"Always" Chinese / Japanese Calligraphy Wall Scroll

You can choose from many options to create artwork with the Chinese characters / Asian symbols / Japanese Kanji for Always on a wall scroll or portrait.
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  1. Always Try to do Better

  2. Always with a Book in Hand

  3. You are always a beauty in your lover’s eyes

  4. Eternity / Always and Forever

  5. Always Be Prepared

  6. Always in My Heart

  7. God is Always With You

  8. God Is With You Always

  9. God is Always With Me

10. God is Always With You

11. Semper Fidelis / Always Faithful

12. Always Striving for Inner Strength

13. You are Always in My Heart

14. There is always a way out

15. Fix the roof before the rain; Dig the well before you are thirsty

16. Love Binds Us Together

17. Confidence / Faithful Heart

18. Dependable

19. Eternal Beauty

20. Eternal Friendship / Friends Forever

21. Eternal Love

22. Eternal / Eternity

23. Eternity / Forever

24. Extreme Faithfulness

25. Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight

26. Fear God

27. Forever In My Heart

28. Forever Love

29. God Bless You / God Be With You

30. Devout / Godly / Faithful

31. Faithful / Honorable / Trustworthy / Fidelity / Loyalty

32. Integrity: Sincere Honest and Faithful

33. Joshua 1:9

34. Eternal Love / Love Eternally

35. Love Forever / Love Eternal

36. Loyalty to Duty or Master

37. Loyalty / Faithful / Devoted

38. Miss You Forever

39. The Red String

40. Together Forever

41. Together Forever in Love

42. Have a Walking Stick at the Ready Before You Stumble

Always Try to do Better

 sara ni ue o me za su
Always Try to do Better Scroll

This Japanese proverb literally translates as: [After having achieved a fair degree of success,] one should still try to do better.

Others may translate this as “Always try to improve,” or “Always try to be better.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

See Also:  Never Give Up

Always with a Book in Hand

 shǒu bù shì juàn
Always with a Book in Hand Scroll

手不釋卷 is a Chinese proverb that literally means “always with a book in hand.”

It's a proverb said of a hardworking scholar or student.

This may refer to a student or scholar who is diligent and hardworking. It's a great gift for a student or scholar who loves books.

You are always a beauty in your lover’s eyes

 qíng rén yǎn lǐ chū xī shī
You are always a beauty in your lover’s eyes Scroll

Any woman with affection for Asian art will love a gift of this Chinese proverb calligraphy on a wall scroll.

She will melt in your arms as you tell her the meaning of these characters.

Contained in this phrase is a reference to the most beautiful woman in Chinese history. Her name was Xi Shi, and she was known to have good looks that need not have fine robes or makeup. Her charms were so powerful that she brought down an entire kingdom (in a successful effort to bring honor and pride back to her people).

情人眼里出西施 is a great way to express that the woman in your life is your one love.

Eternity / Always and Forever

 yǒng yuǎn
Eternity / Always and Forever Scroll

永遠 is the Chinese, Korean and Japanese word for forever.

If we take this word apart, the first character means always, forever, or perpetual. While the second character means far or distant.

See Also:  Immortality

Always Be Prepared

 bǎo dài gān liáng nuǎn dài yī
Always Be Prepared Scroll

饱带干粮暖带衣 is a proverb that translates as:
Carry [extra] food when [you are] full and [extra] clothes when [you are] warm.

Figuratively, this means:
Always be prepared for a rainy day.

Always in My Heart

 yǒng zhù wǒ xīn
Always in My Heart Scroll

永駐我心 is one of a few ways to write “always in my heart” or “forever in my heart” in Chinese.

The first character means eternal, forever, or always.

The second character means resides, in, or stationed (in the case of troops).

The third character means me, my, or mine.

The last character means heart (but can also mean mind or soul).

God is Always With You

God is With Me Always

 shàng dì yǔ nǐ cháng zài
God is Always With You Scroll

The direct translation of the Chinese characters, 上帝与你常在, is “God Together [with] You Always Exist.”

