There are 186 total results for your 世間 search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...
12>Characters | Pronunciation Romanization |
Simple Dictionary Definition |
世間 世间 see styles |
shì jiān shi4 jian1 shih chien sema せま |
world; earth world; society; people; the public; (personal name) Sema The world; in the world; the finite impermanent world, idem 世界. |
世間乘 世间乘 see styles |
shì jiān shèng shi4 jian1 sheng4 shih chien sheng seken jō |
The vehicle, or teaching for the attainment of good fruit in the present life, in contrast with 出世間乘 that for attainment in lives outside this world. |
世間事 世间事 see styles |
shì jiān shì shi4 jian1 shi4 shih chien shih seken ji |
worldly affairs |
世間人 世间人 see styles |
shì jiān rén shi4 jian1 ren2 shih chien jen seken nin |
worldly people |
世間位 世间位 see styles |
shì jiān wèi shi4 jian1 wei4 shih chien wei sekeni |
mundane status |
世間体 see styles |
sekentei / sekente せけんてい |
appearance (in the eyes of society); decency |
世間依 世间依 see styles |
shì jiān yī shi4 jian1 yi1 shih chien i seken e |
basis of the world |
世間善 世间善 see styles |
shì jiān shàn shi4 jian1 shan4 shih chien shan seken zen |
mundane goodness |
世間喧 世间喧 see styles |
shì jiān xuān shi4 jian1 xuan1 shih chien hsüan seken ken |
worldly clamor |
世間因 世间因 see styles |
shì jiān yīn shi4 jian1 yin1 shih chien yin seken in |
mundane cause(s) |
世間天 世间天 see styles |
shì jiān tiān shi4 jian1 tian1 shih chien t`ien shih chien tien seken ten |
World-devas, i. e. earthly kings. |
世間常 世间常 see styles |
shì jiān cháng shi4 jian1 chang2 shih chien ch`ang shih chien chang seken jō |
the world is permanent |
世間心 世间心 see styles |
shì jiān xīn shi4 jian1 xin1 shih chien hsin seken shin |
mundane mentality |
世間愛 世间爱 see styles |
shì jiān ài shi4 jian1 ai4 shih chien ai seken ai |
mundane thirst |
世間慧 世间慧 see styles |
shì jiān huì shi4 jian1 hui4 shih chien hui seken'e |
conventional wisdom |
世間智 世间智 see styles |
shì jiān zhì shi4 jian1 zhi4 shih chien chih seken chi せけんち |
worldly wisdom; knowledge of the ways of the world Worldly knowledge, i. e. that of ordinary men and those unenlightened by Buddhism. |
世間果 世间果 see styles |
shì jiān guǒ shi4 jian1 guo3 shih chien kuo seken ka |
worldly rewards |
世間様 see styles |
sekensama せけんさま |
(honorific or respectful language) world; society |
世間樂 世间乐 see styles |
shì jiān lè shi4 jian1 le4 shih chien le seken raku |
mundane enjoyment |
世間檀 世间檀 see styles |
shì jiān tán shi4 jian1 tan2 shih chien t`an shih chien tan seken dan |
Worldly dāna, or giving, i. e. with thoughts of possession, meum, tūm, and the thing given, v. 三礙. |
世間法 世间法 see styles |
shì jiān fǎ shi4 jian1 fa3 shih chien fa seken bō |
The world law, or law of this world, especially of birth-and-death; in this respect it is associated with the first two of the four dogmas, i, e. 苦 suffering, and 集 its accumulated consequences in karma. |
世間淨 世间淨 see styles |
shì jiān jìng shi4 jian1 jing4 shih chien ching seken jō |
mundane purity |
世間瀬 see styles |
yomase よませ |
(surname) Yomase |
世間的 see styles |
sekenteki せけんてき |
(adjectival noun) public (attention, recognition, etc.); social (standing, acceptance, etc.); worldly (fame, desires, etc.) |
世間相 世间相 see styles |
shì jiān xiàng shi4 jian1 xiang4 shih chien hsiang seken sō |
worldly signs |
世間眼 世间眼 see styles |
shì jiān yǎn shi4 jian1 yan3 shih chien yen seken gen |
