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Buddhist definition. Note: May not apply to all sects.
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There are 676 total results for your real search. I have created 7 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


see styles
 keiyakuritsu / keyakuritsu
contract completion rate (esp. in real estate); contract ratio



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rú shí yì
    ru2 shi2 yi4
ju shih i
 nyojitsu gi
real meaning


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one's real intention


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(exp,n) biological parent; real parent


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real world; outside world (e.g. the world outside of school)


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real experience; actual observations


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 jissuutai / jissutai
real number field


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real time


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 jisseikatsu / jissekatsu
real life; actual life; everyday life


see styles
real world; society


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 jitsukuukan / jitsukukan
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (See 運動量空間) position space (quantum mechanics); real space


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{comp} real storage


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(adjectival noun) (ant: 名目的・めいもくてき) substantial; real (as opposed to nominal)


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 jitsukansuu / jitsukansu
real variable function



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shí fēn xī
    shi2 fen1 xi1
shih fen hsi
real analysis; calculus of real variables



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shí shù zhí
    shi2 shu4 zhi2
shih shu chih
real-valued (math.); taking real numbers as values (of a function)



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shí shù jí
    shi2 shu4 ji2
shih shu chi
set of real numbers



see styles
shí shì yǒu
    shi2 shi4 you3
shih shih yu
 jitsu ze u
real being



see styles
shí sè shēn
    shi2 se4 shen1
shih se shen
 jitsushiki shin
The real Buddha-body, or his saṃbhogakāya in contrast with his nirmāṇakāya.


see styles
gōng dì xiù
    gong1 di4 xiu4
kung ti hsiu
concert held at a real estate development site to attract home buyers (Tw)


see styles
land agent; house agent; real estate agent


see styles
 ouyouhen / oyohen
set of problems (e.g. in a textbook) in which previously learned skills are applied to real world situations; practical assessment


see styles
xiǎng diān dào
    xiang3 dian1 dao4
hsiang tien tao
 sō tendō
Inverted thoughts or perceptions, i.e. the illusion of regarding the seeming as real.



see styles
chéng shí zōng
    cheng2 shi2 zong1
ch`eng shih tsung
    cheng shih tsung
 Jōjitsu shū
Satyasiddhi school of Buddhism
Satyasiddhi sect (Jap. Jōjitsu-shū), based upon the Satyasiddhi śāstra of Harivarman, v. 訶. tr. by Kumārajīva. In China it was a branch of the 三論 San Lun sect. It was a Hīnayāna variation of the śūnya 空 doctrine. The term is defined as perfectly establishing the real meaning of the sutras.


see styles
wǒ diān dào
    wo3 dian1 dao4
wo tien tao
 ga tendō
The illusion that the ego is real; also the incorrect view that the nirvana-ego is non-ego. One of the 四顚倒.



see styles
fáng dì chǎn
    fang2 di4 chan3
fang ti ch`an
    fang ti chan
real estate


see styles
fáng yá zi
    fang2 ya2 zi5
fang ya tzu
real estate agent (old)


see styles
suǒ zhī zhàng
    suo3 zhi1 zhang4
so chih chang
 shochi shō
The barrier of the known, arising from regarding the seeming as real.



see styles
fú chén gēn
    fu2 chen2 gen1
fu ch`en ken
    fu chen ken
 fujin kon
The external organs, i.e. of sight, etc., which aid the senses; 扶塵根 is also written 浮塵根 meaning fleeting, vacuous, these external things having an illusory existence; the real organs, or indriya, are the 正根 or 勝義根 which evolve the ideas.



see styles
mó hē yǎn
    mo2 he1 yan3
mo ho yen
(摩訶衍那) Mahāyāna, 大乘 q.v. the real Vehicle, in contrast with Hīnayāna 小乘. Also 摩訶夜那 (or 摩訶夜泥).