Keep in mind that Chinese grammar is sometimes very different from English. This makes perfect sense in Chinese.

Note: The title for God is the first two characters - the other words in the direct translation represent one character each.

God Is With You Always

 shàn dì zǒng shì yǔ nǐ tóng zài
God Is With You Always Scroll

I was going to write this phrase as “God is with me always” but as a wall scroll, hanging in your room, it is talking to you (you're not talking), so it works better with you.

上帝總是與你同在 is a nice phrase that any Chinese Christian would enjoy on his/her wall.

If I annotate this, it sounds a little strange in English but it's perfectly natural in Chinese:
上帝 God | 总是 always | 与 and | 你 you | 同 together | 在 existing

God is Always With Me

 kamisama wa itsumo watashi to issho ni iru
God is Always With Me Scroll

神さまはいつも私と一緒にいる is a Japanese phrase that means “God is always with me.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

God is Always With You

 kamisama wa itsumo watashi to anata to issho ni iru
God is Always With You Scroll

神さまはいつも貴方と一緒にいる is a Japanese phrase that means “God is always with you.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Semper Fidelis / Always Faithful

U.S. Marines Slogan

 yǒng yuǎn zhōng chéng
Semper Fidelis / Always Faithful Scroll

永遠忠誠 is the clearest and most natural way to translate “Semper Fidelis” or “Always Faithful” into Mandarin Chinese. 永遠忠誠 is meant explicitly for U.S. Marines who often use the shortened term “Semper Fi.”

The first two characters are a word that always means, forever, and/or eternally.
The last two characters are a word that means fidelity, loyal, and/or devotion.

I spent 10 years in the Marines, so it was a no-brainer to add this to our calligraphy database.

Semper Fidelis / Always Faithful

 tsune ni chuu sei wo
Semper Fidelis / Always Faithful Scroll

常に忠誠を is “Semper Fidelis” or “Always Faithful” in Japanese. This is specifically meant for U.S. Marines who often use the shortened term “Semper Fi.”

The first two Kanji mean “always” or “constantly.” The last three Kanji mean “faithful,” “loyal,” “devoted,” and/or “diligent.” It's most often read as “faithful.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Semper Fidelis / Always Faithful

 tsune ni chuu jitsu na
Semper Fidelis / Always Faithful Scroll

常に忠実な is an alternate way to write “Semper Fidelis” or “Always Faithful” in Japanese.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Always Striving for Inner Strength

 zì qiáng bú xī
Always Striving for Inner Strength Scroll

自強不息 is a proverb or idiom that suggests that the pursuit of self-improvement is eternal. It can also be a suggestion to strive unremittingly in life.

The first two characters mean inner strength with the idea of self-improvement. The last two characters mean “never rest” or “striving without giving up.”

Some will translate these four characters as “Exert and strive hard without any let-up.”

You are Always in My Heart

 nǐ yī zhí zài wǒ xīn zhōng
You are Always in My Heart Scroll

你一直在我心中 means “You are always in my heart” in Chinese.

你 = You
一直 = Always
在 = In/At
我 = Me/My
心中 = Heart/Mind

The idea or definition of heart and mind kind of overlap in ancient Chinese, so this can also mean “You are always in my mind.”

There is always a way out

Never say die

 tiān wú jué rén zhī lù
There is always a way out Scroll

天無絕人之路 is a proverb that means “Heaven never bars one's way,” “Don't despair and you will find a way through,” and “Never give up hope,” and is the Chinese way to say “Never say die.”

Fix the roof before the rain; Dig the well before you are thirsty

 bǔ lòu chèn tiān qíng wèi kě xiān jué jǐng
Fix the roof before the rain; Dig the well before you are thirsty Scroll

补漏趁天晴未渴先掘井 is a Chinese proverb that literally translates as: Mend the roof while the weather is fine, [and when you are] not yet thirsty, dig the well beforehand.

In simple terms, this means: Always being prepared in advance.

See Also:  Have a Walking Stick at the Ready Before You Stumble

Love Binds Us Together

 ai ha subete o kanzen ni musubu obi de aru
Love Binds Us Together Scroll

愛は全てを完全に結ぶ帯である is a Japanese phrase that suggests we (or a couple) are bound together by love.