The Eye of the world, the eye that sees for all men, i. e. the Buddha, who is also the one that opens the eyes of men. Worldly, or ordinary eyes. Also 世眼. |
世間知 see styles |
sekenchi せけんち |
worldly wisdom; knowledge of the ways of the world |
世間禪 世间禅 see styles |
shì jiān chán shi4 jian1 chan2 shih chien ch`an shih chien chan seken zen |
defiled state of concentration |
世間經 世间经 see styles |
shì jiān jīng shi4 jian1 jing1 shih chien ching Seken kyō |
A sutra discussing causality in regard to the first three of the Four Dogmas 苦諦, 集諦 and 滅諦 in the 阿含經 34. |
世間行 世间行 see styles |
shì jiān xíng shi4 jian1 xing2 shih chien hsing seken gyō |
activities in the manifest world |
世間解 世间解 see styles |
shì jiān jiě shi4 jian1 jie3 shih chien chieh seken ge |
lokavid, 路迦憊 tr. as 知世間 Knower of the world, one of the ten titles of a Buddha. |
世間話 see styles |
sekenbanashi せけんばなし |
gossip; chat |
世間說 世间说 see styles |
shì jiān shuō shi4 jian1 shuo1 shih chien shuo seken setsu |
common expression |
世間趣 世间趣 see styles |
shì jiān qù shi4 jian1 qu4 shih chien ch`ü shih chien chü seken shu |
mundane path |
世間道 世间道 see styles |
shì jiān dào shi4 jian1 dao4 shih chien tao seken dō |
mundane paths |
世間部 see styles |
yakabe やかべ |
(place-name) Yakabe |
三世間 三世间 see styles |
sān shì jiān san1 shi4 jian1 san shih chien san zeken |
There are two definitions: (1) The realms of 器 matter, of 衆生 life, and 智正覺 mind, especially the Buddha's mind. (2) The 五陰 psychological realm (mind), 衆生 realm of life, and 國土 or 器material realm. |
九世間 九世间 see styles |
jiǔ shì jiān jiu3 shi4 jian1 chiu shih chien ku seken |
The nine lower of the ten worlds, the highest or tenth being the Buddha-world; the nine are always subject to illusion, confused by the senses. |
二世間 二世间 see styles |
èr shì jiān er4 shi4 jian1 erh shih chien ni seken |
The two realms of conscious or sentient beings 有情世間, and unconscious or material things 器世間. |
人世間 人世间 see styles |
rén shì jiān ren2 shi4 jian1 jen shih chien nin seken |
the secular world human realm |
住世間 住世间 see styles |
zhù shì jiān zhu4 shi4 jian1 chu shih chien jū seken |
remains in the world |
俗世間 see styles |
zokuseken ぞくせけん |
(1) this world; earthly world; secular society; (2) ordinary world; everyday life; workaday world |
共世間 共世间 see styles |
gòng shì jiān gong4 shi4 jian1 kung shih chien gū seken |
sharing [the same basis] with the world |
出世間 出世间 see styles |
chū shì jiān chu1 shi4 jian1 ch`u shih chien chu shih chien shusseken しゅっせけん |
monastic life To go out of the world; the world (or life) beyond this; the supra-mundane; the spiritual world. |
加世間 see styles |
kaseken かせけん |
(place-name) Kaseken |
器世間 器世间 see styles |
qì shì jiān qi4 shi4 jian1 ch`i shih chien chi shih chien ki seken |
器世界; 器界 The world as a vessel containing countries and peoples; the material world, a realm of things. |
如世間 如世间 see styles |
rú shì jiān ru2 shi4 jian1 ju shih chien nyo seken |
worldly |
梵世間 梵世间 see styles |
fàn shì jiān fan4 shi4 jian1 fan shih chien bon seken |
brahma-world |
此世間 此世间 see styles |
cǐ shì jiān ci3 shi4 jian1 tz`u shih chien tzu shih chien shi seken |
this world |
照世間 照世间 see styles |
zhào shì jiān zhao4 shi4 jian1 chao shih chien shō seken |
illuminates the world |
現世間 现世间 see styles |
xiàn shì jiān xian4 shi4 jian1 hsien shih chien gen seken |
the present world |
知世間 知世间 see styles |
zhī shì jiān zhi1 shi4 jian1 chih shih chien chi seken |