see styles
 suuchokusen / suchokusen
{math} number line (e.g. on a graph); real number line



see styles
màn tú luó
    man4 tu2 luo2
man t`u lo
    man tu lo
(Buddhism) (loanword from Sanskrit) mandala
mandala; Buddhist visual schema of the enlightened mind; (given name) Mandara
曼怛羅; 曼特羅; 曼陀羅; 曼拏羅; 蔓陀囉; 滿荼邏 maṇḍala, a circle, globe, wheel ring; "any circular figure or diagram" (M.W.); a magic circle; a plot or place of enlightenment; a round or square altar on which buddhas and bodhisattvas are placed; a group of such, especially the garbhadhātu and vajradhātu groups of the Shingon sect; these were arranged by Kōbō Daishi to express the mystic doctrine of the two dhātu by way of illustration, the garbhadhātu representing the 理 and the 因 principle and cause, the vajradhātu the 智 and the 果 intelligence (or reason) and the effect, i.e. the fundamental realm of being, and mind as inherent in it; v. 胎 and 金剛. The two realms are fundamentally one, as are the absolute and phenomenal, e.g. water and wave. There are many kinds of maṇḍalas, e.g. the group of the Lotus Sutra; of the 觀經; of the nine luminaries; of the Buddha's entering into nirvana, etc. The real purpose of a maṇḍala is to gather the spiritual powers together, in order to promote the operation of the dharma or law. The term is commonly applied to a magic circle, subdivided into circles or squares in which are painted Buddhist divinities and symbols. Maṇḍalas also reveal the direct retribution of each of the ten worlds of beings (purgatory, pretas, animals, asuras, men, devas, the heavens of form, formless heavens, bodhisattvas, and buddhas). Each world has its maṇḍala which represents the originating principle that brings it to completion. The maṇḍala of the tenth world indicates the fulfilment and completion of the nine worlds.


see styles
yǒu xiàng jiào
    you3 xiang4 jiao4
yu hsiang chiao
 usō kyō
The first twelve years of the Buddha's teaching, when he treated the phenomenal as real; v. 有空中.



see styles
yǒu dǐng huò
    you3 ding3 huo4
yu ting huo
 uchō waku
In the region of 有頂 (akaniṣṭha) there still exist the possibilities of delusion both in theory (or views) and practice, arising from the taking of the seeming for the real.


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(abbreviation) (slang) (See 本アカウント) main account (on social media, etc.); principal account; real-name account


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(adjectival noun) (1) genuine; real; authentic; standard; orthodox; (adjectival noun) (2) full-scale; full-blown; all-out; full-fledged; fully fledged; full; proper; real; earnest; serious


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(adverb) seriously; in earnest; for real; all out; really; with a will


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 hontouki / hontoki
full registration (e.g. real estate transaction); non-provisional registration


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lǐ zhèn fān
    li3 zhen4 fan1
li chen fan
Li Zhenfan (1940-1973), real name of the actor Bruce Lee 李小龍|李小龙[Li3 Xiao3 long2]


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 mozoutou / mozoto
metal fake sword (esp. one that greatly resembles a real sword)


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fǎ fēi fǎ
    fa3 fei1 fa3
fa fei fa
 hō hihō
dharmādharma; real and unreal; thing and nothing; being and non-being, etc.


see styles
huó shēng shēng
    huo2 sheng1 sheng1
huo sheng sheng
real (people); living (artist); while still alive (e.g. skinned alive)


see styles
actor with excellent acting abilities (as opposed to just good looks); actor of real skill


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 tokuteichuu / tokutechu
(1) (net-sl) (derogatory term) person who identifies someone's private information (esp. through online research); doxxer; doxer; Internet sleuth; (2) (net-sl) (derogatory term) person who identifies real-life locations or items appearing in anime, video games, etc.


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real money; cash


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the real world; reality; the actual world


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{photo} real photograph (printed on photo stock); original photograph


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 namazuryou / namazuryo
(archaism) (hist) inexperienced provincial governor (ritsuryō period); provincial governor with no real ability or power



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fā zhǎn shāng
    fa1 zhan3 shang1
fa chan shang
(real estate etc) developer



see styles
zhēn shí fǎ
    zhen1 shi2 fa3
chen shih fa
 shinjitsu hō
real dharma



see styles
zhēn pǔ xián
    zhen1 pu3 xian2
chen p`u hsien
    chen pu hsien
 Shin Fugen
A true P'u-hsien or Samantabhadra, a living incarnation of him.


see styles
zhēn rén bǎn
    zhen1 ren2 ban3
chen jen pan
real-life version (of some imaginary character)


see styles
the real criminal; true culprit



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shū qìng chūn
    shu1 qing4 chun1
shu ch`ing ch`un
    shu ching chun
Shu Qingchun (1899-1966), the real name of author Lao She 老舍[Lao3 She3]



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sà pó duō
    sa4 po2 duo1
sa p`o to
    sa po to
(薩婆多部) sarvāstivāda, the doctrine that all things are real, the school of this name, v. 有 and 一切有.