I searched the web and found all of these English translation variations for this phrase:

Have love; The only way in which you may be completely joined together.

Love is the sash that perfectly binds us together.

Love is what binds us together

Love binds all things together in perfect unity.

This same Japanese phrase is used as part of Colossians 3:14 in at least one version of the Japanese Bible.

A few Biblical versions include:

...Charity, which is the bond of perfectness. (KJV)

...Love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. (NIV)

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Confidence / Faithful Heart

 xìn xīn
 shin jin
Confidence / Faithful Heart Scroll

信心 is a Chinese, Japanese, and Korean word that means confidence, faith, or belief in somebody or something.

The first character means faith, and the second can mean heart or soul. Therefore, you could say this means “faithful heart” or “faithful soul.”

In Korean especially, this word has a religious connotation.

In the old Japanese Buddhist context, this was a word for citta-prasāda (clear or pure heart-mind).
In modern Japan (when read by non-Buddhists), this word is usually understood as “faith,” “belief,” or “devotion.”

See Also:  Self-Confidence

 jiān yì kě kào
Dependable Scroll

The first two characters mean resolute with firm determination.
The second two characters mean reliable.

Together, this creates a 4-character expression that means dependable.

Eternal Beauty

 yǒng héng de měi
Eternal Beauty Scroll

永恆的美 is how to write “Eternal Beauty” in Chinese.

Eternal Friendship / Friends Forever

 ei en no yuu
Eternal Friendship / Friends Forever Scroll

永遠の友 is a Japanese phrase about eternal friendship.

The first two characters mean eternal, eternity, perpetuity, forever, immortality, and permanence.

The third character is a possessive article which sort of makes this selection mean “Love, of the eternal kind.”

The last character is “friend” or “Friendship.”

See Also:  Best Friends

Eternal Love

 ei en no ai
Eternal Love Scroll

永遠の愛 is a great way to write “Eternal Love” in Japanese.

The first two characters mean eternal, eternity, perpetuity, forever, immortality, and permanence.

The third character is a possessive article which sort of makes this selection mean “Love, of the eternal kind.”

The last character is “love.”

Cultural note: Most of the time, it is taboo to use the word “love” in Japanese. For instance, a Japanese man will say, “I like you,” rather than, “I love you,” to his spouse/girlfriend. However, this entry for eternal love is acceptable because of the way it is composed.

This entry is only appropriate if your audience is Japanese. We also have a Chinese version of this eternal love.

Eternal / Eternity

 yǒng héng
Eternal / Eternity Scroll

永恆 is the Chinese word for eternity.

The first character means always, forever, and perpetual. The second character holds the meaning of permanent. Together, they create a word that means eternal, eternally, or infinite time.

See Also:  Immortality

Eternity / Forever

Eternity / Forever Scroll

永 is the simplest form of eternity or “always and forever.”

永 can sometimes mean forever, always, perpetual, infinite, or “without end,” depending on context.

Note: Not often seen as a single Kanji in Japanese. Best if your audience is Chinese.

See Also:  Forever | Ever Lasting

Extreme Faithfulness

 tei retsu
Extreme Faithfulness Scroll

貞烈 is the Japanese Kanji for “Extreme Faithfulness.”

The first Kanji means “firm adherence to one's principles,” chastity (of a woman), chaste, etc.

The second Kanji means ardent, intense, fierce, stern, upright, to give one's life for a noble cause, exploits, achievements, virtuous, and in some contexts, heroic.

Now you get the idea why this refers to someone who is extremely faithful (to a cause, themselves, their religious beliefs, or their philosophy.

Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight

Always rising after a fall or repeated failures

 shichi ten hakki / nana korobi ya oki
Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight Scroll

七転八起 is a Japanese proverb that relays the vicissitudes of life, with the meaning “seven times down eight times up.”

Some would more naturally translate it into English as “Always rising after a fall or repeated failures” or compare it to the English, “If at first, you don't succeed, try, try again.”

