Christian ceremony) (Christian rite of) confirmation |
堅挺 坚挺 see styles |
jiān tǐng jian1 ting3 chien t`ing chien ting |
firm and upright; strong (of currency) |
堅明 坚明 see styles |
jiān míng jian1 ming2 chien ming kenmei / kenme けんめい |
to consolidate and clarify (personal name) Kenmei |
堅智 坚智 see styles |
jiān zhì jian1 zhi4 chien chih Kenchi |
Firm knowledge, or wisdom, a name of Vajrapāṇi. |
堅林 坚林 see styles |
jiān lín jian1 lin2 chien lin Kenrin |
(堅固林) The grove of Sala trees, in which Sakyamuni died. |
堅果 坚果 see styles |
jiān guǒ jian1 guo3 chien kuo kenka けんか |
nut (noun - becomes adjective with の) nut |
堅正 坚正 see styles |
jiān zhèng jian1 zheng4 chien cheng kensei / kense けんせい |
(given name) Kensei resolute |
堅毅 坚毅 see styles |
jiān yì jian1 yi4 chien i |
More info & calligraphy: Unswerving Determination / Firm and Persistent |
堅決 坚决 see styles |
jiān jué jian1 jue2 chien chüeh |
firm; resolute; determined |
堅法 坚法 see styles |
jiān fǎ jian1 fa3 chien fa kenpō |
The three things assured to the faithful (in reincarnation)—a good body, long life, and boundless wealth. |
堅滿 坚满 see styles |
jiān mǎn jian1 man3 chien man Kenman |
Dhṛtiparipūrṇa |
堅牢 坚牢 see styles |
jiān láo jian1 lao2 chien lao kenrou / kenro けんろう |
strong; firm (noun or adjectival noun) solid; strong; sturdy; durable; stout Firm and stable ; that which is stable, the earth. |
堅猛 坚猛 see styles |
jiān měng jian1 meng3 chien meng kenmō |
adamant |
堅硬 坚硬 see styles |
jiān yìng jian1 ying4 chien ying |
hard; solid |
堅稱 坚称 see styles |
jiān chēng jian1 cheng1 chien ch`eng chien cheng |
to claim; to insist |
堅緻 坚致 see styles |
jiān zhì jian1 zhi4 chien chih |
robust and fine textured |
堅肉 坚肉 see styles |
jiān ròu jian1 rou4 chien jou kenniku |
firm |
堅護 坚护 see styles |
jiān hù jian1 hu4 chien hu Kengo |
Bhadrapāla |
堅貞 坚贞 see styles |
jiān zhēn jian1 zhen1 chien chen |
firm; unswerving; loyal to the end |
堅韌 坚韧 see styles |
jiān rèn jian1 ren4 chien jen |
More info & calligraphy: Perseverance / Fortitude |
孫堅 孙坚 see styles |
sūn jiān sun1 jian1 sun chien sonken そんけん |
Sun Jian (155-191), famous general at end of Han dynasty, forerunner of the southern kingdom of Wu of the Three Kingdoms (personal name) Sonken |
攻堅 攻坚 see styles |
gōng jiān gong1 jian1 kung chien |
to assault a fortified position; (fig.) to concentrate one's efforts on a particularly difficult part of one's mission |
楊堅 杨坚 see styles |
yáng jiān yang2 jian1 yang chien youken / yoken ようけん |
first Sui emperor Yang Jian (541-604), reigned 581-604 (personal name) Yōken |
聖堅 圣坚 see styles |
shèng jiān sheng4 jian1 sheng chien Shōken |
Shengjian |
苻堅 苻坚 see styles |
fú jiān fu2 jian1 fu chien fuken ふけん |
Fu Jian (338-385), emperor of Former Qin 前秦[Qian2 Qin2], reigning from 357-385 (personal name) Fuken |
覺堅 觉坚 see styles |
jué jiān jue2 jian1 chüeh chien kakuken |
Firm, or secure, enlightenment. |
三堅法 三坚法 see styles |
sān jiān fǎ san1 jian1 fa3 san chien fa san kenbō |
three certainties |
不堅執 不坚执 see styles |
bù jiān zhí bu4 jian1 zhi2 pu chien chih fukenshū |
not firmly (rigidly) attached |
五堅固 五坚固 see styles |
wǔ jiān gù wu3 jian1 gu4 wu chien ku go kengo |