lokavid. He who knows the world, one of the ten characteristics of a Buddha. |
諸世間 诸世间 see styles |
zhū shì jiān zhu1 shi4 jian1 chu shih chien sho seken |
[all] worldly |
陽世間 阳世间 see styles |
yáng shì jiān yang2 shi4 jian1 yang shih chien |
the world of the living |
離世間 离世间 see styles |
lí shì jiān li2 shi4 jian1 li shih chien ri seken |
detached from the mundane world |
順世間 see styles |
shùn shì jiān shun4 shi4 jian1 shun shih chien |
materialist |
世間さま see styles |
sekensama せけんさま |
(honorific or respectful language) world; society |
世間ずれ see styles |
sekenzure せけんずれ |
(noun/participle) worldly wise; sophisticated; street smart; knowledge of the world (acquired in the school of hard knocks); toughness |
世間なみ see styles |
sekennami せけんなみ |
(adjectival noun) ordinary; average |
世間の口 see styles |
sekennokuchi せけんのくち |
(exp,n) what people say; gossip; rumours; rumors |
世間の目 see styles |
sekennome せけんのめ |
(exp,n) spotlight; public eye; public's attention; goldfish bowl |
世間一般 see styles |
sekenippan せけんいっぱん |
(expression) the world in general; society; convention |
世間三昧 世间三昧 see styles |
shì jiān sān mèi shi4 jian1 san1 mei4 shih chien san mei seken zanmai |
mundane samādhi |
世間世俗 世间世俗 see styles |
shì jiān shì sú shi4 jian1 shi4 su2 shih chien shih su seken sezoku |
mundane conventionality |
世間並み see styles |
sekennami せけんなみ |
(adjectival noun) ordinary; average |
世間事業 世间事业 see styles |
shì jiān shì yè shi4 jian1 shi4 ye4 shih chien shih yeh seken jigō |
worldly affairs |
世間修道 世间修道 see styles |
shì jiān xiū dào shi4 jian1 xiu1 dao4 shih chien hsiu tao seken shudō |
mundane paths of cultivation |
世間出世 世间出世 see styles |
shì jiān chū shì shi4 jian1 chu1 shi4 shih chien ch`u shih shih chien chu shih sekenshusse |
mundane and supramundane |
世間名利 世间名利 see styles |
shì jiān míng lì shi4 jian1 ming2 li4 shih chien ming li seken myōri |
worldly fame and material profit |
世間周知 see styles |
sekenshuuchi / sekenshuchi せけんしゅうち |
common knowledge; widely known; known to everybody |
世間善心 世间善心 see styles |
shì jiān shàn xīn shi4 jian1 shan4 xin1 shih chien shan hsin seken zen shin |
mental state of mundane goodness |
世間因果 世间因果 see styles |
shì jiān yīn guǒ shi4 jian1 yin1 guo3 shih chien yin kuo seken inga |
mundane causation |
世間天院 世间天院 see styles |
shì jiān tiān yuàn shi4 jian1 tian1 yuan4 shih chien t`ien yüan shih chien tien yüan seken ten in |
The third court in the Garbhadhātu. |
世間富樂 世间富乐 see styles |
shì jiān fù lè shi4 jian1 fu4 le4 shih chien fu le seken furaku |
wordly success |
世間擦れ see styles |
sekenzure せけんずれ |
(noun/participle) worldly wise; sophisticated; street smart; knowledge of the world (acquired in the school of hard knocks); toughness |
世間文章 世间文章 see styles |
shì jiān wén zhāng shi4 jian1 wen2 zhang1 shih chien wen chang seken monshō |
materialist |
世間有邊 世间有边 see styles |
shì jiān yǒu biān shi4 jian1 you3 bian1 shih chien yu pien seken uhen |
the world is finite |
世間業智 世间业智 see styles |
shì jiān yè zhì shi4 jian1 ye4 zhi4 shih chien yeh chih seken gōchi |
karmic wisdom of the conventional world |
世間極成 世间极成 see styles |
shì jiān jí chéng shi4 jian1 ji2 cheng2 shih chien chi ch`eng shih chien chi cheng seken gokujō |
accepted by the world |
世間正見 世间正见 see styles |
shì jiān zhèng jiàn shi4 jian1 zheng4 jian4 shih chien cheng chien seken no shōken |
accurately seeing the [mundane] world |
世間治道 世间治道 see styles |