The first Kanji is literally “7.” The second means “fall down” (sometimes this Kanji means “turn around,” “revolve” or “turn over” but in this case, it holds the meaning of “fall”). The third is “8.” And the last is “get up,” “rouse,” or “rise.”

Basically, if you fail 7 times, you should recover from those events and be prepared to rise an 8th time. This also applies if it is the world or circumstances that knock you down seven times...
...just remember that you have the ability to bounce back from any kind of adversity.

Note: This can be pronounced in two ways. One is “shichi ten hakki” or “shichitenhakki.” The other is “nana korobi ya oki” also written, “nanakorobi-yaoki.”

Special Note: The second character is a Kanji that is not used in China. Therefore, please select a Japanese calligrapher for this title.

 jìng wèi shàng dì
Fear God Scroll

敬畏上帝 is probably the best way to translate the Christian English phrase “Fear God” into Chinese.

The first two characters mean to revere, be in awe of, or a general term of reverence. It can mean fear, but only in the context of respect or fear of authority.

Forever In My Heart

 yǒng yuǎn zài wǒ xīn zhōng
Forever In My Heart Scroll

永远在我心中 means “forever in my heart” or “always in my heart” in Chinese.

Forever In My Heart

 yǒng yuǎn zài wǒ xīn
Forever In My Heart Scroll

永遠在我心 means “forever in my heart” or “always in my heart” in Chinese.

This is the shorter, somewhat lyrical version of this phrase.

永遠 forever/eternal
在 at/in/exists
我 me/myself/my
心 heart/mind/soul

Forever In My Heart

  i tsu ma de mo watashi no kokoro no naka ni
Forever In My Heart Scroll

いつまでも私の心の中に means “forever in my heart” or “always in my heart” in Japanese.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Forever In My Heart

 ei en ni watashi no kokoro no naka ni
Forever In My Heart Scroll

永遠に私の心の中に means “forever in my heart” or “always in my heart” in Japanese.

The character breakdown:
永遠 (eien) eternity; perpetuity; immortality; permanence.
に (ni) indicates the location of a person or thing.
私の (watashi no) my; mine.
心の中 (kokoro no naka) the middle of one's mind; the midst of one's heart.
に (ni) indicates the location of a person or thing (makes this “in” the middle of one's heart).

Note: There’s more than one way to say "Forever in My Heart" in Japanese, so you’ll find another version in our database. This is the very verbose version.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Forever Love

 yǒng yuǎn de ài
Forever Love Scroll

永遠的愛 refers to love that will last forever.

The first two characters mean forever, eternal, eternity, perpetuity, immortality, and/or permanence.

The third character is a possessive article which sort of makes this selection mean “The forever kind of love.”

The last character is “love.”

See Also:  Eternal Love Always

God Bless You / God Be With You

 kami sa ma ga mamo ru you ni
God Bless You / God Be With You Scroll

神さまが守るように is about as close as you can get to, “God Bless You” in Japanese.

This literally means “[May] God Protect [You].” It can also mean “God is Always With You,” as the word in this phrase that means “protect” can also mean to follow or be with. In fact, the Japanese dictionary entry for that word reads like this: to protect; to guard; to defend; to keep (i.e. a promise); to abide; to observe; to follow.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Devout / Godly / Faithful

Devout / Godly / Faithful Scroll

信心深い is a Japanese word that means deeply religious, devout, godly, and/or faithful.

Faithful / Honorable / Trustworthy / Fidelity / Loyalty

 xìn yì
Faithful / Honorable / Trustworthy / Fidelity / Loyalty Scroll

信義 is a word often used to describe a person with an honest and loyal reputation.

Simply put, this applies to somebody you can trust (with your life).

In Chinese, this is often defined as good faith, honor, trust, and justice.
In Korean, this word means fidelity, truthfulness, or faithfulness.
In Japanese: faith, fidelity, and loyalty. It's also a Japanese male given name when pronounced “Nobuyoshi.”