idem 五五百年. |
十堅心 十坚心 see styles |
shí jiān xīn shi2 jian1 xin1 shih chien hsin jū kenshin |
ten firm states of mind |
四堅信 四坚信 see styles |
sì jiān xìn si4 jian1 xin4 ssu chien hsin shi kenshin |
The four firm or 四不懷信 indestructible beliefs, in the Buddha, the law, the order, and the commandments. |
堅信禮 坚信礼 see styles |
jiān xìn lǐ jian1 xin4 li3 chien hsin li |
confirmation (Christian ceremony) |
堅力持 坚力持 see styles |
jiān lì chí jian1 li4 chi2 chien li ch`ih chien li chih kenrikiji |
holding with the power of firmness |
堅叔迦 坚叔迦 see styles |
jiān shú jiā jian1 shu2 jia1 chien shu chia kenshukuka |
(Skt. kiṃśuka) |
堅固性 坚固性 see styles |
jiān gù xìng jian1 gu4 xing4 chien ku hsing |
firmness |
堅固想 坚固想 see styles |
jiān gù xiǎng jian1 gu4 xiang3 chien ku hsiang kenko sō |
steadfast thought |
堅固意 坚固意 see styles |
jiān gù yì jian1 gu4 yi4 chien ku i kenkoi |
Firm-willed, name of a bodhisattva in the Garbhadhatu. |
堅固慧 坚固慧 see styles |
jiān gù huì jian1 gu4 hui4 chien ku hui Kenko e |
Strong in wisdom, ditto. |
堅固林 坚固林 see styles |
jiān gù lín jian1 gu4 lin2 chien ku lin Kengo rin |
Śāla Forest |
堅固願 坚固愿 see styles |
jiān gù yuàn jian1 gu4 yuan4 chien ku yüan kenko gan |
firm vow(s) |
堅定性 坚定性 see styles |
jiān dìng xìng jian1 ding4 xing4 chien ting hsing |
firmness; steadfastness |
堅實心 坚实心 see styles |
jiān shí xīn jian1 shi2 xin1 chien shih hsin kenjitsu shin |
With firm heart. |
堅振禮 坚振礼 see styles |
jiān zhèn lǐ jian1 zhen4 li3 chien chen li |
confirmation (Christian ceremony) |
得堅固 得坚固 see styles |
dé jiān gù de2 jian1 gu4 te chien ku toku kenko |
become firm (strong) |
比堅尼 比坚尼 see styles |
bǐ jiān ní bi3 jian1 ni2 pi chien ni |
see 比基尼[bi3 ji1 ni2] |
美利堅 美利坚 see styles |
měi lì jiān mei3 li4 jian1 mei li chien |
America |
象堅山 象坚山 see styles |
xiàng jiān shān xiang4 jian1 shan1 hsiang chien shan Zōken san |
Pīlusāragiri, a mountain southwest of Kapiśā, on the top of which Aśoka erected a stūpa, the Pīlusāra-stūpa. |
黃庭堅 黄庭坚 see styles |
huáng tíng jiān huang2 ting2 jian1 huang t`ing chien huang ting chien |
Huang Tingjian (1045-1105), Song poet and calligrapher |
三不堅法 三不坚法 see styles |
sān bù jiān fǎ san1 bu4 jian1 fa3 san pu chien fa sanfuken hō |
Three unstable things — the body, length of life, wealth. |
乘堅策肥 乘坚策肥 see styles |
chéng jiān cè féi cheng2 jian1 ce4 fei2 ch`eng chien ts`e fei cheng chien tse fei |
to live in luxury; lit. to ride a solid carriage pulled by fat horses |
堅不可摧 坚不可摧 see styles |
jiān bù kě cuī jian1 bu4 ke3 cui1 chien pu k`o ts`ui chien pu ko tsui |
More info & calligraphy: Unbreakable / Indestructible |
堅力持性 坚力持性 see styles |
jiān lì chí xìng jian1 li4 chi2 xing4 chien li ch`ih hsing chien li chih hsing kenrikiji shō |
tenacity |
堅固勇猛 坚固勇猛 see styles |
jiān gù yǒng měng jian1 gu4 yong3 meng3 chien ku yung meng kenko yōmō |
resolute strenuous effort |
堅固對治 坚固对治 see styles |
jiān gù duì zhì jian1 gu4 dui4 zhi4 chien ku tui chih kenko taiji |
resolute correction |
堅固意樂 坚固意乐 see styles |
jiān gù yì yào jian1 gu4 yi4 yao4 chien ku i yao kenko igyō |
firm intention |
堅固相續 坚固相续 see styles |
jiān gù xiāng xù jian1 gu4 xiang1 xu4 chien ku hsiang hsü kenko sōzoku |