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zhòng shēng gòu
    zhong4 sheng1 gou4
chung sheng kou
 shujō ku
The common defilement of all beings by the false view that the ego has real existence.



see styles
xíng quán shí
    xing2 quan2 shi2
hsing ch`üan shih
    hsing chüan shih
 gyō gonjitsu
practicing the expedient and the real


see styles
 fudousan / fudosan
(joc) (pun on 不動産) unsellable property; real estate with negative value


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 chouyoshie / choyoshie
(f,h) Chō Yoshie (real name of Igawa Haruka) (1976.6.29-)


see styles
bá sù dǔ
    ba2 su4 du3
pa su tu
vastu, real, substance; intp. as the Vinaya, or part of it; may be tr. by 事, 物, 本, 有.



see styles
biàn yī yuán
    bian4 yi1 yuan2
pien i yüan
 hen e en
The three points of view: 遍計 which regards the seeming as real; 依他 which sees things as derived; 圓成 which sees them in their true nature; cf. 三性.


see styles
tí hú wèi
    ti2 hu2 wei4
t`i hu wei
    ti hu wei
 daigo mi
(1) the real pleasure (of something); the real thrill; the true charm; (2) flavour of ghee; delicious taste; (3) (Buddhist term) Buddha's gracious teachings
flavor of ghee


see styles
 juuinshoku / juinshoku
(used in real estate listings) full-scale eating and drinking (cf. lighter fare usu. served in cafes)



see styles
kāi fā shāng
    kai1 fa1 shang1
k`ai fa shang
    kai fa shang
developer (of real estate, a commercial product etc)



see styles
léi yà ěr
    lei2 ya4 er3
lei ya erh
real (Brazilian currency) (loanword)


see styles
fēi zhēn rú
    fei1 zhen1 ru2
fei chen ju
not real


see styles
fēi zhēn shí
    fei1 zhen1 shi2
fei chen shih
not real


see styles
(1) ornament; decoration; (2) figurehead; leader without real power


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 riito / rito
{finc} REIT; real estate investment trust


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 iimeiwaku / imewaku
(exp,n,adj-na) real nuisance; becoming inconvenienced by someone else's problems (through no fault of one's own)


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(abbreviation) inside story; the real story (behind something); story not generally known


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article offered at a bargain price; real bargain


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(1) the real pleasure (of something); the real thrill; the true charm; (2) flavour of ghee; delicious taste; (3) (Buddhist term) Buddha's gracious teachings


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(kana only) (ksb:) (See ほんま,ほんもの) genuine article; real thing; real deal


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(slang) real talk; serious conversation


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(noun - becomes adjective with の) (slang) (本物 said backwards) (See 本物・ほんもの) genuine article; real thing; real deal


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(noun/participle) (abbreviation) (colloquialism) (See リアルタイム) (watching in) real time; watching live



see styles
yī shí yuán zōng
    yi1 shi2 yuan2 zong1
i shih yüan tsung
 ichijitsuen shū
The one real and perfect school, i.e. the Tiantai or Lotus School.



see styles
yī zhǐ tóu chán
    yi1 zhi3 tou2 chan2
i chih t`ou ch`an
    i chih tou chan
 ichishi zu zen
The one finger-tip contemplation used by a certain monk to bring to another a conception of the universe. Also a parable in the 楞伽經 Laṅkāvatāra-sūtra. The Chan or Zen sect 禪宗 regard the sūtras merely as indicators, i.e. pointing fingers, their real object being only attained through personal mediation.


see styles
sān fó lì dǐ
    san1 fo2 li4 di3
san fo li ti
saṃvṛti, which means concealed, not apparent, is intp. as common ideas世俗諦 or phenomenal truth; it is also intp. as that which hides reality, or seems to be real, the seeming.



see styles
sān wěi yī zhēn
    san1 wei3 yi1 zhen1
san wei i chen
The three half-true, or partial revelations of the 小乘, 中乘 and 大乘, and the true one of the Lotus Sūtra.



see styles
sān quán yī shí
    san1 quan2 yi1 shi2
san ch`üan i shih
    san chüan i shih
 sangon ichijitsu
The Tiantai division of the schools of Buddhism into four, three termed 權temporary, i. e. 藏, 通 and 別 q.v. v. e fourth is the 實 or圓real or perfect School of SaIvation by faith to Buddhahood, especially as revealed in the Lotus Sutra, see 一實.