Integrity: Sincere Honest and Faithful

 sei jitsu
Integrity: Sincere Honest and Faithful Scroll

誠実 is the Japanese version of integrity which can also be defined as a combination of “sincere, honest, and faithful.”

Some may also define this as “loyal” or “loyalty.” In some contexts, it can mean “genuine.” Yes, all of this meaning in just one Japanese word!

Joshua 1:9

Do not be afraid, God is always with you

 anata ga doko e iku ni mo anata no kami omo ga tomoni ora reru yue osorete wa naranai ononoite wa naranai
Joshua 1:9 Scroll

あなたがどこへ行くにもあなたの神主が共におられるゆえ恐れてはならないおののいてはならない is a Japanese translation of a large portion of Joshua 1:9.

The Japanese passage includes, “The Lord God is with you wherever you are; Therefore do not fear or be discouraged.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Eternal Love / Love Eternally

 ài yǒng héng
Eternal Love / Love Eternally Scroll

愛永恆 is the shortest way to express the idea of “love eternally” in Chinese.

The first character here means “love”

The last two mean eternal, eternally, everlasting, and/or perpetual.

See Also:  Love Forever

Love Forever / Love Eternal

 ài yǒng yuǎn
 ai ei en
Love Forever / Love Eternal Scroll

The first character here means “love.”

The last two mean forever, eternity, eternal, perpetuity, immortality, and/or permanence.

愛永遠 is the shortest and most universal way to express this idea in Chinese and Japanese.

Japanese note: This sound more like a title than a phrase in Japanese (if that makes any sense). 愛永遠 is a great title for a romantic book, the title of a movie, the name of a perfume, or even a name for a store.

See Also:  Eternal Love | Forever Love

Loyalty to Duty or Master

Loyalty to Duty or Master Scroll

忠 is the simplest way to write the word loyalty in Chinese and Japanese.

A single character like this leaves the meaning open. But alone, a Chinese or Japanese person would think of loyalty to duty or loyalty to one's master (in ancient times). I suppose that it could be loyalty to your boss or company in this day in age.

忠 can also mean fidelity or faithfulness.

This can also be romanized as “chung.”

Loyalty / Faithful / Devoted

 chuujitsu / chuugi
Loyalty / Faithful / Devoted Scroll

忠実 is a Japanese way to write “Loyalty” - it also contains the ideas of being faithful, devoted, true, and obedient.

The second character is a modified form only used in the Japanese lexicon; however, Chinese speakers can easily guess the meaning.

This is also a virtue of the Samurai Warrior
See our page with just Code of the Samurai / Bushido here

Miss You Forever

 yǒng yuǎn xiǎng niàn nǐ
Miss You Forever Scroll

永遠想念你 is how to write “missing you forever” in Chinese.

The first two characters mean “forever” or “eternally.”
The third and fourth characters mean “missing” or “longing for.”
The last character means “you.”

This might suggest that you are missing someone whom you will never see again (depending on how you read it, or in what context it is used).

The Red String

Thread of Lover's Destiny / Fate

 akai ito
The Red String Scroll

This literally translates as “the red string” or “the red thread” in Japanese, but the real meaning is much deeper...

In Japanese culture, it's believed that fate, destiny, or karma joins lovers by an unseen string, tied around one little finger of each. 赤い糸 is how soul mates find and are drawn to each other.

The Japanese concept of the red thread of fate, by most estimations, comes from Chinese folklore, where it's known as 姻緣紅線. The only difference is that in China, the celestial red thread is tied around the ankles of the lovers (versus what is usually represented as the pinky finger in Japan).

Together Forever

 yǒng yuǎn zài yī qǐ
Together Forever Scroll

永遠在一起 is “together forever” in Chinese.

This is a great idea for couples making a commitment of a lifetime.

Together Forever

 zutto issho
Together Forever Scroll

ずっと一緒 is “together forever” in Japanese.

The first three characters mean “continuously,” “throughout,” “all along,” “the whole time,” or “all the way.”

The last two Kanji mean “together.”

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Together Forever in Love

 yǒng yuǎn ài zài yī qǐ
Together Forever in Love Scroll

永遠愛在一起 is “together forever in love” in Chinese.

It's a nice phrase if you're a couple who plans to stay together and make your love last as long as you live.

Have a Walking Stick at the Ready Before You Stumble

 koro ba nu saki no tsue
Have a Walking Stick at the Ready Before You Stumble Scroll

転ばぬ先の杖 is a Japanese proverb that literally translates as: Have a walking stick ready before stumbling.

This is similar to the English idiom, “A stitch in time saves nine.”

In simple terms, this means: Always being prepared in advance.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

See Also:  Fix Roof Before the Rain; Dig the Well Before You Are Thirsty

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Always Try to do Better更に上を目指すsara ni ue o me za su
Always with a Book in Hand手不釋卷
shǒu bù shì juàn
shou3 bu4 shi4 juan4
shou bu shi juan
shou pu shih chüan
You are always a beauty in your lover’s eyes情人眼里出西施qíng rén yǎn lǐ chū xī shī
qing2 ren2 yan3 li3 chu1 xi1 shi1
qing ren yan li chu xi shi
ch`ing jen yen li ch`u hsi shih
ching jen yen li chu hsi shih
Always and Forever
ei-enyǒng yuǎn
yong3 yuan3
yong yuan
yung yüan
Always Be Prepared飽帶干糧暖帶衣
bǎo dài gān liáng nuǎn dài yī
bao3 dai4 gan1 liang2 nuan3 dai4 yi1
bao dai gan liang nuan dai yi
pao tai kan liang nuan tai i
Always in My Heart永駐我心
yǒng zhù wǒ xīn
yong3 zhu4 wo3 xin1
yong zhu wo xin
yung chu wo hsin
God is Always With You上帝與你常在
shàng dì yǔ nǐ cháng zài
shang4 di4 yu3 ni3 chang2 zai4
shang di yu ni chang zai
shang ti yü ni ch`ang tsai
shang ti yü ni chang tsai
God Is With You Always上帝總是與你同在
shàn dì zǒng shì yǔ nǐ tóng zài
shan4 di4 zong3 shi4 yu3 ni3 tong2 zai4
shan di zong shi yu ni tong zai
shan ti tsung shih yü ni t`ung tsai
shan ti tsung shih yü ni tung tsai
God is Always With Me神さまはいつも私と一緒にいるkamisama wa itsumo watashi to issho ni iru
kamisama wa itsumo watashi to isho ni iru
God is Always With You神さまはいつも貴方と一緒にいるkamisama wa itsumo watashi to anata to issho ni iru
kamisama wa itsumo watashi to anata to isho ni iru
Semper Fidelis
Always Faithful
yǒng yuǎn zhōng chéng
yong3 yuan3 zhong1 cheng2
yong yuan zhong cheng
yung yüan chung ch`eng
yung yüan chung cheng
Semper Fidelis
Always Faithful
常に忠誠をtsune ni chuu sei wo
tsune ni chu sei wo
Semper Fidelis
Always Faithful
常に忠実なtsune ni chuu jitsu na
tsune ni chu jitsu na
Always Striving for Inner Strength自強不息
zì qiáng bú xī
zi4 qiang2 bu2 xi1
zi qiang bu xi
tzu ch`iang pu hsi
tzu chiang pu hsi
You are Always in My Heart你一直在我心中nǐ yī zhí zài wǒ xīn zhōng
ni3 yi1 zhi2 zai4 wo3 xin1 zhong1
ni yi zhi zai wo xin zhong
ni i chih tsai wo hsin chung
There is always a way out天無絕人之路
tiān wú jué rén zhī lù
tian1 wu2 jue2 ren2 zhi1 lu4
tian wu jue ren zhi lu
t`ien wu chüeh jen chih lu
tien wu chüeh jen chih lu
Fix the roof before the rain; Dig the well before you are thirsty補漏趁天晴未渴先掘井
bǔ lòu chèn tiān qíng wèi kě xiān jué jǐng