firmly continuing |
堅壁清野 坚壁清野 see styles |
jiān bì qīng yě jian1 bi4 qing1 ye3 chien pi ch`ing yeh chien pi ching yeh |
to fortify defenses and raze the fields (idiom); to leave nothing for the invader; scorched earth policy |
堅如磐石 坚如磐石 see styles |
jiān rú pán shí jian1 ru2 pan2 shi2 chien ju p`an shih chien ju pan shih |
solid as a boulder (idiom); absolutely secure; rock-firm and unyielding |
堅定不移 坚定不移 see styles |
jiān dìng bù yí jian1 ding4 bu4 yi2 chien ting pu i |
unswerving; unflinching |
堅尼係數 坚尼系数 see styles |
jiān ní xì shù jian1 ni2 xi4 shu4 chien ni hsi shu |
(HK) see 基尼係數|基尼系数[Ji1ni2 xi4shu4] |
堅強不屈 坚强不屈 see styles |
jiān qiáng bù qū jian1 qiang2 bu4 qu1 chien ch`iang pu ch`ü chien chiang pu chü |
staunch and unyielding (idiom); steadfast |
堅忍不拔 坚忍不拔 see styles |
jiān rěn bù bá jian1 ren3 bu4 ba2 chien jen pu pa |
fortitude |
堅慧論師 坚慧论师 see styles |
jiān huì lùn shī jian1 hui4 lun4 shi1 chien hui lun shih Ken'e ronshi |
Treatise Master Sthiramati |
堅持下去 坚持下去 see styles |
jiān chí xià qù jian1 chi2 xia4 qu4 chien ch`ih hsia ch`ü chien chih hsia chü |
to press on |
堅持不懈 坚持不懈 see styles |
jiān chí - bù xiè jian1 chi2 - bu4 xie4 chien ch`ih - pu hsieh chien chih - pu hsieh |
(idiom) to persevere unremittingly; to keep going until the end |
堅持不渝 坚持不渝 see styles |
jiān chí bù yú jian1 chi2 bu4 yu2 chien ch`ih pu yü chien chih pu yü |
to stick to something without change (idiom); to persevere |
堅持禁戒 坚持禁戒 see styles |
jiān chí jīn jiè jian1 chi2 jin1 jie4 chien ch`ih chin chieh chien chih chin chieh kenji gonkai |
to observe the precepts strictly |
堅滿菩薩 坚满菩萨 see styles |
jiān mǎn pú sà jian1 man3 pu2 sa4 chien man p`u sa chien man pu sa Kenman bosatsu |
Dhṛtiparipūrṇa, the firm and complete Bodhisattva, who is to be Buddha Padma-vṛṣabha-vikrāmin, attending on Padmaprabha. |
堅牢地天 坚牢地天 see styles |
jiān láo dì tiān jian1 lao2 di4 tian1 chien lao ti t`ien chien lao ti tien Kenrō jiten |
Pṛthivī |
堅牢地祇 坚牢地祇 see styles |
jiān láo dì qí jian1 lao2 di4 qi2 chien lao ti ch`i chien lao ti chi Kenrō jigi |
Pṛthivī |
堅牢地神 坚牢地神 see styles |
jiān láo dì shén jian1 lao2 di4 shen2 chien lao ti shen Kenrō jijin |
(or 堅牢地天, or 堅牢地祇) The earth-goddess, or deity, or spirits. |
堅若磐石 坚若磐石 see styles |
jiān ruò pán shí jian1 ruo4 pan2 shi2 chien jo p`an shih chien jo pan shih |
rock-solid |
堅苦卓絕 坚苦卓绝 see styles |
jiān kǔ zhuó jué jian1 ku3 zhuo2 jue2 chien k`u cho chüeh chien ku cho chüeh |
persisting despite trials and tribulations (idiom); conspicuous determination |
堅著不捨 坚着不舍 see styles |
jiān zhuó bù shě jian1 zhuo2 bu4 she3 chien cho pu she kenjaku fusha |
rigidly attached, unable to relinquish |
堅誓師子 坚誓师子 see styles |
jiān shì shī zǐ jian1 shi4 shi1 zi3 chien shih shih tzu Kensei Shishi |
The firmly vowing lion, i.e. Sakyamuni in a previous incarnation. |
堅貞不屈 坚贞不屈 see styles |
jiān zhēn bù qū jian1 zhen1 bu4 qu1 chien chen pu ch`ü chien chen pu chü |
faithful and unchanging (idiom); steadfast |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "坚" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
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