see styles
sān bǎi yóu xún
    san1 bai3 you2 xun2
san pai yu hsün
 sanbyaku yujun
The 300 yojanas parable of the Magic City, erected by a leader who feared that his people would become weary and return; i.e. Hīnayāna nirvāṇa, a temporary rest on the way to the real land of precious things, or true nirvāṇa; v. 法華化城品.



see styles
shàng qiú běn lái
    shang4 qiu2 ben3 lai2
shang ch`iu pen lai
    shang chiu pen lai
 jōgu honrai
Similar to the first half of 上求菩提下化衆生 Above to seek bodhi, below to save all. 本來 means the original or Buddha-nature, which is the real nature of all beings.


see styles
 fudousanya / fudosanya
real estate agent; realtor


see styles
 fudousangyou / fudosangyo
real estate business


see styles
 narabidaimyou / narabidaimyo
(1) someone who has a title but no real duty; useless person; (2) {kabuki} (original meaning) (See 大名) actor playing a daimyo who merely sets the scene as part of the background


see styles
 chuukobukken / chukobukken
pre-owned (real estate) property; used property; existing home


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(m,h) Kubo Taito (1977.6.26-); aka Tite Kubo, real name is Kubo Noriaki



see styles
jiǔ zhǒng dà chán
    jiu3 zhong3 da4 chan2
chiu chung ta ch`an
    chiu chung ta chan
 kushu daizen
The nine kinds of Mahāyāna dhyāna for bodhisattvas, given in the 菩薩地持經 6 and in other works; they are associated with the patience 忍 pāramitā and with the dhyāna of the super-realms. The nine are meditations: (1) 自性禪 on the original nature of things, or mind as the real nature, from which all things derive; (2) 一切禪 on achieving the development of self and all others to the utmost; (3) 難禪 on the difficulties of certain dhyāna conditions; (4) 一切禪 on the entrance to all the (superior) dhyāna conditions; (5) 善人禪 on the good; (6) 一切行禪 on all Mahāyāna practices and actions; (7) 除煩惱禪 on ridding all sufferers from the miseries of passion and delusion; (8) 此世他世樂禪 on the way to bring joy to all people both in this life and hereafter; (9) 淸淨淨禪 on perfect purity in the termination of all delusion and distress and the obtaining of perfect enlightenment.


see styles
stigmatized property; real estate where a crime, death, etc. has occurred


see styles
two-dimensional complex; people more interested in two-dimensional (i.e. anime or manga) girls than real people



see styles
wǔ zhì rú lái
    wu3 zhi4 ru2 lai2
wu chih ju lai
 gochi nyorai
五智五佛; 五佛; 五如來 The five Dhyāni-Buddhas, or Wisdom-Tathāgatas of the Vajradhātu 金剛界, idealizations of five aspects of wisdom; possibly of Nepalese origin. The Wisdom Buddha represents the dharmakāya or Buddha-mind, also the Dharma of the triratna, or trinity. Each evolves one of the five colours, one of the five senses, a Dhyani-bodhisattva in two forms onegracious, the other fierce, and a Mānuṣi-Buddha; each has his own śakti, i. e. feminine energy or complement; also his own bīja, or germ-sound 種子or 印 seal, i. e. 眞言 real or substantive word, the five being for 大日 aṃ, for 阿閦 hūṃ, for 寶生 ? hrīḥ, for 彌陀 ? aḥ, for 不 空 ? āḥ. The five are also described as the emanations or forms of an Ādi-Buddha, Vajrasattva; the four are considered by others to be emanations or forms of Vairocana as theSupreme Buddha. The five are not always described as the same, e. g. they may be 藥師 (or 王) Bhaiṣajya, 多寶 Prabhūtaratna, Vairocana, Akṣobhya, andeither Amoghasiddhi or Śākyamuni. Below is a classified list of the generally accepted five with certain particulars connected with them, butthese differ in different places, and the list can only be a general guide. As to the Dhyāni-bodhisattvas, each Buddha evolves three forms 五佛生五菩薩, 五金剛, 五忿怒, i. e. (1) a bodhisattva who represents the Buddha's dharmakāya, or spiritual body; (2) a vajra ordiamond form who represents his wisdom in graciousness; and (3) a fierce or angry form, the 明王 who represents his power against evil. (1) Vairocanaappears in the three forms of 轉法輪菩薩 Vajra-pāramitā Bodhisattva, 遍照金剛 Universally Shining Vajrasattva, and 不動明王 Ārya-Acalanātha Rāja; (2) Akṣobhya's three forms are 虛空藏 Ākāśagarbha, 如意 complete power, and 軍荼利明王 Kuṇḍalī-rāja; (3 ) Ratnasaṃbhava's are 普賢 Samantabhadra, 薩埵Sattvavajra, and 孫婆 or 降三世明王 Trailokyavijayarāja; (4) Amitābha's are 觀世音 Avalokiteśvara, 法金剛 Dharmarāja, and 馬頭明王 Hayagrīva, thehorse-head Dharmapāla; (5) Amoghasiddhi's are 彌勒 Maitreya, 業金剛Karmavajra, and 金剛夜叉 Vajrayakṣa. The above Bodhisattvas differ from those in the following list:
aṃlionSamantabhadra 普賢Krakucchanda
hūṃelephantVajrapāṇi 金剛力士Kanakamuni
?aḥhorseRatnapāṇi 寶手Kāśyapa
? hrīḥgoose or peacockAvalokiteśvara 觀音Śākyamuni