shì jiān zhì dào shi4 jian1 zhi4 dao4 shih chien chih tao sekenj idō |
conventional corrective practices |
世間淨智 世间淨智 see styles |
shì jiān jìng zhì shi4 jian1 jing4 zhi4 shih chien ching chih seken jōchi |
pure cognition at the mundane level |
世間淸淨 世间淸淨 see styles |
shì jiān qīng jìng shi4 jian1 qing1 jing4 shih chien ch`ing ching shih chien ching ching seken shōjō |
mundane purity |
世間無常 世间无常 see styles |
shì jiān wú cháng shi4 jian1 wu2 chang2 shih chien wu ch`ang shih chien wu chang seken mujō |
the world is impermanent |
世間無邊 世间无边 see styles |
shì jiān wú biān shi4 jian1 wu2 bian1 shih chien wu pien seken muhen |
the world is infiinte |
世間相違 世间相违 see styles |
shì jiān xiāng wéi shi4 jian1 xiang1 wei2 shih chien hsiang wei seken sōi |
Lokaviruddha; one of the thirty-three logical errors, to set up a premise contrary to human experience. |
世間眞實 世间眞实 see styles |
shì jiān zhēn shí shi4 jian1 zhen1 shi2 shih chien chen shih seken shinjitsu |
conventional reality |
世間禪定 世间禅定 see styles |
shì jiān chán dìng shi4 jian1 chan2 ding4 shih chien ch`an ting shih chien chan ting seken zenjō |
mundane meditative concentration |
世間般若 世间般若 see styles |
shì jiān bō rě shi4 jian1 bo1 re3 shih chien po je seken hannya |
mundane wisdom |
世間言說 世间言说 see styles |
shì jiān yán shuō shi4 jian1 yan2 shuo1 shih chien yen shuo seken gonsetsu |
conventional explanation |
世間離れ see styles |
sekenbanare せけんばなれ |
(noun/participle) becoming unworldly; being free from worldliness; not keeping up with social norms |
世間離欲 世间离欲 see styles |
shì jiān lí yù shi4 jian1 li2 yu4 shih chien li yü seken riyoku |
mundane indifference [to objects of desire] |
世間靜慮 世间静虑 see styles |
shì jiān jìng lǜ shi4 jian1 jing4 lv4 shih chien ching lü seken jōryo |
mundane meditation |
一切世間 一切世间 see styles |
yī qiè shì jiān yi1 qie4 shi4 jian1 i ch`ieh shih chien i chieh shih chien issai seken |
all worlds |
三種世間 三种世间 see styles |
sān zhǒng shì jiān san1 zhong3 shi4 jian1 san chung shih chien sanju seken |
v. 三世間. |
不共世間 不共世间 see styles |
bù gòng shì jiān bu4 gong4 shi4 jian1 pu kung shih chien fugū seken |
not sharing [the same basis] with the world |
世出世間 世出世间 see styles |
shì chū shì jiān shi4 chu1 shi4 jian1 shih ch`u shih chien shih chu shih chien seshusseken |
mundane and transmundane |
二種世間 二种世间 see styles |
èr zhǒng shì jiān er4 zhong3 shi4 jian1 erh chung shih chien nishu seken |
two kinds of worlds |
五蘊世間 五蕴世间 see styles |
wǔ yùn shì jiān wu3 yun4 shi4 jian1 wu yün shih chien goun seken |
(or 五陰世間 or 五衆世間) The worlds in which the five skandhas exist. |
五衆世間 五众世间 see styles |
wǔ zhòng shì jiān wu3 zhong4 shi4 jian1 wu chung shih chien goshu seken |
world of the five aggregates |
Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.
This page contains 100 results for "世間" in Chinese and/or Japanese.Information about this dictionary:
Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.
A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.
Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House
This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's
Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).
Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.
Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.
We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.
No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.
The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.