bu3 lou4 chen4 tian1 qing2 wei4 ke3 xian1 jue2 jing3
bu lou chen tian qing wei ke xian jue jing
pu lou ch`en t`ien ch`ing wei k`o hsien chüeh ching
pu lou chen tien ching wei ko hsien chüeh ching
Love Binds Us Together愛は全てを完全に結ぶ帯であるai ha subete o kanzen ni musubu obi de aru
Faithful Heart
信心shin jin / shinjinxìn xīn / xin4 xin1 / xin xin / xinxinhsin hsin / hsinhsin
jiān yì kě kào
jian1 yi4 ke3 kao4
jian yi ke kao
chien i k`o k`ao
chien i ko kao
Eternal Beauty永恆的美
yǒng héng de měi
yong3 heng2 de mei3
yong heng de mei
yung heng te mei
Eternal Friendship
Friends Forever
永遠の友ei en no yuu
ei en no yu
Eternal Love永遠の愛ei en no ai
yǒng héng
yong3 heng2
yong heng
yung heng
eiyǒng / yong3 / yongyung
Extreme Faithfulness貞烈tei retsu / teiretsu
Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight七転八起shichi ten hakki / nana korobi ya oki
shichi ten haki / nana korobi ya oki
Fear God敬畏上帝jìng wèi shàng dì
jing4 wei4 shang4 di4
jing wei shang di
ching wei shang ti
Forever In My Heart永遠在我心中
yǒng yuǎn zài wǒ xīn zhōng
yong3 yuan3 zai4 wo3 xin1 zhong1
yong yuan zai wo xin zhong
yung yüan tsai wo hsin chung
Forever In My Heart永遠在我心
yǒng yuǎn zài wǒ xīn
yong3 yuan3 zai4 wo3 xin1
yong yuan zai wo xin
yung yüan tsai wo hsin
Forever In My Heartいつまでも私の心の中に i tsu ma de mo watashi no kokoro no naka ni
Forever In My Heart永遠に私の心の中にei en ni watashi no kokoro no naka ni
Forever Love永遠的愛
yǒng yuǎn de ài
yong3 yuan3 de ai4
yong yuan de ai
yung yüan te ai
God Bless You
God Be With You
神さまが守るようにkami sa ma ga mamo ru you ni
kami sa ma ga mamo ru yo ni
shingixìn yì / xin4 yi4 / xin yi / xinyihsin i / hsini
Integrity: Sincere Honest and Faithful誠實
sei jitsu / seijitsu
Joshua 1:9あなたがどこへ行くにもあなたの神主が共におられるゆえ恐れてはならないおののいてはならないanata ga doko e iku ni mo anata no kami omo ga tomoni ora reru yue osorete wa naranai ononoite wa naranai
Eternal Love
Love Eternally
ài yǒng héng
ai4 yong3 heng2
ai yong heng
ai yung heng
Love Forever
Love Eternal
ai ei en / aieienài yǒng yuǎn
ai4 yong3 yuan3
ai yong yuan
ai yung yüan
Loyalty to Duty or Masterchuu / chuzhōng / zhong1 / zhongchung
chuujitsu / chuugi
chujitsu / chugi
Miss You Forever永遠想念你
yǒng yuǎn xiǎng niàn nǐ
yong3 yuan3 xiang3 nian4 ni3
yong yuan xiang nian ni
yung yüan hsiang nien ni
The Red String赤い糸akai ito / akaiito
Together Forever永遠在一起
yǒng yuǎn zài yī qǐ
yong3 yuan3 zai4 yi1 qi3
yong yuan zai yi qi
yung yüan tsai i ch`i
yung yüan tsai i chi
Together Foreverずっと一緒zutto issho
zutto isho
Together Forever in Love永遠愛在一起
yǒng yuǎn ài zài yī qǐ
yong3 yuan3 ai4 zai4 yi1 qi3
yong yuan ai zai yi qi
yung yüan ai tsai i ch`i
yung yüan ai tsai i chi
Have a Walking Stick at the Ready Before You Stumble転ばぬ先の杖koro ba nu saki no tsue
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


Lookup in my Japanese & Chinese Dictionary

All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.