Arrival of the five wise Buddhas



see styles
wǔ zhǒng fǎ shēn
    wu3 zhong3 fa3 shen1
wu chung fa shen
 goshu hosshin
The five kinds of a Buddha's dharmakāya. There are four groups. I. (1) 如如智法身 the spiritual body of bhūtatathatā-wisdom; (2) 功德法身 of all virtuous achievement; (3) 自法身 of incarnation in the world; (4) 變化法身 of unlimited powers of transformation; (5) 虛空法身 of unlimited space; the first and second are defined as saṃbhogakāya, the third and fourth as nirmāṇakāya, and the fifth as the dharmakāya, but all are included under dharmakāya as it possesses all the others. II. The esoteric cult uses the first four and adds as fifth 法界身 indicating the universe as pan-Buddha. III. Huayan gives (1) 法性生身 the body or person of Buddha born from the dharma-nature. (2) 功德生身 the dharmakāya evolved by Buddha virtue, or achievement; (3) 變化法身 the dharmakāya with unlimited powers of transformation; (4) 實相法身 the real dharmakāya; (5) 虛 空法身 the universal dharmakāya. IV. Hīnayāna defines them as 五分法身 q. v.



see styles
yǐ jiǎ cóng shí
    yi3 jia3 cong2 shi2
i chia ts`ung shih
    i chia tsung shih
 ike jūjitsu
using the nominal to follow the real


see styles
off-market real estate sale; negotiated sale due to loan repayment issues



see styles
jiǎ shí chā bié
    jia3 shi2 cha1 bie2
chia shih ch`a pieh
    chia shih cha pieh
 kejitsu shabetsu
distinguish the nominal and the real



see styles
bā bù zhèng guān
    ba1 bu4 zheng4 guan1
pa pu cheng kuan
 happu shōkan
Meditation on the eight negations 八不. These eight, birth, death, etc., are the 八迷 eight misleading ideas, or 八計 eight wrong calculations. No objection is made to the terms in the apparent, or relative, sense 俗諦, but in the real or absolute sense 眞諦 these eight ideas are incorrect, and the truth lies between them ; in the relative, mortality need not be denied, but in the absolute we cannot speak of mortality or immortality. In regard to the relative view, beings have apparent birth and apparent death from various causes, but are not really born and do not really die, i.e. there is the difference of appearance and reality. In the absolute there is no apparent birth and apparent death. The other three pairs are similarly studied.


see styles
liù dà fǎ xìng
    liu4 da4 fa3 xing4
liu ta fa hsing
 rokudai hosshō
The unity in variety of the six elements and their products; ordinary eyes see only the differentiated forms or appearances, the sage or philosopher sees the unity.


see styles
fán xiǎo bā dào
    fan2 xiao3 ba1 dao4
fan hsiao pa tao
 bonshō hattō
The eight subverted views of common men and Hinayanists―counting the impermanent as permanent, the non-joy as joy, the non-ego as ego, the impure as pure; the really permanent as impermanent, the real joy, the true ego, the real purity as non-joy, non-ego, impurity; cf. 四德.

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "real" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary